Whoever told you such a story is wrong, plain and simple. Tamemura Soke received menkyo kaiden in all of the ryu-ha in the Bujinkan, with the exception of Kumogakure Ryu and Gyokushin Ryu. His Gikan Ryu liscense comes through Sato Kinbei sensei, and he has shown the actual scrolls before as well. Tanemura Soke also received a menkyo kaiden from Fukumoto Yoshio sensei in Togakure Ryu, which means he has TWO menkyo kaiden in that ryu. No one is being misguided about Tanemura Soke's right to issue liscenses in what he does. Also, Tanemura Soke was never dismissed from the Bujinkan, instead he resigned on his own accord. This is well documented, and you need to tell whoever is spouting forth such stories that they are wrong.
As far as being only 8th dan, remember there was no such thing as a "15th" dan in those days, plus if you have already obtained menkyo kaiden in the individual ryu-ha, then the dan rank means next to nothing. You've already received a full transmission of the schools with menkyo kaiden, and are authorized to even start your own branch, hence the Tanemura-ha.
Whoever told you such a story is wrong, plain and simple. Tamemura Soke received menkyo kaiden in all of the ryu-ha in the Bujinkan, with the exception of Kumogakure Ryu and Gyokushin Ryu. His Gikan Ryu liscense comes through Sato Kinbei sensei, and he has shown the actual scrolls before as well. Tanemura Soke also received a menkyo kaiden from Fukumoto Yoshio sensei in Togakure Ryu, which means he has TWO menkyo kaiden in that ryu. No one is being misguided about Tanemura Soke's right to issue liscenses in what he does. Also, Tanemura Soke was never dismissed from the Bujinkan, instead he resigned on his own accord. This is well documented, and you need to tell whoever is spouting forth such stories that they are wrong.
As far as being only 8th dan, remember there was no such thing as a "15th" dan in those days, plus if you have already obtained menkyo kaiden in the individual ryu-ha, then the dan rank means next to nothing. You've already received a full transmission of the schools with menkyo kaiden, and are authorized to even start your own branch, hence the Tanemura-ha.