Home schoolers denied asylum...why?

Keep in mind, the killers in 1939 Germany didn't turn into killers in 1939...they started in the German education system...
Oh for God's sake. There is nothing wrong with children learning party line. How can they later seek to change the system if they don't even know what it is?
People often wonder why the German state was able to do what it did...it indoctrinated the youth to their beliefs. It did this through the education system which the government controlled.

Why didn't you pick a country like Sweden?

I did point out this...

Your education system may be fine today, and it may be fine tomorrow, but what about 20 years from now...who will be in control of it then?
Oh for God's sake. There is nothing wrong with children learning party line. How can they later seek to change the system if they don't even know what it is?

Really? It seems to me that it took a lot of Sherman Tanks, and aerial bombardment to "change" the German System...since they didn't seem to be planning on changing it themselves soon enough to save a whole bunch of people...
I don't believe I mentioned Hitler once...just the German school system...so...deal with it...to whom it may concern...
Really? It seems to me that it took a lot of Sherman Tanks, and aerial bombardment to "change" the German System...since they didn't seem to be planning on changing it themselves soon enough to save a whole bunch of people...
I think that is a bit delusional Bill, but you didn't answer my question. Prior to 1938 Germany had home schooling. Does that mean that home schooling caused all of Germany's problems? If you want to be pedantic there are very few criminals, dictators or other bad people who didn't begin their careers with a normal school education. By the same token, there would be very few highly esteemed members of the community that didn't start the same way.

But back to my question. What is the relevance of this statement?
Keep in mind, the killers in 1939 Germany didn't turn into killers in 1939...they started in the German education system...

I don't believe I mentioned Hitler once...just the German school system...so...deal with it...to whom it may concern...
But you posted pictures of Hitler Youth. Is there a link or are you suggesting it was the Hitler Youth who were responsible for WW2? :asian:
Actually, I posted pictures of German school children. The guys in charge of the German state are the ones responsible for WW2...and they controlled the German education system. Are you the A. who left the private note...if not the last post wasn't for you but for the other guy.
Actually, I posted pictures of German school children. The guys in charge of the German state are the ones responsible for WW2...and they controlled the German education system. Are you the A. who left the private note...if not the last post wasn't for you but for the other guy.
Mate! I'm happy to debate lots of things with you. We don't always agree but if ever I feel the need to send you a private note, rest assured, it will have my name on it. :asian:
The education system, when centralized give too much control over a countries children to a small group of people. The people of Germany were conditioned to not question the state, and they were conditioned through the education system. Are you telling me that German school children in the 1930's were all the product of homeschooling? Look at any totalitarian system...education is used to indoctrinate the youth...from North Korea, to any of the tin pot dictators around the world...that is what can happen when the education system is idolized by it's people and allowed to take children away from their family because they want their children educated differently than the state mandates.
Yeah, I didn't think it was you, but I don't know your real name so I was just checking. I think I know who it was but I didn't want to P.M him back without knowing for sure...:angel:
The education system, when centralized give too much control over a countries children to a small group of people. The people of Germany were conditioned to not question the state, and they were conditioned through the education system. Are you telling me that German school children in the 1930's were all the product of homeschooling? Look at any totalitarian system...education is used to indoctrinate the youth...from North Korea, to any of the tin pot dictators around the world...that is what can happen when the education system is idolized by it's people and allowed to take children away from their family because they want their children educated differently than the state mandates.
Bill, in all countries most kids go to school. There are exceptions such as some very poor nations and girls miss out in some Muslim countries. Even allowing for home schooling at least 99% of children attend school. Within the school system in many countries there are public schools and their are private schools and in the main they deliver a comparable level of education. If you don't like the state supplied education you can elect to send your children to a school that may cater better to your beliefs. Except when there are isolated areas without schools, why is there even the need for home schooling. :asian:
I actually don't disagree with you K-man, I am just responding to the opinion that because German schools at this time are said to be very good, there is no reason to home school. And again, when education is centralized, it puts a lot of power in the hands of a few people...and if those people are evil...they will use the centralized education system for evil purposes.

Why is there a need to home school? Because some parents don't like what their kids are being taught in the public schools and perhaps, can't afford a private school. The problem I have is when the state mandates that you can't home school, and if you try, the state will take your kids away from you. Barring outright physical abuse, at what point is it okay for the state to just take kids from their parents because they disagree with the educational choice of the parents?

