Hey Goldendragon7!

Originally posted by arnisador
It's getting cold back East! Please tell us stories of sunny Arizona to warm us back up!

Bad timing..... it's raining outside right now (but we need it sooooooo bad).

I'll let ya know when it's sunny and bright again!

Originally posted by satans.barber
He's too busy sunning himself in his hot tub to be reading Martial Talk! :D


As a matter of fact, I just got out of the hot tub where I took a short a nap as it rained ..... wow, it's wonderful out.... steams a risin'.... cool out... ahhhhhhhhhh....

then,..... in to check on whats happening on MT!

It is currently 58 F and 14 C, Weather man says we may be getting up to 10 cm (approx 3 inches) of snow tonight and tomorrow. Not to mention high winds to whip it all up for a good show. :anic: :waah:

I am not looking forward to it.

Well the good thing is I'll be able start building my igloo soon, getting mighty nippy in the Tupek (summer tent). ;)

Hey ya'll, it's currently 75 and sunny here in Florida. 'course it's gonna get cold this weekend, weatherman says it'll drop to 55 at night..gotta dig out them blankets......:D
Originally posted by oldnewbie
Hey ya'll, it's currently 75 and sunny here in Florida. 'course it's gonna get cold this weekend, weatherman says it'll drop to 55 at night..gotta dig out them blankets......:D

Humph. hehe.

i heard it was supposed to snow sometime around friday or saturday (if it's saturday, the band might not march at the final home game...ooh! *hopes*). To use a Tess word (forgive me if I misspell it), it's "brrzyozzyls!" (jeesh. i know i mucked that up. forgive me, tess!)
Originally posted by arnisador
It's getting cold back East! Please tell us stories of sunny Arizona to warm us back up!

Well, members of oraganized crime have a nice place out there to retire to. They know DC personally !:cool:
it flurried out here this morning! my roommates and i are such dorks we ran outside hollering about the snow.

In Utah, we got snow on Halloween and it didn't stay around too long. Today, rain is pouring...

- Ceicei
Flurries at lunchtime. :mad: The wind has been blowing all day like crazy. Can barely walk outside.
Originally posted by Ceicei

In Utah, we got snow on Halloween and it didn't stay around too long. Today, rain is pouring...

- Ceicei

Yeah, I'm not used to snow till at least december or january or later.

as for wind, it's been a work out fighting it getting across campus a few times. got some good gusts going on.
We have a 2 hr delay because of snow here at Shepherd College. We need a funny anecdote or something to keep us warm!

...and maybe some hot chocolate...
It's snowing like a mo-fo here right now. I'm stuck in in the office wondering how I got here and more importantly how am I gonna make it home. Gotta keep an eye out for the snow plow. Maybe I can tail him out the the main road.

For now, a little Jimmy Buffett ought to do the trick...

Boat Drinks

This mornin', I shot six holes in my freezer
I think I got cabin fever
Somebody sound the alarm


I gotta go where there ain't any snow
Where there ain't any blow
'Cause my fin sinks so low
I gotta go where it's WARM!
Gee, I am gald that I am buying the new 4x4 truck for all the snow that went SOUTH of me to all of you ;)


Sorry Could not resist
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Gee, I am gald that I am buying the new 4x4 truck for all the snow that went SOUTH of me to all of you ;)


Sorry Could not resist

*wonders if the sparks flaring from my eyes are visible in Michigan?
... Winter Storm Warning in effect until 4 PM EST Saturday...

A lull in the winter storm is expected this afternoon and most of the evening. Through this evening expect light wintry precipitation in the forms of occasional drizzle or freezing drizzle with perhaps a light mix of snow or sleet at times. Temperatures through the evening hours will remain near freezing.

Later tonight... between 8 and 10 PM... precipitation will once again redevelop across the region. Precipitation could start as a mix of rain sleet and snow but will quickly change to all snow. An additional 4 to 10 inches of snow is expected overnight... with the highest totals along the eastern slopes of the higher terrain... and along interstates 68 and 70 near the Pennsylvania border. The storm will pull northeast of the region during the day Saturday... depositing another inch or two of snow before snow ends by midday Saturday.

Storm totals of eight to possibly upwards of eighteen inches of snow are forecast along the mountains... and northern Shenandoah Valley... with the lesser total amounts expected further to the east across the far western suburbs of the district and Baltimore Metro areas


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