
The Kai said:
Yea, I looked at David Moore website-I suggest that everyone should and form your own opinion
There's a website??


Found it... OMG!
My friends I believe it may be time to put this puppy to bed. There will always be people believeing they can do it better and faster than their own instructors. opening a dojo is one thing but creating your own style is something totally different. Mr.Calkins has been asked in a previous post to verify who granted him 10th dan. He has yet to answer that question nor do I believe it will be answered. We have to assume then that this can drag on and on. We will have to live with it and we cannot undo what he has done. He is off doing his own thing and if not for his post I would know nothing about him. I can still sleep at night knowing that my students have been taught an art with history and roots. The only ones who will suffer by his actions are his students. Let this serve as a lesson to us however how important it is to teach our students of the past. Make them aware of their martial arts roots, and above all let them know that a title is just that a title a piece of paper does not justify the person his actions do. Once again Mr.Calkin good luck and I wish your students luck.
chinto01 said:
My friends I believe it may be time to put this puppy to bed. There will always be people believeing they can do it better and faster than their own instructors. opening a dojo is one thing but creating your own style is something totally different. Mr.Calkins has been asked in a previous post to verify who granted him 10th dan. He has yet to answer that question nor do I believe it will be answered. We have to assume then that this can drag on and on. We will have to live with it and we cannot undo what he has done. He is off doing his own thing and if not for his post I would know nothing about him. I can still sleep at night knowing that my students have been taught an art with history and roots. The only ones who will suffer by his actions are his students. Let this serve as a lesson to us however how important it is to teach our students of the past. Make them aware of their martial arts roots, and above all let them know that a title is just that a title a piece of paper does not justify the person his actions do. Once again Mr.Calkin good luck and I wish your students luck.

Well said Chinto01 !
Akashiro Tamaya said:
So basically we can safely assumed that you are well versed in the Chinese martial arts system ?

Yes But As I state I am always learning I am the continueing student.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
I am not quite sure what jutsi means and Uki I assume you mean Uke.
Sorry I'm not a top level typer. Yes the Uke being the student holding the wrist as the Aikido Stucent just turns. and the UKE could but doesn't let go beacuse he is not suppose to.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
So a white belt comes in your class for the first day, he/she is expected to perform Oi Jodan Zuki, Gyaku Zuki, mawashi geri and Gyaku zuki at the start? Don't you think that this is a sloppy way of training Mr. Calkin ? Understand one thing that bad technique are the hardest to fix when student continues to train in a sloppy manner, then again you should know that as you do have 37 years of training experience under your belt.
This is why I hate trying to explaine myself on line. This is not what I said. My students do learn all of these techniques but slowly. We will ad them in different ranks. For example The Above Stasted Round House Kick and Reverse Punce come in Yellow Belt, But As soon as they leanr them they start being trained in Defensive combinations with them not just the bacis moves and having to figure out the compinations on their own.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
Here you might be wrong on this interpretation Martial means MILITARY as in relating to the armed forces; "martial law" Fighting can be described as a confrontation between opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, as with bodily force or weapons.

Aikido is hardly a soft art Mr. Calkin, It can be physically demanding as karate. Think of Ukemi and god knows I hate being an Uke in Shihonage waza. I am curious as to how it took you a year to get a black belt in Aikido when I have trained in the traiditional art for 6 years and still shoshinsha level..
There are Goho and Joho Hard and Soft in every art but you see the soft mostly in the Chinese arts. Karate has became very straight line. many style just now returning to their circles. (When I say now I don't mean last week) And of Karate Aikido is the soft art using the attackers own energy against him. Not forse.. YES THERE ARE SOME HARD MOVES IN AIKIDO we could go back and forth on this all day. I seem to respect everyones opinion in these forums and everone seems not to like the opinions of others.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
How can someone such as yourself gained entry as a writer for Martial Arts magazine when a majority of your informations posted in various threads are horribly inaccurate. A good example you thought that Bruce Lee was a golden glove fighter ? And Kabuki was a chinese theater ?

Mr Calkin, english is hardly my primary language, but I am doing everything I can to make sure the spelling and grammar are correct.
This just goes to prove that you don't want to see someone elses opinion. These Magazines are run by top Martial Artist and the editors have been in contact wth me for several articles. As for my typing... Thats what Spell Checker is for But they dont have that in here that I know of....

