Hello,i am new and in need of aid.

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Brian R. VanCise said:
You just really cannot expect anyone to take you seriously until you train in a legitimate dojo that teaches authentic Budo Taijutsu.

I really hope that you check out one of these Budo Taijutsu schools because it simply is a fantastic art.

Brian R. VanCise

Mr. VanCise wins the Cupie Doll!!!

Your Brother (Step right up...step right up.....)
Well...i understand all well that you all are experienced,but i am not just some wannabe...i know quite a bit about the shinobi.all i want to know is the questions i asked and i feel that you people may be able to help...sad that an ff forum has helped me more...what i meant when i told them,was that you kinds of peeps'd think you were "too good",too experienced,which,whether some of you say it or not,seems to be the way you are acting.i just want my questions answered,please.
Brother John said:
Mr. VanCise wins the Cupie Doll!!!

Your Brother (Step right up...step right up.....)

Thank you, thank you, I have always been fond of cupie dolls!

Brian R. VanCise
look,is this a bad thing that i have zeal and willpower and i WANT to train?some of you seem to at least partially understand but some of you are being ......never mind,better hold my tongue.
SummonerCloud said:
look,is this a bad thing that i have zeal and willpower and i WANT to train?some of you seem to at least partially understand but some of you are being ......never mind,better hold my tongue.

I think that you are taking some of the more silly posts too personally.
I think that the consensus here is that you simply need to find a school. There is no other way that will get you the results you want. Also, teaching yourself martial arts gives you no real point of reference (plus no sparring partners).
BTW: I really wish you good luck.
SummonerCloud said:
Well...i understand all well that you all are experienced,but i am not just some wannabe...i know quite a bit about the shinobi.

No, no you do not. There is a reason Naruto poped into everyones head, why do you think that is? Really, no offence, it probably is not your fault but you seem to have a LOT of misconceptions about Ninpo. Where exactly did you learn about the "Shinobi"?

Markk Bush
SummonerCloud said:
Well...i understand all well that you all are experienced,but i am not just some wannabe...i know quite a bit about the shinobi.all i want to know is the questions i asked and i feel that you people may be able to help...sad that an ff forum has helped me more...what i meant when i told them,was that you kinds of peeps'd think you were "too good",too experienced,which,whether some of you say it or not,seems to be the way you are acting.i just want my questions answered,please.

Nobody is making fun of you or putting you down. We all want you to understand that zeal and willpower do not count as making you a student of ninjutsu. (Budo Taijutsu) If you wish to get on the path you need to find an instructor. Take Technopunks list and figure out which is the closest Dojo and go and check them out. Once again, I wish you the best but you will never learn much if you are your only teacher! :asian:

Brian R. VanCise
Tengu6 said:
Where exactly did you learn about the "Shinobi"?

Markk Bush

From the people on his Final Fantasy forum, didnt you read what he said above? God Markk, U R TEH GAY.
No,i learned it through personal study.and duh,zeal an willpower dont make me a student but it makes me capable to "stick with it" i know more about the shinobi then some dumbass wannabe,even if i dont have an instructor.i do have a sparring partner but they arent 100% competent,heh...

look,you know what?
go to
there was a huge period where i wasnt on there,go from after that but search posts by summoner cloud.anything past the thread called-help me interpret a dream.
you will all see that some people there were idiots but at least they helped their best.
You can not learn a real martial art through "self Study".

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for real instruction.

Playing video games, is not training.

Playing wack-a-mole with your "posse" is not training.
If your sparing partners know less than you, they are little more than playmates.

Dressing up in a costume and using jargon, is not training.

There are real practitioners of ninjutsu on this forum. Real instructors.
They have been telling you where to go.
There are several authentic schools in your state. Pick up a phone and call them. Visit their websites. Email them.

If your interest is serious, you'll cease trying to impress us with your knowledge and follow some of our advice. We have been trying to help you. You however seem to want us to give you the answer, rather than show you where to find it. Understanding the difference between the two, is a sign of an enlightened mind.
Edmund BlackAdder said:
You can not learn a real martial art through "self Study".

Reading books and watching videos is no substitute for real instruction.

Playing video games, is not training.

Playing wack-a-mole with your "posse" is not training.
If your sparing partners know less than you, they are little more than playmates.

Dressing up in a costume and using jargon, is not training.