So, yes, I know, nobody gives a frogs behind what your religion is, you can opt out of the class in school. But you do not get to keep the kids home and teach them creationism as 'science' You can do that on your own time, and German schools leave you with enough of that.

Sorry gran, I don't want to create bad feelings by insulting your religious views, but 'evolutionism' isn't science. There is no evidence of macro-evolution. DarwinÂ’s Theory is actually an hypothesis that falls quite beyond the pale of the scientific method (observation, experimentation, and verification). It's just that most folks want to be thought of as "educated," and have been misled to believe that "all educated people believe in evolution." I think most people don't seek the truth - but rather seek what fits their personal desires, much like the people who indoctrinated them in the first place.

"Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless," ~ Professor Louis Bouroune

"One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator." ~ Dr. Michael Walker

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact." ~ Dr. T.N. Tahmisian
I actually don't disagree with you K-man, I am just responding to the opinion that because German schools at this time are said to be very good, there is no reason to home school. And again, when education is centralized, it puts a lot of power in the hands of a few people...and if those people are evil...they will use the centralized education system for evil purposes.

Why is there a need to home school? Because some parents don't like what their kids are being taught in the public schools and perhaps, can't afford a private school. The problem I have is when the state mandates that you can't home school, and if you try, the state will take your kids away from you. Barring outright physical abuse, at what point is it okay for the state to just take kids from their parents because they disagree with the educational choice of the parents?
And, in the main I agree with you, perhaps not to the same extreme :p . <this could become a love in>
However, I would like to make two points. Firstly there should be a mandatory requirement of testing to ensure the home schooling provided does not disadvantage the child. And, secondly, what made these people choose to illegally move to the US when the could have moved next door to Austria? :asian:
Sorry gran, I don't want to create bad feelings by insulting your religious views, but 'evolutionism' isn't science. There is no evidence of macro-evolution. Darwin&#8217;s Theory is actually an hypothesis that falls quite beyond the pale of the scientific method (observation, experimentation, and verification). It's just that most folks want to be thought of as "educated," and have been misled to believe that "all educated people believe in evolution." I think most people don't seek the truth - but rather seek what fits their personal desires, much like the people who indoctrinated them in the first place.

"Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless," ~ Professor Louis Bouroune

"One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator." ~ Dr. Michael Walker

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact." ~ Dr. T.N. Tahmisian
And perhaps a lot of people ignore science because they don't like the truth. :asian:
And perhaps a lot of people ignore science because they don't like the truth.

As do those who ignore religion because they also do not like the truth...:angel:
That's dirty pool Bill. Certainly Hitler introduced compulsory school education to get to the kids but that is not the case is other countries that it could be argued only want to ensure that ALL children have access to education. You quote three communist countries and one ex-communist country to back your argument. Why didn't you pick a country like Sweden? In fact, in countries like China, Vietnam and Cuba there is such rural poverty that without compulsory school education it is very likely the kids would be kept home to work. Russia was a poor choice Bill as homeschooling is allowed there ;) .

There are a lot of countries that allow home schooling which have examinations to ensure that the children are properly educated. Is there a reason these people wanted to go to America? :asian:

It's ok, is the US public school system at work :p
Sorry gran, I don't want to create bad feelings by insulting your religious views, but 'evolutionism' isn't science. There is no evidence of macro-evolution. DarwinÂ’s Theory is actually an hypothesis that falls quite beyond the pale of the scientific method

Well, that's 100% false.

"Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless," ~ Professor Louis Bouroune

"Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution." --Theodosius Dobzhansky

"One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator." ~ Dr. Michael Walker

Certainly, the religious endorse creationism only because it fits their mythology.

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact." ~ Dr. T.N. Tahmisian

Conspiracy theory.
As do those who ignore religion because they also do not like the truth...:angel:

Well, science, does tend to give you fewer distinct truths per question. Science: Gravity formed the earth into its present shape. Religion: Here's 4000 different answers...
As do those who ignore religion because they also do not like the truth...:angel:
Mmm! On the balance of probability do we accept conventional science that provides contemporary explanations of the world we live in or do we try to make the physical facts fit a story made up by a relatively ignorant society from thousands of years ago. Time moves on, knowledge advances.

If there is but one small piece of hard evidence of the existence of 'God', please feel free to post it here. Otherwise we are required to accept it as faith. :asian: