Has your character ever been misjudged because you study the arts?

Even people who train are idiots sometimes. Mostly the kids who have been around only a few months. Most are cool with shutting up and learning, but some othersÂ….

I remember my Sensei and one of our senior’s attending a western sword class in a few years back, and there was this kid 18 years old or so who kept bragging that if you swung at his head with a bokken, he would catch it. The instructor said, “yeah ok, whatever, good for you”, and went back to teaching. This kid was so annoying and pestering that the instructor finally said ok lets try. No need to explain more, the kid ends up on the ground with a goose egg on his head, and never comes back.
Maybe I've just been blessed with especially enlightened friends, but the reaction I get most of the time is "Wow, you do that? COOL!!" It seems like people respect me more for putting myself out there like that. I keep expecting to be asked to whack somebody or (worse) patronized, but nothing yet.

So if anyone has a troublesome rival to get rid of, let me know. I'm trying to buy a house ... :barf:
I've gotten a few odd comments over the years. I've not only trained in MA for more than 25 years, but I'm a seminary graduate & have been in several ministry positions in churches (including as a pastor) for a majority of my adult life. Those two things don't necessarily gel for a lot of folks.
It's always being misjudged by people who would mock the arts, but then again, my situation is a bit different from your average US Citizen's.

Most importantly, I came from two Korean parents, so right away, such mockers are already going to be sending shrill, pitiful vocal imitations of Bruce Lee my way, regardless of whether I have (my teen or older years), or didn't have (my pre-teen and under years) any significant martial arts abilities.
Most of the animosity I have come across has been from other "martial artists" or "self defense" practitioners seeking to prove or disprove...
Most people outside of the "realm" seem mezmerized and perplexed by it and for the most part display some form of interest...even if its just watching or idle chatter... there are select bozos or "tough guys" that see a t-shirt or some practicing and assume its time to prove something to themselves or thier buddies but that comes with the trade...
Well for a time certain individuals who I used to hang with (not really friends) thought I was a psycho like them because we all trained hard, took roids and enjoyed fighting. Though in reality I was and have always been a fairly decent guy and never suffered from Roid-rage like some people I've associated with.

Interestingly, depending on what job I'm applying for, I have been told by employment agencies not to put martial arts down (seen as confrontational) while at other times I've been told to include it (seen as character builder).
I'm a brown belt in karate, and a librarian. Some people are dumbfounded when they hear that. Talk about warring stereotypes!
And I was a "Kung Fu Fightin'" museum curator :lol:.
When I was young I could get away with people knowing I practiced martial arts. But, at my current age I think they just scratch their heads and wonder, I think they do anyway, why isn't he retired, and in a rocking chair at home. The advantages for me are, if need be, I can beat up most people my age
. The young ones figure why pick on a old guy, I get to draw a pass. Works for me because all I want to do is kata anyway.
I often feel like Rurouni Kenshin in season two:

Kenshin has gone back to his master to learn the final technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu (the Amakakeru Ryu Nohiromeki) and is followed by his friends, Kaoru, Yahiko, and Misao. When it comes out that Kenshin is 28 and his master, Seijuro Hiko, is 43, they bug out and yell,

"What is this Hiten Mitsurugi Style anyway? Some sort of fountain of youth?"

Pretty much everyone I know thinks that I looks almost twenty years younger than I am. People who I meet who find out that I am forty two initially think that I am lying. If I am with my kids, they often mistake me for an older brother.

Believe me, it is not a misjudgement that I mind one bit.:)

I took up the martial arts because I wanted to learn how to defend myself and because I enjoy working out. I have had this passion for 25 years. I no longer have the resources to take lessons, but I enjoy watching videos of different styles and am fascinated by the many different methods and flavors of executing the same techniques.

I am a peaceful person with a college degree who has never hurt anyone, and yet I feel that I have often been mislabeled in some way. I am someone that respects women and treats them with great esteem. I am the type of man that would not be intimidated by an equal or stronger woman, and welcomes their success and strength.

I am a martial artist and seek self-improvement. I don't study to learn to hurt anyone as I take no pleasure in causing anyone harm. I study because I don't want to be harmed. I don't bully, provoke, nor cause anyone mental distress.

Has anyone else been perceived as being violent, aggressive, etc. solely because they have an interest in the arts? I have no delusions of being Rambo or some commando. It is quite ironic, since I have never been in a fight. I even put spiders outside rather than killing them.
The short answer is yes. I have been accused of being more violent than I am more than once. Oh well, everything has a price and a consequence.
Maybe I've just been blessed with especially enlightened friends, but the reaction I get most of the time is "Wow, you do that? COOL!!" It seems like people respect me more for putting myself out there like that. I keep expecting to be asked to whack somebody or (worse) patronized, but nothing yet.

