Your student benefits just by participating with a group that is focused and goal-oriented. Those traits alone are missing in some families and thus in some children. Being part of your class is beneficial, even if the results are not apparent yet. I encourage you to have faith in your method, praise the moments of perseverence and spirit that you do see, and do all you can to keep this kid in your program. Even if he does not stay with TKD, your are building a foundation that will help him in the future. Life requires discipline and effort for success, so you are helping.
Thank you for the thoughtful remarks and encouragement. Teaching children is rather new for me, so I am definitely outside of my usual comfort zone.
One of the things I have learned is that although my focus will always be on turning out capable martial artists, with this particular group I can't be disappointed if the final product is not what I set out to make. Perhaps it is like randomly sprinkling different seeds into your garden while you proceed to water, fertilize, and weed it. In the end, whether you have tomatoes or squash or even flowers, it should all be good.