There are real practitioners of ninjutsu on this forum. Real instructors.
They have been telling you where to go.
There are several authentic schools in your state. Pick up a phone and call them. Visit their websites. Email them.

If your interest is serious, you'll cease trying to impress us with your knowledge and follow some of our advice. We have been trying to help you. You however seem to want us to give you the answer, rather than show you where to find it. Understanding the difference between the two, is a sign of an enlightened mind.

Do you not think i know this?!?!?

Is this your rendition of my mentality?i do not attempt to impress some of you curs,only to prove that i am not just some wannabe...thing!I very well understand there are ninjutsu practitioners here,and i mentioned it previously...i do not appear to be the ignorant one.i am well taking the advice i was given,but does that mean that this still has no purpose?I am not the only one who should keep an open mind...would you please read my sig?
SummonerCloud said:
zeal an willpower dont make me a student but it makes me capable to "stick with it"
I have been quietly watching this thread. I figured I would jump in here. I am not going to jump on you, but I want to point out a few things. I understand you probably feel insulted because what you thought you knew has been challenged and you have been challenged on all fronts. However, many of the people here are students of Bujinkan, including myself. They are telling you the honest truth. They have given you solid and sound advice. Now it is up to you to use that will power, zeal, and gusto to find the path, it lies right in front of you. If you do not have the means to go train at this time, you need that zeal and will power to create a means to go train. This is training as well. Ninja training is not all about techniques armed or otherwise. These things translate to life. So securing the means to go train is a lesson to be learned.

If you do not have the means to go train, then you may have to wait, because you cannot learn Ninjutsu by yourself, just as Technopunk and others told you. It must be felt, and this knowledge is transmitted through kuden from instructor to student. No video or book will give you that.

I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but, sometimes we all must accept what we do not want. Please, seriously consider what they told you, it is indeed correct and you should be willing to accept the truth and learn, as this is a lesson also.
I do not see how people can be such discriminating fools....yes,i am not near as experienced as some of you...but weren't you all once this way to?eager and zealous to begin?i doubt your mothers gave birth and you pulled a ukemi roll out of the uterus then thrust kicked the doctor,or am i wrong?is this wrong that i attempt to begin this art?if anyone else had felt this would ninjutsu even exist?

i highly doubt it.

so instead of thinking you are "too good",either silence yourself,like i did earlier in one of my posts,or actually say something of meaning.sad how people can think they dont need to help because they are better.despite his....cold humor,techno has been helpful,and john has not discriminated...

anyone who has been a fool should be ashamed.i doubt a true shinobi would despise the beginners because they overestimated themselves.keep in mind that like i have said,today's beginners are tommorrow's adepts.

EDIT:bigshadow,your wisdom and understanding is quite respectable...yes many have given me advise which i plan to follow,i just think they could have given it in a less......cold way,understand?

by self training,i mean the KNOWLEDGE of what the shinobi were ie:styles they used,history,weaponry,etc. and physical training i have worked on reflex,dexterity,etc...i am merely training in PREPERATION for the beginning of my training....i well knew many techniques however,even if i could not have utilized them in this way.

i have one PRACTICAL question that i would like answered...
Can other fighting styles be incorporated into ninjutsu?
like,kyushojutsu...it is very....debilitating to the foe.

also,i just think it is strange..that in first topic i end up with neg 66 rep because of peeps who dont understand...
Excuse the following question, and I mean no offense I was just doing some checking and when you say Shinobi are you talking about a video game or the movie or something else?

Forgive my ignorance here, I'm old and do not play video games much and the answers I am reading to your questions seem to allude to the fact that it may be a game.

I do know it's a movie.

And Zeal is good, attitude isn't.
SummonerCloud said:
I do not see how people can be such discriminating fools...

With your age and demostrated lack of maturity, I doubt any instructor will take you on as a student.

I also doubt you will be posting to this forum much longer.

SummonerCloud said:
i doubt a true shinobi would despise the beginners because they overestimated themselves.

No, but they could very well make life a living hell for them later on.

SummonerCloud said:
today's beginners are tommorrow's adepts.

Hopefully, yes. There is also however the possibility of them becoming such people who frequent internet fora while going on and on about how disappointed with and disillusioned about Bujinkan training they are.

SummonerCloud said:
i just think they could have given it in a less......cold way,understand?

Would you have listened then?

SummonerCloud said:
by self training,i mean the KNOWLEDGE of what the shinobi were ie:styles they used,history,weaponry,etc.

