Head on a pike...

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Yeah. I-i-i-i-i-i-i'mmm ... going to teach now. In a brick-and-mortar school. In the real world. Where we beat up on a bob. Gee, I hope the model for the Bob and his supporters don't get offended. Or anyone named Bob gets offended. Or the manufacturer. Or breitbart.com. Or Sam Donaldson. Or Barack Obama. Or the Reagans. Or ...

... aw, screw it. They're all adults who can separate fact from fantasy, right?

Er ... right?



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It starts from the top down. Carter, Gore and Clinton have openly mocked George Bush. Gore I understand, he was never the President, but both Carter and Clinton broke the tradition of former Presidents not commenting on the current President's term. Then you have obama insulting the supreme court in front of the entire nation...



And then obama personally invites Rep. Paul Ryan to his budget speech...and insults him before congress and the nation...


The guys above are not conservative partisans but left leaning pundits.

Add to that the sending back of the bust of Winston Churchhill, a hero of one of our closest allies for personal reasons.

And on top of that is obama's annoying habit of accepting being called "Mr. President," and then proceeding to not use the titles of the other people in the room, calling the senators and representatives by their first names. He also does this to foreign leaders, for example, referring to the Chancellor of Germany not as Chancellor Merkel, but as Angela, in front of the press during their joint press conference.

The reason he gets this show of disrespect is because he goes out of his way to earn it. As the saying goes, you have to give respect to get it. He doesn't show respect to other people, as a President of a free people should, and so people have started to pick up on that and have reacted accordingly. He disrespects the office and gets disrespect back. We aren't his subjects, he is our employee. The lack of respect started with Carter and has continued through the democratic party to this day. Ted Kennedy is a great example as he went to the soviets to help them counter Reagan. This disrespect of the head on a pike is just one in a long list of disrespect shown to republicans by democrats.

Criticizing and mocking are not synonymous. And sincere criticism isn't necessarily disrespectful, although it can feel that way to someone who is insecure.

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I wouldn't say that the President was 'nasty' to the rude reporter, Bill. He put him in his place, as well he should have done. It's good that the reporter has taken the trouble to explain why he decided it was time for him to interrupt the President - bet it beats being fired :D.

If reporters want to ask questions then they should wait until they are told they can, should they not - or does it not work like that in America?
Here is part of the problem now facing HBO. I am not someone who supports boycotts or any attempt to silence other peoples ability to state what they believe or to make jokes of politicians. However, there are a lot of conservatives in the country who won't watch shows that deliberately, intentionally, attack them and their values. HBO is coming off of the attack on Sarah Palin, and now their top show has just insulted a republican president, just for fun.

I'm pretty sure that True Blood is still HBO's ratings leader.

As for the "attack" on Sarah Palin-a woman who had zero relevance, and whose presidential "candidacy," was, at best, a moneymaking scheme, at the time of the release of the movie, Game Change:

Sarah Palin has called Game Change a "false narrative," but a former top campaign adviser isn't so sure. Nicolle Wallace tells ABC News that the HBO film was "true enough to make me squirm." This "is a movie about the vast gray area where 99% of our politics actually takes place," Wallace says. "You’re just feeling your way though a gray area and doing your best, and that campaign was one of those instances for me."

Of course, other aides say differently, but they're just protecting their resumes, I'll bet. :lol:
Yeah. I-i-i-i-i-i-i'mmm ... going to teach now. In a brick-and-mortar school. In the real world. Where we beat up on a bob. Gee, I hope the model for the Bob and his supporters don't get offended. Or anyone named Bob gets offended. Or the manufacturer. Or breitbart.com. Or Sam Donaldson. Or Barack Obama. Or the Reagans. Or ...

... aw, screw it. They're all adults who can separate fact from fantasy, right?

Er ... right?



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I want an Alice to go with my BOB-I think just having a BOB is sexist.....seriously-not about the 'sexist" part, but I definitely want a female counterpart....:lol:
Whenever the President speaks before the press they always call out questions to him as he ends his address and starts to leave. Sometimes he will take a question, when it is something he wants to get out to the public, and other times he just leaves. This President doesn't deal with the press as often as the others have...

“He comes out of the Rose Garden, gives a short statement and then turns his back and walks away very quickly without taking questions,” he said. “Sometimes he takes questions. He took a question on Trayvon Martin in March. Sometimes these shouted questions at the end work — not today: He refused to answer an obvious and conventional question about the impact of his policy on American workers at a time of record unemployment.”
I want an Alice to go with my BOB-I think just having a BOB is sexist.....seriously-not about the 'sexist" part, but I definitely want a female counterpart....:lol:

I'm pretty sure Anne Counter and Sarah Paling and the YWCA will take offense to that. But I'll go out on a limb and say given that women commit offenses too that an Alice counterpart could be a productive and progressive training tool. But you know, we *can't* pay for her birth control.

And if she seeks an abortion, we'll have to probe her slutty tank.

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*Coulter ... and *Palin, that is. #DYAC

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But it's not against the law. It's not wrong because it's lawful. At least according to you. You made that very clear in an earlier thread.

