Greetings from Florida

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A bokken or bokuto often used interchanging I guess more technical bokuto may be used though in Japan i have heard both and my teacher used bokken

GM Santella was not my fencing instructor, just for the record. The bokuto is a solid wooden practice sword with a slightly curved blade, much like a katana. Yagyu village is said to have started the practice of bokuto sword freestyle sparring, though the Yagyu-ryuha is very different from what I practiced.

Miyamoto Musashi was famous for fighting fully armed foes with only one or two bokken. Musashi defeated Sasaki Kojiro with a bokken he had carved from a boat oar. The bokken is a wooden sword too, but it usually has a guard/tsuba and is made from lighter wood (at least that's what I think of when I hear the term "bokken").

The bokuto I trained with was made from harder wood and does not have a tsuba/guard to protect the hands. This wooden sword is more similar in appearance to the bokuto used by Yagyu Muneyoshi, but the style I practiced was very different. As you may remember, Yagyu Muneyoshi is famous for his duel against Hikida Bungoro, who defeated him with a shinai. The shinai is another wooden sword made from a bundle of bamboo sticks bound together with a tsuba/guard to protect your hands.
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where is that bunny with a pancake on its head ? my forehead is getting sore from banging it :banghead:
. The bokuto is a solid wooden practice sword with a slightly curved blade, much like a katana. Yagyu village is said to have started the practice of bokuto sword freestyle sparring, though the Yagyu-ryuha is very different from what I practiced.

Miyamoto Musashi was famous for fighting fully armed foes with only one or two bokken. Musashi defeated Sasaki Kojiro with a bokken he had carved from a boat oar. The bokken is a wooden sword too, but it usually has a guard/tsuba and is made from lighter wood (at least that's what I think of when I hear the term "bokken").

The bokuto I trained with was made from harder wood and does not have a tsuba/guard to protect the hands. This wooden sword is more similar in appearance to the bokuto used by Yagyu Muneyoshi, but the style I practiced was very different. As you may remember, Yagyu Muneyoshi is famous for his duel against Hikida Bungoro, who defeated him with a shinai. The shinai is another wooden sword made from a bundle of bamboo sticks bound together with a tsuba/guard to protect your hands.


i would suggest you to do a lot of reading of threads on this sight. we just covered bokken VS bokuto like a few weeks ago.
That's interesting. I've never seen that style before. It looks very different from what I practice. Not the same style. I have never met that guy before. I don't know who that is.
Well according to him his style has been around for a good 30 years. You might have to change your name it might be copyrighted.
Did you learn actual swordsmanship from a teacher and if so what type?

I'm pretty sure I already answered this question more than once. But I will answer it again. Sigh.

Let me put it to you in a more stylized way, since that seems to be the only way you can relate or understand. You can call my style "Furīsutairu Furu-Sesshoku Supāringu" if it helps. You could say that Brother Jon Young was my "Sensei" in that "system" if you want, along with the fellas from Sensei Young's classes. Who were their teachers? Don't know, don't care. Again, I am not a weapons expert, nor do I claim to be a master of anything except for maybe Wumingquan (and even that is debatable). Wumingquan is not focussed on weapons training, only on ways to disarm an opponent. I am 33-years-old. I have been practicing martial arts on and off for most of my entire life. Fencing is really, really, really not a big part of my training. I actually find it kind of funny that some martial artists are knit-picking at my style and making such a big deal over things which mean so little to me. That was years ago. Lol

I am a martial artist. I do not practice Karate, or Kenjutsu, or Taijiquan, or BJJ, or MMA, or Taekwondo, or Wing Chun, or JKD, or FMA or Muay Thai, or Jujutsu or Crazy YouTube style Wumingquan or whatever else you want to call it. I practice Wu Wei style Wumingquan, and until you get that through your thick skull, I'm afraid there's no hope for you in any of my threads or postings. You will just be wasting your own time and energy.
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So you acknowledge you don't study an actual sword ryuha but basically you and some guys banging wooden swords in a backyard with out any authentic or qualified training. I don't think you can say you study wumingquan if someone is already teaching that and may have copied righted that name.

Again, you came on this site about your style you created and the claims and your pictures are up for people to question and critique, if I created my own style with some vague generalization, inconsistencies then you bet people would ask questions. I am not saying you are a fraud, what I am doing is trying to get a better understanding what you are trying to do, and educate the average person who may come on to this thread thinking there actually is a nhb traditional bokuto sword art. You can do what you want to however if you continue to make claims on a public forum, do not be surprised if people more knowledgeable on subjects comment on them.
More about myself:

As far back as I can remember, I always had an interest in martial arts. As a 3-year-old boy in the late 80's, I had exposure to a lot of fighting in cartoons and movies. Ninja Turtles, Bat Man, G.I. Joe and other TV shows are honestly what made me play with sticks to begin with. Then as I matured, my interest started to grow. Eventually, I found myself enrolled in a traditional Tae Kwon Do program ran for children 5-6 under a Korean instructor named Master Dewey Troung Tyler.

