Strange but funny

There were a few things that made me chuckle ... but geez that guy who drew that either needs serious therapy or just find a way to calm down...

But it became hard to tell which was Lee and which was Li at times. Maybe I needed sound to get all those whaaaaaa whatttahhhh oooooohhhh bird sounds that are (wrongly) attributed to Lee. I don't think he ever honestly made those sounds while fighting.
I guess I have a little sicker sense of humor, I thought that was hilarious. :)

Why am I thinking about "Celebrity Death Match"?
That's been around awhile. It originally was one of the "Stickmen fighting" set of videos that were out a couple of years ago. Google "Stickmen" and you will find dozens more. First time I seen Lee or Li's names associated with it though.
Bruce Lee was the smaller one and the one saying brick does not hit back

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