Home schoolers denied asylum...why?

Perhaps before people get in too deep we should look at worldwide homeschooling. Germany is not alone in restricting homeschooling. But, they could have moved next door to Austria, or to Denmark. Why move half way around the world to the US?

Homeschooling is legal in many countries. Countries with the most prevalent home education movements include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Some countries have highly regulated home education programs as an extension of the compulsory school system; others, such as Germany, have outlawed it entirely. Brazil has a law project in process. In other countries, while not restricted by law, homeschooling is not socially acceptable or considered undesirable and is virtually non-existent.
This link details homeschooling legality and availability worldwide.

As has been suggested, if these people felt so deeply about homeschooling perhaps they should have sought to legally emigrate to one of countries that allow it. The question arises, why wouldn't they do that? Unpaid fines? Religeous fundamentalists? There is possibly more to this story than we know. :asian:
Perhaps before people get in too deep we should look at worldwide homeschooling. Germany is not alone in restricting homeschooling. But, they could have moved next door to Austria, or to Denmark. Why move half way around the world to the US?

This link details homeschooling legality and availability worldwide.

As has been suggested, if these people felt so deeply about homeschooling perhaps they should have sought to legally emigrate to one of countries that allow it. The question arises, why wouldn't they do that? Unpaid fines? Religeous fundamentalists? There is possibly more to this story than we know. :asian:

They are 'Evangelical Christians' and claim they are being singled out because of that according to the Huffington Post. Considering what all crawls around in Germany, the idea is a joke.

But I am tempted to write a letter to Obama, begging him to allow those nutters to stay. Heaven knows, Germany does nt need them. And there are enough of their kind in Tennessee...thy blend right in.

I have no real sympathy for their kind, being difficult with every resource at their fingertips. At one time we hailed public schools as progress, since it opened venues past the slate tablet by the fire place as learning venue!
The German people seem to think so, or else they wouldn't be placing those demands. :)

The Prussian school system is a tool for social management. It was forced upon the people by the elite. It was designed to create a better military, manage the empire, and create workers in the industrial revolution.

When this form of schooling was instituted, no one voted for it.
The Prussian school system is a tool for social management. It was forced upon the people by the elite. It was designed to create a better military, manage the empire, and create workers in the industrial revolution.

When this form of schooling was instituted, no one voted for it.

workers in the industrial revolution were created by sex, not education. And the military did not benefit from education either until recently. Canon fodder does not need to be smart.

Yes, it's social management. Smarter people function better in a democratic society. The elite prefers the common people to be dumber than a sack of rocks. makes them more easily manageable, just look at the US system, including home schooling.

BTW, schooling in the US is voted on, every time you have board of education up for election. Maybe this is why it sucks so bad and homeschooling has to be an option?

In any case, knowing what I do about fundamentalist 'Christians' I can guess as to what they object to in the system. Religion isn't it, not primarily, because you can opt out, although I can see where 'ethics' can put them in a tail spin, as it is a more philosophical approach to mankind. I remember the Greek philosophers as subject...really not in the Christian spirit.
Of course there would be a problem with gender equality, and of course sex-ed and evolution is a no-go - and fortunately non-negotiable.
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What value did you find in the German education system? Are you a German citizen and immigrated to America, or were you an outsider looking in?

Please pardon my personal questions, I'm curious about your experience with their system.
At least one party is trying to help these people...


[h=2]In an interview with Breitbart News, William Estrada, Director of Federal Relations of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), said that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has taken the lead in the Senate to draft a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to allow the Romeike family asylum in the United States.
[/h] Estrada said that Rubio has joined with Sens. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Tim Scott (R-SC) to move ahead with a letter that will complement one that has already been sent to Holder from members of the House. Led by Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN), a coalition of 27 congressmen have signed a letter urging the Department of Justice to rescind an order to deport the Romeikes.

Are you a German citizen and immigrated to America,[...]

Please pardon my personal questions, I'm curious about your experience with their system.


So, yes, I know, nobody gives a frogs behind what your religion is, you can opt out of the class in school. But you do not get to keep the kids home and teach them creationism as 'science' You can do that on your own time, and German schools leave you with enough of that.
Yeah, there is no reason to doubt the efficiency of the German school system...it has always worked out so well...

These kids learned all about evolution in their science classes...from the best educated Teachers the German state could provide...

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Would you really like to compare the scale of the damage created by home schoolers vs. those created by government controlled education...say in Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, ...really...? Any comparison at all?
Oh yes, the reason for all those must be the government controlled education, nothing else could explain that. Everywhere where the education is controlled by the government, evil things happen.
If it happened in the past...it can happen again...especially if there is no way for the average person to opt out. Your education system may be fine today, and it may be fine tomorrow, but what about 20 years from now...who will be in control of it then? It is better if education is decentralized as much as possible. That way mistakes of any kind only affect certain areas, and aren't mainlined into the entire education population...

And yes, Russia, Germany, and China...the big three...the bad guys were in charge of the education system...not to mention the smaller bad guys in Vietnam, Cambodia and any number of socialist paradises...
Yeah, there is no reason to doubt the efficiency of the German school system...it has always worked out so well...

These kids learned all about evolution in their science classes...from the best educated Teachers the German state could provide...

That's dirty pool Bill. Certainly Hitler introduced compulsory school education to get to the kids but that is not the case is other countries that it could be argued only want to ensure that ALL children have access to education. You quote three communist countries and one ex-communist country to back your argument. Why didn't you pick a country like Sweden? In fact, in countries like China, Vietnam and Cuba there is such rural poverty that without compulsory school education it is very likely the kids would be kept home to work. Russia was a poor choice Bill as homeschooling is allowed there ;) .

There are a lot of countries that allow home schooling which have examinations to ensure that the children are properly educated. Is there a reason these people wanted to go to America? :asian:
Keep in mind, the killers in 1939 Germany didn't turn into killers in 1939...they started in the German education system...
Keep in mind, the killers in 1939 Germany didn't turn into killers in 1939...they started in the German education system...
Bill, that is an obtuse statement. Would you care to elaborate for us poor simpletons who had to endure a school education?

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