Game Thread Resets

I'm not sure if I'm overstepping my bounds by posting a reply here, but I just wanted to comment on a couple of things.

I'm still fairly new to this forum. I really enjoy reading the information that is posted on here as well as discussing the viewpoints of others.

I, personally, like to keep up with the post count. It's not only fun to keep up with my own personal posts, but it also allows me to see who is more credible...especially with the thanks and the rep functions.

I agree with taking out the misc. posts that have no merit from the post count...I can see how that would make a difference...especially since I'm looking at the post count as a partial reference point to how respected a poster you conjunction with the thanks and the rep.

Again, I really hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by posting on this subject, but I really wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this one, because what's being discussed has merit in my opinion. I realize that this discussion has gotten rather heated, and I'm hoping that maybe what I'm suggesting could shed light on the subject without rocking the boat too much.

Never an overstepping here to let us know what you think. I'm always open to feedback. :)

My view is, that 1 meaty post in an art area, say kenpo or arnis, or 1 good fact filled post in the study, or even a funny joke, or an article in the zine, is worth more than a post made simply to increase the count (score), or a 1 word post, or a description of where you went for lunch. Game threads are fun, but are they really overall, meritorious content of equal worth to a thread on a technique, an article that made you think, or a debate that you felt effected your life? I don't, but that's my opinion.
Thanks MJS..However there are times when threads have no bearing on LEO issues or the subject is a discipline that I have no knowlege of so I cannot render an opinion, during those times I retreat to Lisa's Lounge or the LPT and post..

True, but even though policy varies from dept. to dept, state to state, you guys can still give your .02, and IMO, I enjoy that. :)

I have always believed that these posts like the ones you mentioned may help to show newer members that martial artists are just like they are..It may encourage the lurkers to start posting...I know that's what did it for me...

I've posted in TLP but its been quite some time since my last post, as I've tried to shift my efforts to the art areas. I'm not against a chat area, although my posts probably give that feel. I just feel that the focus of the area has changed.
My will is to stop counting chat, but my will is also for my head to stop throbing, and my cat to stop steping on my head when I sleep...seems I don't always get my will. lol

If you suceed please pass the information on to the others in need...ME!!!

There are worse things than a cat stepping on your head while your asleep...

While my wife and I were dating, she had 3 dogs. A Rotty, a Shepherd, and a Rotty/Shepherd mix. The dogs were accustomed to sleeping on the bed with her... One night, we were getting into bed, and the Shepherd proceeded to go to her accustomed place at the top of the bed. Unfortunately for her -- I was there first. But she gave it a serious try before accepting that I was in that spot! :eek: I'll take a cat walking on my head over a Shepherd laying on it...

One side note, to keep this sort of on track... This is the sort of post that could fit in chat. But they do serve a valid purpose, in that they are part of what makes MT a community, and not simply an exchange of information, kind of like an interactive library.
I'm not against them either. If I was, I wouldn't have given them their own area, and gone out and found 20 new ones for everyone to enjoy.
Post count has never mattered to me. Running my own forum I don't know how Bob does it. Mine is FAR less popular and I get crap from people on it.
Late to the party, I know, I know.


First of all, rearranging the furniture here will probably take some getting used to - and ya know what happens when you move furniture around. Well ... the ladies here do anyway ... you find dustbunnies and pocket change and moldy M&Ms and lost earrings ... some gems, some trash.

But the point is ... IT ALL BELONGS TO YOU.

There are many 'meters' on forums; post counts, reputation, thanks system, membership status, contribution status, etcetera. It would be terriffic if you could go to a chat forum, glance at banners, pips, avatar size and user titles and immediately be able to think to yourself, "This person clearly knows what he/she is talking about because look at how many people on the site have supporting him/her with reputation and thanks? How long he/she has been here? Oh wow, look at that one - A Founding Member!"

But the truth is ... you can't. The truth is it really doesn't matter what other people think, do or say ... ultimately you have to take the time to read, read, read some more, take many opinions into account, do your very own research and ultimately make your own decision.

These ... are ... forums. Organized for your convenience, supplied for your entertainment, consideration and possible education. If you have specific information or find some in a chat thread, make sure it gets to the right spot - and if you're not sure, please ask a mentor or staff member. It's what we're here for!

I can understand frustration at change for anyone who has invested a good deal of time here - I've invested four and a half years here - becoming a tad perturbed over changes that affect post count or rep status but ... after this amount of time, I'm over it.

I'll re-post my current recolection of an amazing statement by a friend of mine over six years ago: 'Change is life, life is change. If I were to reject change I would be rejecting flowers blooming, leaves falling, the sun rising and setting, the moon shifting phase, babies being born and old friends dying. I'll accept this change and move forward with life because that IS life itself.'

I'm excited about the changes for the forum and can't wait to see us get better and better.

Bob, thanks for all you do to keep this place interesting and fun, abating the stale and fostering not only martial-arts related discourse but flat-out fun!

The vote in the Supporting Member lounge fell 60% in favor of decounting the B&G and Game areas. The Steering Board is now discussing the issue. The number of voters on the count/nocount issue was rather small, at 38. I'll update this once a decision is made.

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