Hello,i am new and in need of aid.

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I do not see how people can be such discriminating fools
so instead of thinking you are "too good",either silence yourself,like i did earlier in one of my posts,or actually say something of meaning
Insulting to all who are trying to help you

Can other fighting styles be incorporated into ninjutsu?
like,kyushojutsu...it is very....debilitating to the foe.

This I can not answer but there may be similar threads in the ninjutsu area of the forum if not start one (if you hav no already) and see what answers you get. Not all members read all threads
The knowledge held by some of the members here is large and they are willing to hlep answere questions but there are ways of asking things and then there are ways of saying things that only make people angry.

I hope you find a school near you and are able to study. May I ask if you hav taken up learning the lanquage that much of our training will be in?

FOR A FACT,that i am much greater than some stupid imbecile who thinks they can fight....i know partially what i am doing and like i said earlier,im not some stupid wannabe who wouldnt try...i am also much stealthier and dextrous than average

I am surprised that no one jumped down your throat for this statement.
Saying things like the above statement show a couple of thing
1 that you are young
2 that you have little or no humility
3 that you jut might ever survive in a true school of martial arts because you seem to have the onion that you are already then most people and most likely will think you know more than your instructor in a shot period of time

Knowing that you are young, fast and agile is ok but proclaiming it and bragging about it are not what the martial arts is about. True learning is a long adventure and it is taken in baby steps. It is given to those that prove themselves over years of practice and dedication.
SummonerCloud said:
Syiimursn...i am personally practitioning ninjitsu,but have no sensei and have found no place where i can sign up to learn...where would i start in self training?i am not exactly some newb wannabe,i am actually quite capable in combat,very stealthy and quite dexterous...

i have some questions,however,feel free to answer even just one...all answers help! just go like,if u gonna answer number two and its,how do i use teh bathroom,go...
2: push real hard.
lol,really,answer seriously please that was a joke,lol...

1:how does one increase dexterity?

2:what is the proper way to silently walk on grass?i have done it on other terrain but grass,twigs an leaves are too loud...

3:how would i replace the foolishly absurd looking flinch reflex with an evade,or block/reversal?

4:what is the best way to,alone,train yourself DEFENSIVELY.

5:how might i increase my ability to see in the dark?

6:how would i increase my ability in any sense(smell,sight...etc.)

7:how would i throw up large amounts of dirt/dust to blind a foe?

8:how would i construct shuko/practice shuriken?

9:what is the proper way to throw a shuriken?

10:whas the best wood to make a bo out of?i know it prolly doesnt come up a ton but i wanna find some type of tree an get a branch n carve it into a bo to practice with.

11:i am attempting to learn better detection skills,ie:discoloration of bottoms of trees may mean floodwaters,or tree stumps sides with less space between the rings is north...not just trees but detection skills altogether...any tips'd help.

12:need to learn better empathy skills ie:detecting the emotions do to body language or facial expressions or anythin even if they tryin to cover it up.

13:lie detecting.short n simple...like the above,almost.

14:better knife throwing...almost like bo shuriken.

15:the correct way to roll even on concrete with minimal to no damage to self.

16:whats a thrust kick?i think i know but not sure...

17:i THINK the correct way to go shinobi iri walking/runnin is leanin forward n gettin kinda crouched an(sayin this is right foot an o's are where u should use to make ground contact)walk like this.
(-=off teh ground. o=on teh ground. =equals a spacer,ignore it. this method when applied correctly works wel lfor me but dunno if its true method.)


thanks in advance,and keep in mind i know quite a bit about the shinobi,and i am not neccisarily a beginner...please dont flame for all teh questions...
In a PM you sent me you asked me to actually Try to answer your questions....
Here's my Go at it.

answer to #1: by continually doing things, consistantly, that are challenging to your dexterity. Also: Dexterity can be Very action or context specific. SO... aquiring 'dexterity' in Ukemi vs. dexterity in swordsmanship....these are two different things.
The REAL trick? Ukemi AND swordsmanship....combined.
Don't lop off any bodyparts you're fond of though......
(and you really SHOULD have an instructor LONG before you try it)

#2: Stay off the grass. Walk on the side-walk.
((Why are you wanting to sneak around anyway??? What is this skills PRACTICAL and pragmatic expression TODAY,....for YOU?))

#3: PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!! There's NO other way. (Other than a frontal lobotomy or 70cc of Thorazine)
((You REALLY should have an instructor and classmates first))

#4: Don't offend anyone and stay out of dark alleys.
No.......really............that's it.

#5: Night Goggles, or a good ole' flashlight. (Eat yer carrots)
or just turn the lights on.
WHY would you want to be able to do this??

#6: ...about 4 hours in a sensory deprivation tank should do the trick.
(((Or just consistently working to be more AWARE of your sensory input from your environment)))

#7: A Shovel. ((Why would you want to do this? IF it is for self defense purposes, why not just have a can of mace or pepper spray? Why "Dirt"? ..and why would you want to throw some into someones face??))
But you'd be better off simply BANGing them on the head and shins with said shovel...

#8: Learn metal-smithing....... OR just go to any ONE of the MANY MANY martial arts supply stores that sell them. (NOT that expensive)

#9: Usually......they're not thrown. They're a grappling weapon first, projectile weapon second.
You REALLY REALLY should have an instructor FIRST. Otherwise....you're just playing dangerous/destructive frizbee...

#10: Pine. ...or do like MOST of us do, buy one from a martial arts supply store.

#11: Boy Scout Manual. (NO.....I'm not kidding)

#12: HAHAHA.....me too (according to my wife).
TRY any of the many books on the Psychology of Human Behavior.....
then go to the Mall and be observant w/out staring.
OR........go up and ask'm "How ya doing?"

