Game Thread Resets

This is a notification that somewhere between now and January first, we will be cleaning the B&G from top to bottom. Threads may move, be pruned, or partially or entirely deleted.
Post counts will be effected.

I will be posting a poll in the Supporting Member Lounge concerning the post count issue and use that to make a final determination on what to count and not count. If you want to vote, make sure your supporting membership is paid up.

Thank you.
If having a high post count is how you judge your success here on the site then you really need to look inside yourself and find your self worth elsewhere.

I hope the you here isn't directed at me--the :( was meant to convey my negative feelings on this matter. I was always against counting posts there. It's just chat, not forum material. (Useful info. might still be exchanged on occasion, of course.) I was supporting Kaith's proposal here, not complaining about it.

Case in point, if I remove all posts from all non-art areas (includes game threads, mod area, etc), you (Arnisador) drop from 31,269 to 13,216

Many of those would still be "Please, keep the discussion polite and professional" posts.

This is a notification that somewhere between now and January first, we will be cleaning the B&G from top to bottom. Threads may move, be pruned, or partially or entirely deleted.
Post counts will be effected.

I propose affecting them rather than effecting them. Apart from that, fine by me.
I reserve the right to use Photoshop Effects while moding.


I hope the you here isn't directed at me--the :( was meant to convey my negative feelings on this matter. I was always against counting posts there. It's just chat, not forum material. (Useful info. might still be exchanged on occasion, of course.) I was supporting Kaith's proposal here, not complaining about it.

No Arni, that part was not directed at you. I am well aware of your feelings regarding that matter and agree with many of them.

I guess I am just tired of people complaining when little things like post counts and stars are taken away from them. It means so little in the big picture and it saddens me that people are here for the superficial rewards that the site gives us. It takes the fun away from the stuff that is suppose to be fun, ya know what I mean?
I guess it was directed at me, so Iwill say this. Post counts is essence means nothing the site does, it always has to me. I have been here a longtime and plan on being here even longer. I post to post and talk to people about every as pect thatwe can. I have meet people like Drac, Brian and 14 kempo in the LPT and we have become good friends over the years. I have promoted Martial Talk to everyone I know and will continue to do so.

This place is where I choose to be because we can voice our opinion and not be affaid about people calling us aal type os stuff. My journey here goes way beyond threads and post counts, what I would lake to see is a plave where we can still chat with those that we only see in certain area;s like the LPT.

14 and Drac would never be posting in the TKD section and I hardlt ever post in the Kempo section, Brian is a rebel and post mainly in section I do not visit and he does not visit the TKD section that much. Friendship have been made possible for the site has given us this and for that I am Thankful to Bob Hubbard and Martial Talk, I am a very emotional guy and have gone thopugh alot over the last six months, some of this some here knows about and my future in the martial art world is resting on my school being productive. Which right now it is not.

Sorry if some of you believe all this site means to me is post counts and hopefully some of you will figure out it is more then that.

So, why all the fuss about the count when you still have those friendships?

I added -20- New Game threads, and a separate section special for them, in a section viewable to all registered members. I moved existing game threads that were active in, so they would be easily found.

If I reset everyone's post count to zero, what other than an arbitrary number, changed?
Are you somehow less of a person because your count dropped 18,000 points?
Will Drac and the others you were chatting with in the LPT shun you?

I got grief over the rep system. Some even sang laments to it and wore black arm bands I heard after the last reset.

I got grief over the Thanks system. Grief over the change in gallery software, grief over adding in blogs, grief over adding the B&G, etc.

Ever wonder why I bother coming on, when a good chunk of what I try to do to make this site run faster, smoother, and better, gets me angry phone calls, pms and emails?

It's days like today that I wish I'd taken the $40,000 buy out offer I got last summer.

Folks, it's just a god damned message board, and while I greatly appreciate the passion y'all have for the place, it's sometimes down right worrisome how much something like a green dot or couple of points matters.

At the end of the day though, the site is called "Martial Talk", not "Chat Room for Folks who like Martial Arts". I don't care how much you use the chat areas, argue about politics, or tell jokes, but the main reason we're here is for martial arts talk. Try and remember that and visit those areas a bit between posting what you had for lunch and what number you're thinking of at the moment is, k?

I guess it was directed at me, so Iwill say this. Post counts is essence means nothing the site does, it always has to me. I have been here a longtime and plan on being here even longer. I post to post and talk to people about every as pect thatwe can. I have meet people like Drac, Brian and 14 kempo in the LPT and we have become good friends over the years. I have promoted Martial Talk to everyone I know and will continue to do so.

This place is where I choose to be because we can voice our opinion and not be affaid about people calling us aal type os stuff. My journey here goes way beyond threads and post counts, what I would lake to see is a plave where we can still chat with those that we only see in certain area;s like the LPT.

