I took up the martial arts because I wanted to learn how to defend myself and because I enjoy working out. I have had this passion for 25 years. I no longer have the resources to take lessons, but I enjoy watching videos of different styles and am fascinated by the many different methods and flavors of executing the same techniques.
I am a peaceful person with a college degree who has never hurt anyone, and yet I feel that I have often been mislabeled in some way. I am someone that respects women and treats them with great esteem. I am the type of man that would not be intimidated by an equal or stronger woman, and welcomes their success and strength.
I am a martial artist and seek self-improvement. I don't study to learn to hurt anyone as I take no pleasure in causing anyone harm. I study because I don't want to be harmed. I don't bully, provoke, nor cause anyone mental distress.
Has anyone else been perceived as being violent, aggressive, etc. solely because they have an interest in the arts? I have no delusions of being Rambo or some commando. It is quite ironic, since I have never been in a fight. I even put spiders outside rather than killing them.
Yes, all the time, both in RL and on forums. Of course, I can understand the forum part, mainly due to the fact that viewing words, vs. hearing them, well, that is the #1 cause of the confusion. People read something, assume it means one thing, when it really doesnt. In RL, people constantly say or think that I'm a badass because I train. I chalk this up to them just being clueless about the arts in general.
What type of a person am I? I really try to do my best to get along with everyone. I have no issues with respect, however, I feel that its a 2 way street, and you got to give it to get it. I'm not a bully, I dont walk around and advertise or brag about training. Personally, training is something that I hate to talk about, especially with certain people. I will talk, but the person has to be sincere, otherwise, its not worth my time. I dont go looking for fights, and prefer to stay out of places that tend to breed that environment.
Why do I train? I train because I love it. There is so much out there to learn its really amazing. I plan to keep on training, until the day comes when I no longer can. I've been very fortunate to meet and train with many wonderful people. I've formed some great friendships with people, and I really do value all of that. I'm not interested in proving myself, entering the ring, etc., I train a) because as I said, I love to, and b) for sd purposes. Again, as I said, I don't look for fights. Training has given me alot especially when it comes to being more aware and having other alternatives to fighting. Now, this isn't to say that I won't fight, but I do try to look for another avenue to take before it comes to that.