Head on a pike...

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On the subject of being disrespectful to Presidents, how do people feel about the rudeness of the reporter who attempted to interrupt President Obama whilst he was making an address?


I believe he was totally out of line. The president is still the president even if you don't respect the man you should respect the position. You can disagree and voice your opinion but there is a time and place for it.
Yeah if he were white the would have thrown a shoe at him.

He'd have to actually go to Iraq as well, wouldn't he?

Oh dear, so I guess putting a model of Bush's decaying head in a jar would also be an unpopular move?

View attachment $thumbnail.jpgView attachment $futurama_bill_clinton.gifView attachment $futurama_gerald_ford.gifView attachment $futurama_washimgton.gifView attachment $futurama_william_taft.gifView attachment $gore.jpgView attachment $lilbush.jpgView attachment $nixon.jpg

In all seriousness, no other President in the modern media age has been treated so egregiously by a member of the media or Congress. Why do you suppose either of those men thought that they could-or should-behave in such a manner, that so completely disrespects all sense of protocol, decorum, and the office of the Presidency itself?

I mean, it's not like they're cartoonists.....just sayin'. :lol:
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In all seriousness, no other President in the modern media age has been treated so egregiously by a member of the media or Congress. Why do you suppose either of those men thought that they could-or should-behave in such a manner, that so completely disrespects all sense of protocol, decorum, and the office of the Presidency itself?

I mean, it's not like they're cartoonists.....just sayin'. :lol:

When I get a chance I intend to do a garage level internet spoof based on our dear leader Evil Stevie Harper. His chief advisor would be George Bush's career, as represented by the disembodied - frequently mumbling - head in a jar. :bangahead:

My main concern is how to zombify Harper's cabinet members. :lol:

As for the Game of Thrones situation, the Bush head cast was a spare part that came in handy for set dressing. If it were a political they probably wouldn't have mentioned it in the commentary, given the divisive nature of American politics
It wouldn't in my opinion no presidential likeness should be used in that way no matter who it is. Or if you do "need" to recycle don't show his face and don't tell people about it just use the head. I know why they did it even if it was non political it has given
them free publicity. I've never even heard of the show until now so it worked it was a smart move I just don't agree with it. Its my opinion. I also don't believe people should be allowed to burn the flag but its protected speech I just don't agree with that either

But it's not against the law. It's not wrong because it's lawful. At least according to you. You made that very clear in an earlier thread.

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Gawd ... this is just so stupid my brain is actually starting to hurt.

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:chuckles: I sympathise, dear lady. I sometimes think that the politically enthusiastic members of the board do not always realise how poor a light they can cast themselves in when they stray too far from the path of common sense.

However, we have a phrase over here in Britain - "It keeps them off the streets" - which means that, no matter how silly something is that someone is doing, it keeps them out of more serious trouble. It's only when things border on the fraudulent or outright (groundless) defamation that I get quite annoyed with our 'pundits'. Because that steps from their posting being something informative (to those of us from far away at least) and enabling of debate to something corrosive and unpleasant.
no other President in the modern media age has been treated so egregiously by a member of the media or Congress.

It starts from the top down. Carter, Gore and Clinton have openly mocked George Bush. Gore I understand, he was never the President, but both Carter and Clinton broke the tradition of former Presidents not commenting on the current President's term. Then you have obama insulting the supreme court in front of the entire nation...


[h=1]Carter says comments were ‘careless’[/h][h=2]39th president had blasted Bush administration as ‘worst in history’[/h]

A noted Supreme Court historian who “enthusiastically” voted for President Obama in November 2008 today called President Obama’s criticism of the Supreme Court in his State of the Union address last night “really unusual” and said he wouldn’t be surprised if no Supreme Court Justices attend the speech next year.
“It was really unusual in my mind to see the president going after the Supreme Court in such a forum,” said author and Law Professor Lucas Powe, the Anne Green Regents Chair in Law, and a Professor of Government at the University of Texas-Austin School of Law. “I’m willing to bet a lot of money there will be no Supreme Court justice at the next State of the Union speech.”