14 and Drac would never be posting in the TKD section and I hardlt ever post in the Kempo section, Brian is a rebel and post mainly in section I do not visit and he does not visit the TKD section that much. Friendship have been made possible for the site has given us this and for that I am Thankful to Bob Hubbard and Martial Talk, I am a very emotional guy and have gone thopugh alot over the last six months, some of this some here knows about and my future in the martial art world is resting on my school being productive. Which right now it is not.

Sorry if some of you believe all this site means to me is post counts and hopefully some of you will figure out it is more then that.


If you feel that it is directed at you, then the least I can do is answer you.

Nobody wants to take away your ability to meet people. Nobody wants stop the networking that goes on on this site and certainly if post counts in essence means nothing to you, then turning off or removing certain posts from your count should not cause any kind of uproar or emotion because nothing has changed. You can still make friendships, you can still forge relationships, you can still network and you can still chat with others, none of that will change. It just won't count towards a total. The fun is still there, its not going anywhere. It is going to be what you make of it.
No Arni, that part was not directed at you. I am well aware of your feelings regarding that matter and agree with many of them.

I guess I am just tired of people complaining when little things like post counts and stars are taken away from them. It means so little in the big picture and it saddens me that people are here for the superficial rewards that the site gives us. It takes the fun away from the stuff that is suppose to be fun, ya know what I mean?
I agree with both you and Arnisidor. Some of that stuff is fun -- but it gets out of hand quick, too. And can easily be a distraction from what this place is supposed to be about!

Rep and post counts are useful indicators for general perceptions of folks and how active they are -- but there are plenty of people whose post counts are much lower, but just about every post they make is pretty damn good. (Grydth and Langenschwert leap to mind at the moment...) But sometimes they become distractions and disruptions, too.

Like Terry said -- some of those chat & game posts pull people together who almost certainly wouldn't notice if we all stayed in our own little areas. Hell, if I stayed in the Indochinese Arts area, I'd have left ages back, 'cause there's so little activity there. (Note to self: gotta work on that a bit!) They're a valuable part of the site -- but they shouldn't eclipse the rest of the site, either.

(And, Terry, I hope you don't take any of the post whore stuff from me personally! It's meant as good natured ribbing, nothing more!)
So, why all the fuss about the count when you still have those friendships?

I added -20- New Game threads, and a separate section special for them, in a section viewable to all registered members. I moved existing game threads that were active in, so they would be easily found.

If I reset everyone's post count to zero, what other than an arbitrary number, changed?
Are you somehow less of a person because your count dropped 18,000 points?
Will Drac and the others you were chatting with in the LPT shun you?

I got grief over the rep system. Some even sang laments to it and wore black arm bands I heard after the last reset.

I got grief over the Thanks system. Grief over the change in gallery software, grief over adding in blogs, grief over adding the B&G, etc.

Ever wonder why I bother coming on, when a good chunk of what I try to do to make this site run faster, smoother, and better, gets me angry phone calls, pms and emails?

It's days like today that I wish I'd taken the $40,000 buy out offer I got last summer.

Folks, it's just a god damned message board, and while I greatly appreciate the passion y'all have for the place, it's sometimes down right worrisome how much something like a green dot or couple of points matters.

At the end of the day though, the site is called "Martial Talk", not "Chat Room for Folks who like Martial Arts". I don't care how much you use the chat areas, argue about politics, or tell jokes, but the main reason we're here is for martial arts talk. Try and remember that and visit those areas a bit between posting what you had for lunch and what number you're thinking of at the moment is, k?


I for one visit all those section and post in them, you are right but the meat and potatoes of the site is about Martial Arts. I have always been a player in those area's and will always be.
If you feel that it is directed at you, then the least I can do is answer you.

Nobody wants to take away your ability to meet people. Nobody wants stop the networking that goes on on this site and certainly if post counts in essence means nothing to you, then turning off or removing certain posts from your count should not cause any kind of uproar or emotion because nothing has changed. You can still make friendships, you can still forge relationships, you can still network and you can still chat with others, none of that will change. It just won't count towards a total. The fun is still there, its not going anywhere. It is going to be what you make of it.

Then I would say lets get rid of all the post counts together and just use the belt sytem or just a join date. This will eliminate all the problems then, my take was never posr counts but why we get rid of some and not others. I am all for having nothing at all.:asian:
Then I would say lets get rid of all the post counts together and just use the belt sytem or just a join date. This will eliminate all the problems then, my take was never posr counts but why we get rid of some and not others. I am all for having nothing at all.:asian:

That is something that is being discussed in the Premium Club as we speak. Bob has graciously put up a poll there to allow the supporting members of this site to have their say in what happens.

I am not sure everyone here knows this but I think it needs to be said. Bob works his *** off for this site. NO CHANGE that he does goes about without careful consideration and he always has the betterment of the board in his thoughts. He relies on his staff to help him make decisions, that is what we are here for. We don't always agree with him, but he listens to what needs to be said. He also really tries to be fair and allow the membership that helps support this site help him make these decisions. He has the shittiest job on the site, because ultimately he gets **** on no matter what he does.