So if anyone has a troublesome rival to get rid of, let me know. I'm trying to buy a house ... :barf:

I'm fortunate that most of my friends think it's just another thing that I do, but I have some wonderfully odd and independent thinking friends who believe in learning and exploring life.

The strangest reactions come from coworkers and some of my family. I don't advertise my training, but it does come up from time to time. Most folks just widen thier eyes and grin...some ask questions and some comment that I don't look like a ninja. :duh: I guess being overweight and female throws them off a bit, but most folks deal. Now, when I tell them I'm a hockey fan, THAT gets some weird looks!

Interestingly, depending on what job I'm applying for, I have been told by employment agencies not to put martial arts down (seen as confrontational) while at other times I've been told to include it (seen as character builder).

funny story...I did mentioned my MA training during an interview, when they asked about how I deal with stress and conflict. I said that my karate training helped me deal with that effectively. (cue crickets and wide eyed stares). I then went on to say that it had taught me self control, focus, and centered calm, and that I was able to handle stress and conflict much better as a result....suddenly the light dawned and everyong laughed....I didn't get the job, but was because the position got cut due to the economy. I did make it to the last cut (3 folks) before the announcement to drop the position was made...so I don't think it affected my chances negatively.
I took up the martial arts because I wanted to learn how to defend myself and because I enjoy working out. I have had this passion for 25 years. I no longer have the resources to take lessons, but I enjoy watching videos of different styles and am fascinated by the many different methods and flavors of executing the same techniques.

I am a peaceful person with a college degree who has never hurt anyone, and yet I feel that I have often been mislabeled in some way. I am someone that respects women and treats them with great esteem. I am the type of man that would not be intimidated by an equal or stronger woman, and welcomes their success and strength.

I am a martial artist and seek self-improvement. I don't study to learn to hurt anyone as I take no pleasure in causing anyone harm. I study because I don't want to be harmed. I don't bully, provoke, nor cause anyone mental distress.

Has anyone else been perceived as being violent, aggressive, etc. solely because they have an interest in the arts? I have no delusions of being Rambo or some commando. It is quite ironic, since I have never been in a fight. I even put spiders outside rather than killing them.

Yes, all the time, both in RL and on forums. Of course, I can understand the forum part, mainly due to the fact that viewing words, vs. hearing them, well, that is the #1 cause of the confusion. People read something, assume it means one thing, when it really doesnt. In RL, people constantly say or think that I'm a badass because I train. I chalk this up to them just being clueless about the arts in general.

What type of a person am I? I really try to do my best to get along with everyone. I have no issues with respect, however, I feel that its a 2 way street, and you got to give it to get it. I'm not a bully, I dont walk around and advertise or brag about training. Personally, training is something that I hate to talk about, especially with certain people. I will talk, but the person has to be sincere, otherwise, its not worth my time. I dont go looking for fights, and prefer to stay out of places that tend to breed that environment.

Why do I train? I train because I love it. There is so much out there to learn its really amazing. I plan to keep on training, until the day comes when I no longer can. I've been very fortunate to meet and train with many wonderful people. I've formed some great friendships with people, and I really do value all of that. I'm not interested in proving myself, entering the ring, etc., I train a) because as I said, I love to, and b) for sd purposes. Again, as I said, I don't look for fights. Training has given me alot especially when it comes to being more aware and having other alternatives to fighting. Now, this isn't to say that I won't fight, but I do try to look for another avenue to take before it comes to that. :)
I am a MA freak, I don`t care if people misjudge me. They might be right in fact. :uhyeah:

Most however seem really interested if the suject comes up. While the general public knows little about what MA really are, I guess the media has portrayed the arts without too much silliness here in Norway.
I never thought about it too much. I'm a cop, so most folks consider the martial arts to be par for the course (though that's not accurate on their part as most cops aren't martial artists). It's actually the cop thing that the average person judges me by, not the martial arts part.

As SgtMac here, being in the military, most people never even gave it a thought (being on base, your in your own little city), being a military cop just added to that almost being ignored syndrome LOL.
I really hate it when Friends make challenges for you.

Like, Oh well Scott's a Black Belt he can take you.

Gah its so frustrating...I guess cause my friends know I would never do that, and they do it as a joke or whatever...rarely is it funny for me...but I usually have to defuse.
Yup.....challenges,what if I do this....or this? what do I need Kung Fu for? all I have to do is shoot! someone at work leaked out some info,so now the young bucks at work want a piece of the action. Oh course, everyone assumes you are a master and are superhuman.....Oy Veh!

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