Claiming to do what you're not is a problem for me, sure. But there are schools that don't make those claims, and teach excellent light-point sparring for competition, great movement, etc., without getting to much SD.
There are even schools that teach very good fighting, but don't get into dealing with an unexpected charge from an odd angle, etc. Their students are learning skills that can help in self-defense situations (I'd expect most MMA gyms fall in this category). I'm certainly not going to say that's not really MA.
I think some MA prepare you faster than others for fighting.
I think boxing is probably the fastest. One of the slowest, but a truly excellent Art is Aikido. Black belts who had started as children and were now in their 40's could handle anything I or my friend who was a very good boxer ,who almost made the all navy team, threw at them.
Well actually my friend did punch one of them. I could not believe the teacher did not even get mad, just said you have a fast punch.
I study Aikido for a year and there is no way I could defend myself using only Aikido in a bar fight, it takes years of training to develop that kind of skill. You have white belts and you have blacks and when you have a black belt, you have a real black belt, 7 to 10 years to earn Black belt. Those teacher were so different from my Kung Fu teacher.They were happy and friendly , nicest MA teacher I ever had.
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