Truthfully, I think he deserves better, but maybe that is just me.
That is something that is being discussed in the Premium Club as we speak. Bob has graciously put up a poll there to allow the supporting members of this site to have their say in what happens.

I am not sure everyone here knows this but I think it needs to be said. Bob works his *** off for this site. NO CHANGE that he does goes about without careful consideration and he always has the betterment of the board in his thoughts. He relies on his staff to help him make decisions, that is what we are here for. We don't always agree with him, but he listens to what needs to be said. He also really tries to be fair and allow the membership that helps support this site help him make these decisions. He has the shittiest job on the site, because ultimately he gets **** on no matter what he does.

Truthfully, I think he deserves better, but maybe that is just me.

I agree Bob goes though **** all the time and he does what he needs to make people happy. I do not believe you are the only one that thinks that way but just has a reminder to others he does deserve better.
That is something that is being discussed in the Premium Club as we speak. Bob has graciously put up a poll there to allow the supporting members of this site to have their say in what happens.

I am not sure everyone here knows this but I think it needs to be said. Bob works his *** off for this site. NO CHANGE that he does goes about without careful consideration and he always has the betterment of the board in his thoughts. He relies on his staff to help him make decisions, that is what we are here for. We don't always agree with him, but he listens to what needs to be said. He also really tries to be fair and allow the membership that helps support this site help him make these decisions. He has the shittiest job on the site, because ultimately he gets **** on no matter what he does.

Truthfully, I think he deserves better, but maybe that is just me.
Worth repeating.

Bob does a lot of hard work that we only see a shadow of. And he ends up taking a lot of grief over all sorts of things about the site, too.

And he does this while trying to run a business, too!

Thanks, Bob!
Hmmm....part of me soooo bad wants to dig back thru some past posts, where I could find some comments that greatly differ from an opinion or two that I see here, however, I am not going to do that. I will however, echo a statement that I've said probably...well, I can't remember how many times, because I probably can't count that high. LOL!

In a nutshell, like its been said, this is a MA dicussion board, not a chat room. I could care less what my post count is...10,000, 20,000, 1,000,000....I. Don't. Care! I care about helping to keep this place running, I care about doing my best to start threads, breathing some life into some old ones and jumpstarting ones that are not that old, but have slowed down.

Lets look at this....a post in an art section, a post in the study on a world event and a post in TLP. Out of those 3, IMHO, only 1 is worth not counting, and that is the one in TLP. Why? Well, lets the first case, we are talking about something productive. Perhaps we're breaking down a tech. from Arnis or Kenpo. Sounds productive to me.

In the second case, we're talking about something that is going on in the world. Perhaps we're discussing use of force issues, because somewhere in the US, a LEO is under scrutiny for using too much force. We have a ton of LEOs on here, and frankly, I find their opinions valuable.

In the third case, we have a discussion on what was eaten for lunch, whats on the menu for dinner, what kind of a day we had at work, how the kids are doing, how the family is, what the weather is like, etc, etc., etc.

If option 3 is more important than 1 & 2, well.......
In the second case, we're talking about something that is going on in the world. Perhaps we're discussing use of force issues, because somewhere in the US, a LEO is under scrutiny for using too much force. We have a ton of LEOs on here, and frankly, I find their opinions valuable.

Thanks MJS..However there are times when threads have no bearing on LEO issues or the subject is a discipline that I have no knowlege of so I cannot render an opinion, during those times I retreat to Lisa's Lounge or the LPT and post..

In the third case, we have a discussion on what was eaten for lunch, whats on the menu for dinner, what kind of a day we had at work, how the kids are doing, how the family is, what the weather is like, etc, etc., etc...If option 3 is more important than 1 & 2, well

I have always believed that these posts like the ones you mentioned may help to show newer members that martial artists are just like they are..It may encourage the lurkers to start posting...I know that's what did it for me...
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Not counting them for score doesn't stop anyone fromm till posting.
My will is to stop counting chat, but my will is also for my head to stop throbing, and my cat to stop steping on my head when I sleep...seems I don't always get my will. lol

But, I put it up to vote, and I'll follow that decision. Poll is in the Supporting Member lounge, for those that missed it.

I appreciate the kind words, and thank everyone for them. Remember there are others who help keep this site running, the mods, the mentors, and all of our supporting members and sponsors. They deserve our thanks too. :)
and my cat to stop stepping on my head when I sleep

If you suceed please pass the information on to the others in need...ME!!!

But, I put it up to vote, and I'll follow that decision. Poll is in the Supporting Member lounge, for those that missed it.

Fair enough

I appreciate the kind words, and thank everyone for them. Remember there are others who help keep this site running, the mods, the mentors, and all of our supporting members and sponsors. They deserve our thanks too. :)

Thanks Bob..Without you this whole shooting match would fall apart..

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