#13: Hahahaha............. if you find out, let us know......ok?
Who do you intend to be interogating???

beyond that, w/out an instructor........Good Luck!

#15: WHY???? Why "Roll" on concrete at all??
This time, leap OFF the sidewalk and onto the grass.
....OKAY....actually it's VERY VERY simple.....learn your tumbling skills, and PRACTICE. There's NO secret to it, just get good....on matts at first...
God FORBID you ever NEED to 'roll' on concrete.

#16: Any kick that gets the job done by thrusting away from you and into/through a painful place on the other person.

#17: GOSH...................................I really don't know what to say to that.
No offense, but it's rediculous. (That's Not a flame, it's just a matter of FACT)
Maybeeee....check out the "DUNE" books by Herbert and read up on the "Sand running" that they use to not attract the attention of the Giant Sand Worms.
Again: Why DO this type of walking??? why? It's silly...

Now that I've really tried to consider your 'questions' two things occur to me:
A: You Don't know ANYTHING about real Shinobi!!! Seriously. You don't, not a shred. IF you really REALLY want to learn, the first step is to admit what you don't know. THE greatest inhibition to really learning something is to THINK that you already know. It keeps you from listening.
TIPS: Who is Masaaki Hatsumi? What is the significance of the Iga and Koga regions of Feudal Era Japan? Who was Daisuke Togakure??
Looking these things up Should........should........help set you on the path, if you're paying attention.
B: You could be someone not quite so naive................and playing a joke on us.
IF so....
hahahaahahahaaa.......You got me man. Good one!!!

Your Brother
SummonerCloud said:
bigshadow,your wisdom and understanding is quite respectable...yes many have given me advise which i plan to follow,i just think they could have given it in a less......cold way,understand?

Thank you. Don't confuse cold with being pointed. If these fine people were going to be cold, this thread would have been a cold barren landscape, with not a post for miles. However, they have had a bit of fun with your enthusiasm with Ninjas. ;) You should just take that in stride, we tend to do that from time to time.

SummonerCloud said:
by self training,i mean the KNOWLEDGE of what the shinobi were ie:styles they used,history,weaponry,etc. and physical training i have worked on reflex,dexterity,etc...i am merely training in PREPERATION for the beginning of my training....i well knew many techniques however,even if i could not have utilized them in this way.
If I understand what you are saying correctly, maybe you should read the book "Ninjutsu: History and Tradition" written by Masaaki Hatsumi (our Grandmaster), it can be found at Amazon.com. Reading is certainly something that can be done alone. Remember the mind is like a fortress, one must be careful what one lets in through the gates. Choose your books wisely. Anything from Masaaki Hatsumi is in order.

SummonerCloud said:
i have one PRACTICAL question that i would like answered...
Can other fighting styles be incorporated into ninjutsu?
It is generally not a good idea as it can be counter productive to training. So keep that in mind if you find an instructor and begin training.
SummonerCloud said:
Do you not think i know this?!?!?

Is this your rendition of my mentality?i do not attempt to impress some of you curs,only to prove that i am not just some wannabe...thing!I very well understand there are ninjutsu practitioners here,and i mentioned it previously...i do not appear to be the ignorant one.i am well taking the advice i was given,but does that mean that this still has no purpose?I am not the only one who should keep an open mind...would you please read my sig?

Perfect, you just called the people you have been asking a load of questions from "curs." I can't imagine why they aren't bending over backward to help you. Get your temper under control and be polite, but I suspect it is a bit too late for you on this forum.

Where the heck is the "ignore" button?

Nimravus said:
Indeed, which is why it's good to keep in mind that History and Tradition was ghostwritten by Stephen Hayes.

Yes, I know... ;) Maybe you would have preferred I said "Warriors of Medieval Japan" by Stephen Turnbull? :D
Brother John said:
B: You could be someone not quite so naive................and playing a joke on us.
IF so....
hahahaahahahaaa.......You got me man. Good one!!!

Your Brother

Please tell me you arent just figuring that out...
You can not train defense by yourself or alone, you need a school and an instructor go to the Yellow pages and find one. And no, this is not a flame, if you are serious about training you will figure this out.
SummonerCloud said:
i do not appear to be the ignorant one.

To me, you do appear to be very ignorant.

We all start out on our journey ignorant. To start that path trying to convince others that you know something tells us not that you are knowledgeable, but rather that you are full of ego and pride.

How do you know that what you know is actually correct? You have talked about how you you have researched and read, but what has been your sources?

There is a lot of crud out there disguised as real ninjutsu. The amount of sheer bovine feces you can find on some 'ninjutsu' web sites staggers someone like me. Someone like you can't tell the difference between the good stuff and even the most outragous lies.

So if you want to learn, suppress your ego and start with the idea that you know nothing. Then get a real teacher and find out what stuff you really should be reading instead of gamer forums for information about ninjutsu.

And whatever you do, don't try to tell us that you know a lot about ninjutsu.
It is clear to see that your zeal outshines your common sense.

Enthusiasm is very valuble though, so keep it.

I have one question, though. Are all the girls in your junior high this self assured?

Just my two bones...I mean cents (curs generally don't carry change).
Guys seriously, fun was fun, but Its obvious this kid is sitting at home, smiling and giggling at how much attention his BS thread is getting.

Think about this: You read his initial outcry to my first response that he doesnt know HOW to find an instructor... The fact that The "kid" has enough knowlage how to google for some semi-correct terminology but not how to google the word "Instructor" should be an instant clue that hes not for real.
I traveled far, to Japan, where I trained with Master :tajiri: and Master :jushinlig. They showed me ancient secrets that have been a secret, until now.
They allow me to harness my chi, so that I can do this to my enemies.

Eating at Taco Bell, only increases the power.
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