Sr. Grandmaster
The gvt always knows best and always decides in your best interest huh?
Disturbing that you truly believe there is a difference and that it's the governments role to force it....
I suppose it's personal experience. Living in an area that wishes to force bible studies into schools etc, I do prefer the results of my German schooling. It is less wishy washy, and when you check the statistics, it produces greater results.
I think it is more worrisome that so many of you fear 'indoctrination' by the government through schools.
It clearly does not translate to other countries (since their political system is commonly not as broken as in the US)
and the results of the schooling still produce a broad spectrum of diverse thinking people, from the right leaning to the left.
And compared to the French system, Germany is a liberal haven.

But then again there is no counterpart to Faux News either. Balanced information, novel concept, and yes, the government also controls a couple of TV/Radio organizations.
Considering the schools do not have to spend the majority on standardized tests, they have time to teach critical thinking.