My Ninjutsu experience

I'm sorry you've had an unwelcoming experience so far here. But in my short time here, I've seen several posts such as yours, and it appears that some people confuse fantasy with reality rather easily, or they think that MT is a discussion forum for people who prefer anime to martial arts training.

I admit that my first impulse on reading your initial post was to ask if you had brought your pokeman trading cards with you. I'm glad I didn't post that response, and it appears you are not a young angst-ridden anime fan who lives in his parents basement and plays too many video games. But you must understand that your initial approach made it appear that way to some of us.

I don't know what to make of your experience, except to say it sounds dangerous and not really what I consider martial arts training. But everyone is different. Welcome to MT.
Well, story is true, and you people acted like idiots in this thread. And, no, you have no reason to be sorry about me, because it was beautiful experience to me.

I don't see why someone should laugh at me because this kind of training, but obviouslly i am not so open minded and smart as you are, so i can't understand these moron replies to my message.

Also, feel sorry for you.


LOL, first off, no need to feel sorry for me. I don't train in any of the Kans. However, I dont think it takes a rocket scientist to look at that story and think that there may be just a few things odd about it. As for this guy being in the Bujinkan...well, given the fact that there're many Buj students here, I think that this guy, whoever it may be, would be easily verifiable.

Yes, back in the 80s, when the Ninja boom was big, yes, there were alot of nutjob wanna-bes, running around, pretty much LARPING, ie: playing Ninja in the woods. So, you come on here, with this story, and then you wonder why you got the replies you did.

Hey, if it was a wonderful experience, as you claim, then fine, so be it, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Just understand that there are fakes out there. If I were to look for training in the Kans, and I'm spending my hard earned money, then I want to make DAMN sure I'm getting my cash value. If you dont care about that, then so be it, go train with whoever you want, without verifying anything.

You even said yourself that he was weird. So, when others come on here saying the same thing, you get upset?

Lets see...what else can I pick apart with that mention that he showed you stances. Ok, how do you know that what you were doing, was really Ninjutsu, if you've never seen it before or know anything about it? Given the state of the arts today, with all the BS artists out there, I think its safe to say that to the untrained, anyone could show a 'stance' and pass it as something its not.

How to poison and disappear...umm...ok. Thats interesting, because there is a Bujinkan dojo about 20min away from my house. My Arnis inst. rented space for his classes, so I was present during many of the Bujinkan sessions. Never saw anything on the subject of poison or disappearing in a poof of smoke.

My suggestion...if you're really interested in learning this art, I'd suggest researching for a legit teacher.

Best of luck to you in your journey.
@ Tigerlove: I might have come off as a bit off an a-hole in my last post.
It is not because we disagree that I cannot be respectfull or polite to you.
I was just bugged by your way of immediatly taking an extremely agressive stance towards people that were not agreeing with you (and you still do).
Calling people idiots and saying that no-one contributes to this, really is that helpfull.

As various other have pointed out, you posted a story/true experience which is to say the least a bit silly. Especially in a forum which has multiple people training hard in ninjutsu every day.

Bassicly calling everyone an idiot because they don't agree with you is not a way to help yourself.

What exactly were you wanting to get out of this post? You said you knew the person teaching you was crazy/wierd. Were you expecting others to say he was normal and that was the right way to do it? Because if you knew he was weird, then you should have expected the reactions you've gotten so far.

I agree with several others who have already posted to find a legitamate instructor.

I also would suggest you review your posts before you submit them in the future. Currently, your credibility isn't so high. Initially, you stated the teacher spent 10 years in India learning. Then you changed it to say He was from India, but learned it in Japan and India. This change was only AFTER others mentioned it was a Japanese art. You originally didn't say what system/ryu you were being taught, and that he wasn't training anyone. (But the class started with 20 and dropped to 4) Then you change it to say he has a dojo in Serbia with 50 students and that it was Bujinkan.

There are several other example of the same thing. These changes in your story tend to make it look like you not being entirely truthful.

I'm not sayiong you lied or made this up. Just pointing out the questionable nature that makes us respond the way we did. I do wish you well in your journey!
Look guys, this guy was swept away with it all, has it never happened to any of you? Sure, this is a common story. At 21 I am damn sure that we all did some stuff which we knew we shouldnt but did anyways. Just lay off a little. It takes experience to know how to find something legit and verify stuff. Very easy for us to poke fun and pull up in the light of the monitor.