I was only there for 2 months (2-3 times a week) before I lost interest after failing to break a brick. I just wasn't old enough to understand yet, so I dropped out. But I still practiced some of the techniques he showed me, despite not knowing how to use them. When I turned 14-yrs-old, I watched a lot of movies like Indiana Jones and Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, which made me interested in trying again. My neighbor happened to be a man twice my age whom everyone called Mister Rokko, who just happened to be a brown-belt Shotokan Karate junior instructor at that time. I became his backyard private student for 6 months, at which time he brought me to his instructor (Grandmaster Santella) and had me tested with the other Shotokan Karate students. I was awarded 3 ranks by the end of it and earned a red-belt. For teaching me, Sensei Rokko earned a black-belt and was also promoted to the rank of Master or senior instructor (I believe that was in 1999).

To be continued...

So the brown belt who taught you was "rewarded" with the rank of master or senior instructor? Umm, he was a brown belt, how did he jump to master rank or sernior instructor rank?

Something sounds very fishy with the no name material, that seems to have a lot of names being dropped.
Chinese sword, Japanese sword, etc. I think you missed the point of what I was trying to say. Until you give up the very notion of style, how can you taste my tea? You're over-analyzing, making simple matters too complex. Stop thinking so much, it's good for the mind but it cheats the body over time. In all my years, I have seen many styles. Different cultures use different swords. Sometimes they use the same swords. FMA uses katana-type swords, but they use them very differently as opposed to their JMA counterparts. Is it right then to say that FMA is wrong? That they have bad form? Or to be the devil's advocate, is it right for FMA stylists to say that JMA stylists are wrong? That they have bad form, or no true understanding of how to wield a sword? I don't think it's true, or even fair to say that. I do not believe that "this" style is better than "that" style. There are no bad martial arts. Only bad students. Until you liberate your mind from such stylized thinking, you will never have an understanding of me or my style.

Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice this comment, and I was curious, do you have some examples of this claim, bolded above? I am unaware of a "katana-like" blade used in the FMA's.

"Saying the jigen Ryu and Katori Shinto Ryu are the same as Chen taijiquan jian..."

Those false words. Please don't play coy with me. I know you're not here to learn anything. You wanted this opportunity to knit-pick at me. You wanted to knit-pick at my history. You wanted to knit-pick at my style. I posted these things in order to oblige you. I acknowledge and respect your opinion of my style, but I will not tolerate any disrespect. It's obvious you are throwing subtle insults into your analogy. That's fine and dandy, but I don't have to respond to it. You stood up for Dale when he was in the wrong. He got in trouble for it, and now you're mad at me. I'm no Einstein, but I'm not a complete idiot. That's okay. I don't really feel like I have to defend myself, or my style. It speaks for itself. Some martial artists will be fond of it. Some will not. You can go ahead and do all the knit-picking you want. As for me, I'm going out back to do some training. Good luck with your stylized investigations. ;)

I am not in the wrong son. You have red flags popping up left and right.

You have come on a very public form spouting more fortune cookie bs than a Chinese Restaurant.

I did not get in trouble for it. They locked the thread. Big Difference.

You claim to be an "enforcer" for a local security agency, yet your pictures are of this stick thin little person.

Who you enforcing at the local mall?

You are not an "enforcer", you are a deluded skinny person who seems to have left real teachers and now plays with friends in garages and back yards and claims to have founded a chinese based martial arts system without really training other than a little wing chun.

Does Shifu Gallaher know you founded your own system?

What would he say if we contacted him and showed him all these photos and posts?

You claim to have been studying for years but your posts state otherwise. You are an on again off again kind of student.

You show us you are a wannabe who should train more and stop claiming they founded their own system.

No one here believes you, son. No one. But keep digging that hole....
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So you acknowledge you don't study an actual sword ryuha but basically you and some guys banging wooden swords in a backyard with out any authentic or qualified training. I don't think you can say you study wumingquan if someone is already teaching that and may have copied righted that name.

Again, you came on this site about your style you created and the claims and your pictures are up for people to question and critique, if I created my own style with some vague generalization, inconsistencies then you bet people would ask questions. I am not saying you are a fraud, what I am doing is trying to get a better understanding what you are trying to do, and educate the average person who may come on to this thread thinking there actually is a nhb traditional bokuto sword art. You can do what you want to however if you continue to make claims on a public forum, do not be surprised if people more knowledgeable on subjects comment on them.

