im sorry but I do not think she is a good singer at all. and it's a shame that kids might look up to her and decided to do the same things she is doing. she needs to get cleaned up but I thnk by this post she may have already been in rehab
It must be some great and mysterious art, yet to be named, and it's sole intent on earth is to become....


or, cause others to become tone deaf...
They tried to make her go to singing lessons, she said no, no, no... :rolleyes:
They finally found someone to make Paris Hilton look talented...
I call it Crack Jutsu.

I think she's a great singer with no serious differences from other famous musicians outside of the fact that she's slightly more honest than her peers.

The first step to kicking the habit is to admit that you have one.

Amy Winehouse wrote a song about it, even though she won't go to rehab. That's her choice.
She ended up in hosptial anyway, the diagnosis her father says is COPD as well as the drug addiction, can't see her being long for this world.
I think she's a great singer with no serious differences from other famous musicians outside of the fact that she's slightly more honest than her peers.
Other than the fact that she has about a 1/8 octave range? :lol:
Is that the one wear she reached into her hair and pulled something out and stuck it up her nose right on stage on live tv?
If it isn't, google it. That's some sad stuff.

She ended up in hosptial anyway, the diagnosis her father says is COPD as well as the drug addiction, can't see her being long for this world.
COPD is some bad stuff to be sure. Toss in a drug addiction (or in her case that would be plural) and I think you're right Tez.
Other than the fact that she has about a 1/8 octave range? :lol:

(BTW, is there the possibility of sarcasm?)

Actually, yeah, despite the comment.

Her album is pretty good and it brings a bit of soul to our emo/glam rap dominated mainstream music scene. It broadens horizons for those that otherwise wouldn't touch good music. Plus the album is pretty truthful. Honesty goes a long way with me. Do I listen to it all the time? No. I have better music available, but this by no means garbage. The live performance, maybe. But not her album.

It's been years since I bought a mainstream album, and I am happy with my choice.

Musical preference is a choice, and shouldn't be made fun of in the same way that we shouldn't make fun the martial arts we all claim to do.

Maybe that should be another thread.

Jeez... I'm defending Amy Winehouse... That's pretty funny.