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I never said if something is lawful its not wrong. The Law and whats right and wrong are 2 different things.
Whenever the President speaks before the press they always call out questions to him as he ends his address and starts to leave. Sometimes he will take a question, when it is something he wants to get out to the public, and other times he just leaves. This President doesn't deal with the press as often as the others have...

Obama's probably going to get that reporter's green-card revoked. :lol:

In a ridiculous twist while considering the context of this story, it turns out that Munro isn't a United States citizen and actually holds a green card that allows him to work in The United States while maintaining his citizenship in Ireland. How does one critique the immigration policies of a country, while shamelessly benefiting from those very policies?

The continuing irony and farce of American political life is going to kill me.......at least I'll die laughing! :lfao:
Whenever the President speaks before the press they always call out questions to him as he ends his address and starts to leave. Sometimes he will take a question, when it is something he wants to get out to the public, and other times he just leaves. This President doesn't deal with the press as often as the others have...

Obama's probably going to get that reporter's green-card revoked. :lol:

The continuing irony and farce of American political life is going to kill me.......at least I'll die laughing! :lfao:
:-offtopic :-offtopic :-offtopic :-offtopic
You mean the irony of attacking the guy who is working in the country...legally, vs. allowing people who came into the country...illegally to get work permits to help get votes in an election, violating the constitution while he is doing it? You mean that irony? If the reporter was here illegally, then you might have a point, otherwise...not so much...

I started the thread and as I have said many times before, I don't mind where they go once they are started. If you really have an issue with thread drift, you should start one and then monitor it to prevent off topic discussions, which is your right.

As to wether the reporter lied about mistiming his question...I would have to ask, has he been to Obama pressers before? Has he interrupted the president before? If not then the evidence, at this point would show that he probably wasn't lying or that he has only been to one address by the president. Which is it?
Sooo...the problem is the reporter...hmmm...

The reporter has apparently followed the laws of our country and the process to work in our country LEGALLY. The president, the chief law enforcement officer of the land has decided, for his own political needs, to ignore the laws created by the elected representatives of the citizens of this country that seek to create an orderly process to allow foreign citizens to become U.S. citizens, the laws created in the hopes that chaos and turmoil would be reduced. Since this reporter is following the laws and processes, and sort of has a stake in what the president just announced, and none of the other citizens, whose will is being ignored by the chief law enforcement officer of the land, are present at the press conference, I don't see the problem with what happened. The reporter accidentally interrupted the president as he violated the law, and then the reporter apologized, and the president ignored the laws created by the elected representatives of the people of this country, yeah, they are equal in their behavior. Remember...we are citizens, not subjects.
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Accidentally interupted the president my right eye. I miiighhtt be able to accept that explanation if he did not interupt the prez in the middle of a sentence. That was a publicity stunt, showing great disrespect not only to the man, but the office he holds. Obama actually handled it very well, and was more polite to the man than he deserved. As far as not sending kids back to a country they've never known, because of thier parents' actions, he's doing the right thing. That he gets a political bonus out of it as well just means he's playing the game well.
Accidentally interupted the president my right eye. I miiighhtt be able to accept that explanation if he did not interupt the prez in the middle of a sentence. That was a publicity stunt, showing great disrespect not only to the man, but the office he holds. Obama actually handled it very well, and was more polite to the man than he deserved. As far as not sending kids back to a country they've never known, because of thier parents' actions, he's doing the right thing. That he gets a political bonus out of it as well just means he's playing the game well.

But his heads not the one on the pike......:lol:
I sympathize with the plight of these kids, their parents broke our laws, and continued to break them, understandably since mexico is such a mess of a place, as well as those who come from other countries as well. Here is the problem. Let's say you have an embezzler who gets caught. His kids have done nothing wrong, but are in their second year of college, which is being paid for by stolen money. Should they be allowed to continue in that school, paying for it with stolen money, because they didn't do anything wrong?

Here is another one. These kids may have had no choice about coming here illegally. At some point they knew they were here illegally. The age range is 15 to 30, or something like that. If these "kids" falsified legal documents, or admissions or loan applications, or any number of other legal paperwork knowing that they were illegal, should they be arrested for that?

Will they receive preferential placement in college programs do to the fact that they are technically "foreign" students since they aren't citizens? Should they be allowed to take the place in schools in front of "kids" who are here from other countries LEGALLY, or American "kids" whose parents didn't break the law?

Obama showed disrespect to his office and the laws he swore to uphold when he took his oath by deciding which laws he would enforce, due to his desire to get re-elected. You should be more upset at that. As some have been saying on the news sites, can Romney now decide to not arrest those taxpayers who pay less than what the law says they should pay in taxes, just because he wants their votes?
I sympathize with the plight of these kids, their parents broke our laws, and continued to break them, understandably since mexico is such a mess of a place, as well as those who come from other countries as well

You know, you're right. Things were so much simpler for those first illegal immigrants-I mean, colonists-to land on these shores.....:rolleyes:

Of course, these days we don't put illegal alien's heads on pikes, so those kids at least don't have that to worry about. :lfao:
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