Based on what you've written here, you need to put in some more work.

SummonerCloud said:
i have one PRACTICAL question that i would like answered...
Can other fighting styles be incorporated into ninjutsu?

What is taught in the Bujinkan nowadays is Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, which is the essence of nine traditional Japanese schools. Ninjutsu is not about fighting per se, it is a small, specialized science which mainly encompasses the gathering and utilization of information.

SummonerCloud said:
like,kyushojutsu...it is very....debilitating to the foe.

It's useless against people who are drunk, on drugs or just really PO-ed. Anyway, knowledge of pressure points is abundant within the nine schools of the Bujinkan...just don't expect anyone to go into seizures after having hit the top of his foot with your big toe.
SummonerCloud said:
I do not see how people can be such discriminating fools....yes,i am not near as experienced as some of you...but weren't you all once this way to?eager and zealous to begin?i doubt your mothers gave birth and you pulled a ukemi roll out of the uterus then thrust kicked the doctor,or am i wrong?is this wrong that i attempt to begin this art?if anyone else had felt this would ninjutsu even exist?

i highly doubt it.

so instead of thinking you are "too good",either silence yourself,like i did earlier in one of my posts,or actually say something of meaning.sad how people can think they dont need to help because they are better.despite his....cold humor,techno has been helpful,and john has not discriminated...

anyone who has been a fool should be ashamed.i doubt a true shinobi would despise the beginners because they overestimated themselves.keep in mind that like i have said,today's beginners are tommorrow's adepts.

EDIT:bigshadow,your wisdom and understanding is quite respectable...yes many have given me advise which i plan to follow,i just think they could have given it in a less......cold way,understand?

by self training,i mean the KNOWLEDGE of what the shinobi were ie:styles they used,history,weaponry,etc. and physical training i have worked on reflex,dexterity,etc...i am merely training in PREPERATION for the beginning of my training....i well knew many techniques however,even if i could not have utilized them in this way.

i have one PRACTICAL question that i would like answered...
Can other fighting styles be incorporated into ninjutsu?
like,kyushojutsu...it is very....debilitating to the foe.

also,i just think it is strange..that in first topic i end up with neg 66 rep because of peeps who dont understand...
I was immaculately conceived, my mother a princess of the third kingdom, and my father one of the Titans. On my birth, I sprung forth from her womb, and then press-slammed a priest through a table while the royal family chanted my name. Weakened by my journey into this realm, I succumbed to sleep, and in the morning found myself draped in black silk, with a mask around my head, and a strange silver serpent adorning my neck. With the Orb of the Moons I traveled to Brittania to speak with Lord British, but he was in the loo, so instead I jaunted to Moonglow and obtained some Nightshade with which to work my magic, then to Trinsic where I aprenticed under the famous Palidan Dupree, from whom I learned of honor and under Sir Geoffery, who taught me of bravery in battle. You may wonder what this has to do with the "Shinobi", but see, in Skara Brae I met a man named Tew, a Ranger he was, and quite Powerful. He had his Dux in a row you might say. Anyway, he showed me a secret. One that is rare and true. It is, that if one exchanges green pieces of paper with famous dead leaders portraits and spends time in a proper training center, one might learn the secret powers of morphing into a more enlightened being. His rates were quite reasonable, though his parchment wasn't that old, and many references were made to self training, something which sounded rather obscene to my young ears. Instead I sought a more enlightened master, and since then have practiced the ancient shadow arts. Except on Tuesday, when I go bowling instead. Oh, and every third Friday which is potluck knight at the secret lair.

I hope my tale will encourage all seekers to find their way, to seek out true experienced masters, to boldly go, where they have not gone before, in an Enterprising way you might say.

1 to beam up.
SummonerCloud said:
....cold humor,techno has been helpful,and john has not discriminated...

EDIT:bigshadow,your wisdom and understanding is quite respectable...yes many have given me advise which i plan to follow,i just think they could have given it in a less......cold way,understand?

also,i just think it is strange..that in first topic i end up with neg 66 rep because of peeps who dont understand...

You most likely have a neg 66 rep because you didn't thank anyone for their advice UNTIL you got a neg 66 rep. I don't believe the people in this thread were being cold. They were being direct, to the point, and sometimes playfull. It seems that bigshadow got through to you, so don't waste any more of your energy being so defensive, man. Be calm, it is the cornerstone of most martial arts.
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