hi, i am a totall newbie

Like I said before forget anything but the wristlocks/cracks. Please read what i wrote: A martial art that revolves mostly around the oppoents attacks, close ranged COUNTER-attacks, as the opponent attack(kick,punch,stab,anything) crosses that personal defense line,when its close enough to grab/catch its arm/leg/any bodypart, and use his momentum to lose balance fall etc., forget anything besides the wristlocks.

I don't all the way understand what you're saying here, but I think you're saying that you've given up on the "no striking, no falling" criteria and are just looking for a style with no wrist locks?

For that, I would recommend a striking-only art, like Taekwondo or boxing. You'll learn how to counterattack and deal with close-range attacks by striking your opponent, and there won't be any joint locks.

But in a style where you learn to catch someone's arm and manipulate it so they fall, you're also going to have to the same thing done to you so your training partner can learn the techniques. And a joint lock is one of the best ways to manipulate someone's body and make them fall, so the curriculum will probably include them.
For starters, you could do Tai Chi(really soft) but not really effective self defense...Aikido and Judo are purely defensive with throwing and no strikes per se...so with the limitations of your question, those are your options...but they are not the best for self defense, not even close
For starters, you could do Tai Chi(really soft) but not really effective self defense...Aikido and Judo are purely defensive with throwing and no strikes per se...so with the limitations of your question, those are your options...but they are not the best for self defense, not even close

Um, aikido might be classified as "purely defensive" but there is no way in hell judo could be called that. Just because you don't punch someone doesn't mean hitting them with the planet neither "gentle" or necessarily defensive.
For starters, you could do Tai Chi(really soft) but not really effective self defense...Aikido and Judo are purely defensive with throwing and no strikes per se...so with the limitations of your question, those are your options...but they are not the best for self defense, not even close

Ouch O_O
I guess I'm lucky to find master of yang taichi that can manhandle other striking martial artists twice his size.
Or an aikido bb who can makes fool many. And judo, a complete judoka is a monster, can you tell rousey or maia where they were not overwhelmingly attack their opponent in a fight?

But back to the counter art that training to manipulate anything that comes its way, arm, leg, body, head, etc. I suggest you try silat. But just be warned it is really hard to find the really good one that is away from the bs...
You can look to the threads in indochine sub forum, there really cool youtube vids posts by brian and dylan9

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