And then obama personally invites Rep. Paul Ryan to his budget speech...and insults him before congress and the nation...


As NB's Mark Finkelstein reported earlier, Time's Mark Halperin and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough expressed their bewilderment on Thursday's "Morning Joe" that President Obama would invite Rep. Paul Ryan to the unveiling of the president's budget, sit him in the front row, and then essential call him un-American on national television.

The guys above are not conservative partisans but left leaning pundits.

Add to that the sending back of the bust of Winston Churchhill, a hero of one of our closest allies for personal reasons.

And on top of that is obama's annoying habit of accepting being called "Mr. President," and then proceeding to not use the titles of the other people in the room, calling the senators and representatives by their first names. He also does this to foreign leaders, for example, referring to the Chancellor of Germany not as Chancellor Merkel, but as Angela, in front of the press during their joint press conference.

The reason he gets this show of disrespect is because he goes out of his way to earn it. As the saying goes, you have to give respect to get it. He doesn't show respect to other people, as a President of a free people should, and so people have started to pick up on that and have reacted accordingly. He disrespects the office and gets disrespect back. We aren't his subjects, he is our employee. The lack of respect started with Carter and has continued through the democratic party to this day. Ted Kennedy is a great example as he went to the soviets to help them counter Reagan. This disrespect of the head on a pike is just one in a long list of disrespect shown to republicans by democrats.
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How da F**K did Obama get blamed for a goddamn rubber head on a f**king spike on a MOVIE SET????

Real = effigy. Special effects = FANTASY!!!

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He didn't get blamed, the post is in response to elder's post about obama.
For those interested, here is an interview and the explanation for the question by the Dailycaller reporter who asked the question of obama and got the nasty reponse...


I asked a question about that. Admittedly, it was in the middle of his speech. I thought he was ending his speech — his statement — but then I asked a question at the end and he turned his back on the reporters and walked away,” Munro said.
“Timing these things is a little awkward. He speaks very well, very smoothly — very nice delivery. It’s hard to know when he’s about to end. I thought he was going to end today. I asked my question too early. He rebuked me. Fair enough.”
Before coming to The Daily Caller, Munro worked at National Journal for over a decade. He has also reported for Defense News and Washington Technology. Judging from his experience, Munro says open press events at the White House are “well designed by the president and his staff.”
“He comes out of the Rose Garden, gives a short statement and then turns his back and walks away very quickly without taking questions,” he said. “Sometimes he takes questions. He took a question on Trayvon Martin in March. Sometimes these shouted questions at the end work — not today: He refused to answer an obvious and conventional question about the impact of his policy on American workers at a time of record unemployment.”

The former white house correspondent Sam Donaldson was famous for doing the same thing to Ronald Reagan, all the time, and was applauded for it...
The former white house correspondent Sam Donaldson was famous for doing the same thing to Ronald Reagan, all the time, and was applauded for it...

We can deal with this second part first, right here:

Donaldson said he was in an airport waiting lounge when he caught MunroÂ’s confrontation with Obama on a TV there. He didnÂ’t approve.
“I never interrupted any president while he was making a formal presentation of any sort. You don’t do that, do you?” said Donaldson, who titled his 1987 memoir “Hold On, Mr. President!”
Not that Donaldson ever let them slip away quietly. But he would wait until a president had finished his remarks, he said. And if the chief executive turned away without answering questions, Donaldson would fire away.

And as for this:

For those interested, here is an interview and the explanation for the question by the Dailycaller reporter who asked the question of obama and got the nasty reponse...