So you acknowledge that you do not practice furīsutairu furu-sesshoku supāringu but basically you and some guys banging swords around differently in a Shinto-ryu dojo and Chen style taijiquan jian style with taolu and kata without any authentic freestyle full-contact sparring or training, with absolutely no experience in wumingquan (or in any style called wumingquan for that matter). And I'm pretty sure you can copyright a YouTube video. I'm not so sure you can copyright "wumingquan" especially if many people have different systems that are just as old by that name. Someone even mentioned that there is also a movie called wumingquan. You might want to inform that guy. Lol

Again I came on this site as a Wumingquan practitioner. I am not a JMA/FMA/JKD/MMA or kendo/kenjutsu practitioner. My authenticity was questioned by other members of this forum who challenged me through heavy interrogation and a barrage of scrutinizing questions, including even a few insults. So I obliged by answering the questions that were asked to the best of my ability. One member got into trouble for trolling my threads.

But now that I provided some information about myself, oh suddenly I'm not a fraud? Suddenly I'm not a liar? Suddenly my crappy style isn't so crappy. What changed everyone's minds all of a sudden? Is it the names of the people I claim to have trained with? Is it the pictures I shared? Is it my background in martial arts, or the fact I actually trained at several different schools under certified instructors? I noticed that nobody is really bashing me any more, regardless of whatever the reason is.

Instead, now the focus is on my background and the names of other martial artists in my circle. You just can't accept the fact that some people are different from you, can you? It bugs you to no end. You actually want a reason to scrutinize. You are going out of your way to find things that you don't like or agree with. That's the difference between you and me. I don't care as much as you do about stuff that isn't even important.

But what I really can't understand is how someone can claim they are more knowledgeable about a style they don't even practice (Lol). I don't come to your threads and scrutinize the way you train in Chen style taijiquan or Shinto-ryu kenjutsu. I don't practice those arts. So what gives you the right to question my style or the way I train? Seriously, you think you know all there is to know about using a bokuto? That's a very selfish claim, don't you think? The only misconceptions in this thread are the ones you brought with you. I practice Wumingquan, you do not. So maybe you and Dale should empty your cups and let me do the teaching here. Just saying.
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Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice this comment, and I was curious, do you have some examples of this claim, bolded above? I am unaware of a "katana-like" blade used in the FMA's.

Hey twenty three I guess FMA swords may appear more katana looking than say other swords to someone unfamiliar with swords, I will say my only exposure to FMA sword was the atienza style however the sword work was very different than how a katana is used
You are deluded.

End of story.

You have not founded anything.

You are not an enforcer and you are not anyone that should be teaching and claiming they founded a martial arts system.

Most sword schools if any practice in a way as you describe and if they decide to they already have a solid foundation.
I have not come across many who go all out freestyle sword fight simply that it really is to dangerous that's why kendo wears gear which even they follow rules.
In more advanced forms with weapons in Chinese arts they is more freestyle with weapons but only after a long time in training try like 10 years. The guy in the video learned from his teacher meaning someone was doing wumingquan style before you created it. As for copy right if someone decides to they can if they choose too. Making a movie that is in China may not have to follow copyright depends on the copyright and what you are doing it such as a movie portrayal.

Actually the other thread was closed and ya the name wumingquan sounded like a cartoon still and I do wonder why your family named you wei Wu or wuwei but hey whatever. If I said I practice Chen taijiquan katana then yes by all means question me lol. I don't know everything about the bokken but I can at least say you don't know go swinging it like a bat.
To be honest wuwei you don't bother me, been in these boards so long seen so many guys come with a style they created just google shi shi Baguazhang and martial talk for example. You fit the classic style creator profile trained in some arts for a period of time, read jkd and read the laozi and created your own style. So when you came here telling us about your style name, the paradoxical nature of it, the weird nhb sword stuff we point it out. Most people who create their own style successfully do so after say 20 or 40 years and can clearly define what makes their style unique. In some ways it's like you learned some basics then said I'll call this wumingquan instead of wing chun and constantly change what wumingquan is. It's like playing a game with the kid who keeps changing the rules of what the game is then when people call him on it, he grabs his ball and goes home.
Hey twenty three I guess FMA swords may appear more katana looking than say other swords to someone unfamiliar with swords, I will say my only exposure to FMA sword was the atienza style however the sword work was very different than how a katana is used
There are lots of different blades in the PI. But a katana-like one I haven't seen (doesn't mean it doesn't exist...)

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