Odin said:
To make MMA fair for other arts what rules would you want taken out in order for your art to have a 'fair' chance?......because Im confused by all this on the streets babble?.....
On the streets "babble"?
I'll try to explain it with small words so you don't get confused.
UFC is a sport. Just a game. It has rules. Just like a Judo tournament, a wrestling match, or Olympic style TKD.
It has a ref to stop things when you get a boo-boo.
I could care less what rules are in or are not in UFC -- I'm not going to play that game.
The risk of injury is too high, win or lose. I've personally had my art tested and heard stories of it being tested in the past -- I have nothing to prove.
That's my point.
All those games can give you SOME indication of what might happen in a true self-defense situation, but none of them are *really* self-defense situations.
And too many MMA guys think that success in the UFC ring = "only techniques that work."
Are there traditional martial artists that are have ineffective techniques? Yep.
There are guys I've worked out with in the same school who couldn't kick their way out of a wet paper bag.
And then there are those of us who kick with lethal power. I'm not saying every time we kick it will kill you -- but make no mistake: they have that potential.
Even hand strikes.
It's not mystical, not magical. Just physics and physiology.
There was a 3rd degree Judo blackbelt that worked out at our school for awhile.
He got sent back to Japan because one night while working as a bouncer he punched a guy in the face and killed him.
Heck, my sister dated a guy whose dad did time for manslaughter because he SLAPPED someone so hard it killed him.
So have fun rolling around on the mat. I'm not saying it isn't good for you -- it's good training, and definately has its value and applications.
But for your own sake, don't deceive yourself and think that your BJJ/MMA training is the end-all, be-all of martial arts.
Stop swallowing the marketing hype and open your mind.
When you narrow down your techniques to fit ONE PARTICULAR set of circumstances (i.e., the UFC octagon), you are specializing to the point where you will be unprepared for other situations.
Training is highly specific.
Tune it all out as "babble" if you like. (shrug)