Green Belt
The way Wing Chun works is that it tends to nip things in the bud so to speak , when the attack is still in it's infancy.
The arm drag is a great technique and I use variations of it in some of my knife defence stuff.
But the way he initiates it means that he will immediately be hit , because he is trying to clear the arm away from the centerline.
Wing Chun guys are like a baby with a toy , it's my centerline mine mine mine and your not having it.
So with a simple flip of the wrist he will go around that arm that's trying to clear and hit the guy , it is a technique called running palms.
On very skilled practitioners you maybe not able to move there arm at all off the center line , their force and focus can be that great.
Because to us if we allow our arms to deviate off the centerline it can be more costly than just having your arm captured , it can mean having various parts of your neck attacked which is not very pleasant.
Mook, I believe this is the only time I disagree with you. Let me just clue you into the grappling world real quick:
GRAPPLER-I don't care what obstruction is in my way, I will clear it or move on to the next opprotunity; And there is ALWAYS a next opprotunity.
You seem to have this fantastic idea in your head that WT can overcome all, it can't. Wrestlers are just the same as WT guys as they don't ever try to "force" an entry, they "creat an angle" of attack. And yes I know that in WT we follow our opponent like a turret with our stance, but this doesn't change the fact that I have successfully taken down many many WT/WC guys with a arm-drag to a singel/double leg. Don't get me wrong, I am a full believer in WT chi-sau. After I learned the dummy chi-sau, my eyes were opened to new realms of possiblity. But that doesn't change the fact that a wrestler can slip our guard just as easily as we can punch them.
I'm speaking from practical experience. Now I'm not saying Leung Ting WT is the best out there, but I trained it for a number of years and it is definately a legitimate branch of WT. I still have never had a single problem taking a LTWT guy down ever. Chi-sau is not going to save you from a take-down. Ya, sure you will know whats happening and you will formulate a quick and decisive response and it might even work out for you, once or twice.
The crux of the matter is, wrestlers (and some grapplers) are just as good (or better in some cases) as adapting to new variables just as quick as a WT man is. This effectually negates your entire comment about chain-punching saving your *** from an arm-drag. I've had it happen to me on multiple occasions. All I did was level change, and utilize a snatch single. Then I used a lift and sweep (like a Lau-sau/huen-bo for us WT guys). And then Sifu Bad-*** hits the ground.
I'm not trying to be abrasive, or mean. I'm just letting you know that you have no clue what you are talking about. And honestly, I don't have sugar coat it for you. You need to realize that grappling is so fast, and deceptive. Yes grapplers move the arm out of their way, but that is the most basic of ways to take someone down. Grapplers utilize the centerline all the time, and are just as good as controlling it as we are.
And im assuming that "So with a simple flip of the wrist he will go around that arm that's trying to clear and hit the guy , it is a technique called running palms." you mean huen-sau or Kau-sau (Circling hand, and plucking hand for the non-wt people viewing this).
Well again, all a wrestler has to do is a level change and since you were so nice as to move your arms out of the equation for him, he/she switches to a take-down.
I swear I need to start posting vids about just how flipin easy it is for a grappler to slip past our guard, because too many of us WT folks are so woefully ignorant of grappling it is embaressing. The guys I trained with for years hadn't the faintest idea of how to deal with a simple take-down; and had I known I would have showed them every solution there is. It opened my eyes to how many holes we have in our "perfect little system"... Anyways, eat it up grapplers, thats the only time im going to defend your asses in an arguement against WT.

So the thick and the vieny of this little dietraub is that, actually go grapple people before opening your mouth. Because honestly WT/WC people, your ignorance is starting to offend me.
Respectfully yours,
Jeff (Das Panda).