Reporters who were standing next to him-and all credible evidence-say his "explanation" is a lie:

But reporters near Munro during the outburst said, well, not so much to the whole "didn't mean to interrupt" the president thing. Many took to Twitter to share their doubts."I was two people over from Neil Munro. No one thought the president was wrapping up. I give that statement a great big Cow Pie Award," Brianna Keilar of CNN said on Twitter.
"I was standing right behind Munro in the Rose Garden," said Todd Zwillich, Washington correspondent for The Takeaway from Public Radio International, on Twitter. "Idea he 'mistimed' his questions isn't credible. He purposely interrupted."
"Munro told other reporters after Obama's statement, 'I'm asking questions. Because you people won't,'" Zwillich tweeted.
The official White House transcript of the event records that, after a visibly irritated Obama told Munro "Excuse me, sir. It's not time for questions, sir," the journalist replied: "No, you have to take questions."
"Not while I'm speaking," the president replied.
Here is part of the problem now facing HBO. I am not someone who supports boycotts or any attempt to silence other peoples ability to state what they believe or to make jokes of politicians. However, there are a lot of conservatives in the country who won't watch shows that deliberately, intentionally, attack them and their values. HBO is coming off of the attack on Sarah Palin, and now their top show has just insulted a republican president, just for fun. HBO as a business is now trying to keep from being branded, in the minds of conservatives, as a channel unfriendly to republicans and conservatives. That is a lot of subscription money to just insult away...


After the utter debacle that was "Game Change," a purely dishonest hit-job against Sarah Palin and an obvious in-kind political contribution to Barack Obama's reelection campaign, HBO knows it is suffering a brand problem with those of us who are not radical leftists:
The findings regarding HBO and Showtime appear to make sense when compared with a poll that Experian Simmons took for The Hollywood Reporter two years ago, where HBO shows like Entourage (which ended in September) and Showtime offerings like Dexter were well-liked by Democrats but not by Republicans. HBO also recently took flak from the right for Game Change, a mostly unflattering look at Sarah Palin, so that also might have influenced the results.
Netflix Streaming, Redbox, and the like are very real threats to a network pretty much used to owning a large part of the entertainment all to itself. People have choices now, we're a very divided nation politically, and conservatives are up-to-here with Hollywood's insults and bullying.
There's also New Media, which can make things like playing with the prosthetic head of a former president a very big story.

For emphasis

we're a very divided nation politically, and conservatives are up-to-here with Hollywood's insults and bullying.

A good example of how to sell your product is Michael Jordan. Jordan is a big time liberal. He was once asked why he didn't comment more on politics and it is alleged that he simply said, "Republicans by shoes too." A simple philosophy for someone trying to sell something. HBO and Game of Thrones as well as the rest of hollywood might want to listen to that piece of wisdom...


Basketball players have generally been considered the most left-leaning of all professional athletes. while professional players of all stripes (generally) stay out of politics, basketball players historically have gone out of their way to be apolitical. Michael Jordan famously said "Republicans buy shoes too" when asked about his refusal to make a formal political endorsement in a Senate race. This centrist attitude reflects a lot of basketball players' views on becoming a marketing figure.
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And it is routine for those reporters to ignore that admonition and call out a question anyway, though always after the president is finished speaking.

He says he thought he was done. Believe him or not. Obama isn't a king.

Hmmm...the same reporters who don't like conservative new media side against this guy. Hmmm...

Here is "journalist," Juan Williams, going after Michelle Malkin and insulting her because he thinks she is just a "blogger,"


The embedded video is interesting to watch as Malkin takes apart Williams. Here is some of Malkins history...

Malkin began her journalism career at the Los Angeles Daily News, working as a columnist from 1992 to 1994. In 1995, she worked in Washington, D.C., as a journalism fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute,[SUP][11][/SUP] a free-market, anti-government regulation, libertarian think tank.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP] In 1996, she moved to Seattle, Washington, where she wrote columns for The Seattle Times. Malkin became a nationally-syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate in 1999.[SUP][14][/SUP][SUP][15][/SUP]
The regular media are taking a beating, losing ratings and revenue, so they will attack what they perceive as a threat to not only their livlihood but their influence in the political sphere. They are losing their monopoly, or have lost it, and are going to pile on whenever they get the chance. This dailycaller thing is just one example because the daily caller is covering stories they won't.
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