I thought about "the lesser of 2 evils" arguement for awhile, and hear is my take.
I don't think that change, positive or negative, will (or should) happen overnight. So, when I vote, I think will this canidate make our country a little bit better, or a little bit worse, or stagnate. If it is worse or stagnate, then I won't vote for that canidate. In 2000, I felt that Gore or Bush would have left us worse or stagnate. I excercised my 3rd party vote and voted for Nader then. It wasn't "throwing my vote away" because the large numbers that voted for Nader pushed the Democratic party to address issues that weren't being addressed before, such as living wage. I am happy about my vote for Nader, even though Bush had gotten elected.
2004 is a vastly different year, however, then 2000. I feel that Bush has done damage to our country. I look at Kerry, and I don't see a perfect canidate, or a perfect person; but I do see someone who will actually make us a bit better then we are today. So, he will have my vote this year.
Now, Nader makes an interesting point. He believes that right now, because of the way we are structured, that it doesn't matter who you are; if you are in one of the 2 dominating parties, then your doomed to fail the american people. This is because he believes that to get elected, you have to appease your party (dem. or rep.), and that the party is run by corporate special interest. It's a no-win situation because even if Kerry has the greatest of intentions, he either appeals to the corporate monster or he is gone. I understand his point, and I somewhat agree. However, since I don't believe that change happens overnight, I believe that large structural problems will take time to fix as well. If we can continue making those few steps for the better with every canidate, then eventually these structural problems can be fixed.
Anyways, on the lesser of 2 evils issue, if one out of the 2 main canidates can make some change for the better, then even if he isn't the perfect canidate, voting for him/her isn't voting for the lesser of 2 evils, in my opinion.