Wow since 1994, What got you into WC and what made u stay for so long?No, I've never even been to Australia. I started WC in 1994. I trace my WC lineage thru Chu Shong Tin and I know of some good teachers in that lineage In Aussie-land. I've experienced crappy instruction and phenomenal instruction in WC. There's the copycat version where you copy sifu with no understanding of why you do what you do. I did that for 5 years. Then there's the more bio mechanical approach. I dabbled with that for years. That can be very effective. And there's the soft internal approach that most people poo poo, unless they're on the receiving end of it. These are the methods I've been exposed too. Everyone chases their own flavor. I would give one piece of advice, stay away from copycat crap. If you can't ask sifu questions and get real answers, or if his answers are, 'that's how I was taught, I don't know what it's for', I would do yourself a favor and move on. You can waste years of training, getting nowhere. Of course opinions vary...just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the advice, thankfully this school is not the copy cat style. We've been told many times in class if u dont know why u are doing it, u wont be using it. Our school has the soft approach its nice to know that its a level reachable but not in the near future unfortunately. So for now its sil lim tao everyday.............but not getting any small ideas yet my head is still empty