I can totally see how things like this come about, (the training that is). When I started Ninjutsu it was with the BBD, (england). Some tw@t called Brian something. What a spanner. Anyway, he was the head of the UK org. My teacher, under the influence of the org, had us doing all sorts of weird things. Nothing to that extent. I also wont say that more controlled variations of what you went through are bad practice. We were never in undue danger. But we did do war in the woods, and it was fun and it heightened awareness etc. (Later on my teacher moved over to Bujinkan and I went with, they didnt do any of this stuff) Stuff like moving through the training hall with all the lights off and obstacles in our path. Is it really so stupid? I cant remember the exact thread or the sub forum but have people here not suggested training in darkness? How is it any different? It just seems that this guy went a bit too far. But once again, before we judge, lets remember that this all happened in a completely different society to the one we live in, (unless you do actually live in the same place). One with different laws and customs etc.
Hi people.

I am sorry for callin someone an idiot (offcourse nodoby here isn't). Bu i didn't do that because of not agreeing with me. I would never do that. I did because of making me an idiot with first few answers. That's different from just not agree with me.

Well, now things changed and all of you wrote something smart, saying why not agrreing with me.

And you are right. I know after first post i looked like pokemon fan child playing with cards, like Bill Madocks said. But, i think it's not what somebody things now.

Yes, story is hard to believe, but true. And i wroted it because of two reasons: first, i have it for long time inside me and wanted to share with someone. Second, i wanted to do that in martial arts community which i can believe, i wanted to know somebody else's opinnion from that kind of community.

So i feelt sad after first few posts, which are almost direct insultes, not debating. And, i camed here with respect to this community, so you understand why i was angry.

Thank you very much for telling me all that, you opened my mind for some new knowledge. But also, i hope i did the same to you (well this isn't story you hear every day).

TheStudent mentioned some holes in my story. Yes, there was some changes, some things i didn't wrote in first post, because i didn;t know that story will be accepted this way and scanned for every error. I don't lied a word.

I will check the links, but i must say nothing between me and ninjutsu will happen anymore (if was at all). I train Hapkido and Taekwando, and feels like it's perfect for me.

And, somebody mentioned dissapearing - oh how it maked me laugh!!
I didn't mean hi dissapeared like in Mortal Combat movies - i should write he leaved instead he dissapeared. Lol, stil funny.

Once, thanks for some advices. I hope soon i will make some reputation here, because i am definitely under a bad light now. Well my mistake, maybe i should shout about that. But i am very annest man, so..i wroted it under any price.

You people seems very well to me and i hoping that we will get better once.

Also, i am still open for debates, and will be glad to do so. And Chris Parker than you for your patient, you saved this thread from ending up wrong way.

I agree with you completely. We went to far. But is it so bad practice and is it so bad?

And yes, i live in completely different society, and have different laws.
The reason you got those reactions is because there are 2 options:

- your story is not true, in which case you would be a fraud like many of the other known ninjutsu frauds.
- your story is true (meaning those things really happened t you) in which case your training was highly dangerous, irresponsible, and totally outside of what is known about ninjutsu training in any of the known legit ninjutsu organizations.

So regardless of whether your story is true or false, there would be objections either way. I am not passing judgement because I don't have a way to know which one it is. Assuming it is true, I think it was irresponsible of you to do those things, because you were lucky to survive intact. If parents worry about their kids, it is because they love them and don't want to see them get hurt.

My mother never objected to my martial arts involvement when I was in college. She even didn't mind when I spent more time with my sensei than with my parents. But she did want to know what I was doing, and that I was under competent supervision. She didn't mind me sparring, but she would have objected to me running around on rooftops in the dark, or climbing multistory building without safety gear.

I think i wroted all necessary answers so no need to repeat my self. Instead of writing similar answers to you, just read my previous postes!


I just re-read all your postings in this thread and I don't see that you've mentioned your instructor's name anywhere. Could you provide it? There are a lot of experienced Bujinkan practitioners here and in the ... unlikely ... event that this gentleman was an legitimate instructor in the Bujinkan, they might recognize the name.