Akashiro Tamaya said:
I am not quite sure what you meant by the above statement, from what I read it seems that you were conspiring to create by using your instructors style into yours. Am I right ?
This is just what I'm talking about.. I mention that I took some of my training over the years and blended it into a style I felt worked and you come up with..."you were conspiring to create by using your instructors style into yours. Am I right" There was no CONSPIRING... My instructors even helped me in my efforts.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
I have never heard of Yami-Umi-Do ? What is this style can you tell us more and Tsunami ryu is "formalized" by JKA ? I am assuming you mean to state that Tsunami Ryu is affiliated by Japan Karate Association (JKA) ?
Yami-Umi-Do was created By Mark Wagner based on Isshin-Ryu, Shotakan and Shorin Ryu. All he had ranks in and He also worked with Angi Uezu. When he FORMILIZED Tsunami-Ryu he had it done throught the help of the JKA.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
Otsuka, Nagamine , Funakoshi, Mabuni, Ueshiba, are just few examples of masters who never used the title Soke. Are you saying that you have far better achievement in the art than these great men ?
Their choice not to use titles is theirs. I do not take anything away from them. They are some of the greatest Martial Artist. I have had the Honor of working with many great masters some of which use Soke Some that do not. I have worked hard for what I have and when the title of Shodai Soke was awarded to me I CHOSE to use it. I'm sorry that it ruffles your feathers but if it does than I'm sorry. I worked hard in my training and Built my system and the Founder title was bestowed upon me and I will use it with pride. If the Emperor of Japan has a problem with that I would be honored to talk to him and have HIM judge my style (Not By Fighting) (I feel I have to put this in because so many think Judgeing or Checking out means I 'm challanging.) in person not over a computer I would be honored to show him my heart and I am sure he would agree.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
So you're saying that these federation gave you the certificates recognizing you as a 10th dan grandmaster / Soke all for free ?
Yes. I would be suspecting of one that made you pay for it. Iknow of many Black Belt Mills in Magazines that offer Black Belt through the mail and just send them $300.00 that you will get videos every month for a year and a Black belt at the end.... I resurched these and found that they were doing the best they could to get as much information as possible on every applicant. I know they ran me through the ringer to get all my info. It wasn't just a quick thing. I resurched them and they resurched me. As for the 10th Dan... If one creats a system and the information takes up 10 dan ranks ... If my system only went to 5th degree and I held that rank in my system then nobody would complain... But When you build a system with 10 degrees If I were not listed as a 10th degree how would I ever advance someone to the top rank.... OK lets see the Top Instructor Founder of this system is a 5th degree Black Belt or a 7th degree Balck Belt...But the system ranks to 10th degree????

Akashiro Tamaya said:
Sure Mr. Calkin, Give Ashida Kim all the credits for selling the most misinformed , false and bad training tips. Did you buy one of his books Mr. Calkin ?
First of all It is Calkins not Calkin... Also I never said that Ashida Kim wrote great books I said that he did great things for tha art. Look at David Caradine. He had very little training when he walk the world in Kung-Fu but it was great for the art. And yes I have bought some of his books in the past along with SK Hayes and others I have a wide libarary of matial arts books.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
Mr. Calkin, you are pointing your finger to people whom you felt did not give you the respect you deserved. Do you know what where the rest of your fingers are pointing at Mr. Calkin ? Yup directly back at you !
I came to this site to share opinion and views It was me that people pointed at. I now where my art and training came from. I never asked you to prove your self. I respect your statements and Would never doubt you like you have done to me. I do not knoe you so I have no way to disprove anything you say.. But you seem to Know me. Have we met in a Past Life, Do you Watch me train through my Dojo Window....? How do you know me well enough to point fingers and say that what I do and who I am is fake...? You don't.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
You named your style Fusho-Satori-Ryu which is Japanese, You hold a title which is japanese. Your organization gives out title in japanese which they apparently do not have linked to Japan or Okinawa. You are desecrating a culture and its arts in which you have no apparent link to Mr. Calkin. In Japan Imitation is not a form of flatery, it is a form of dishonesty. You are fooling the american public in thinking that your system has linked to Koryo Budo.
I am an Executive Chef and if I open a resturant and sell Mexican food do I have to get permission from the Mexican Government??
I never claim that my style came from Japan. I only claim that the roots of all Martial Arts including my own came from the same spring as all other Martial Arts. and that All Martial Artist and Styles are Brothers. That is my claim. I use Karate because most of the styles I learned were Karate. Eventhough I did add some Kung-Fu to the system it is not on the top to show as much. My students find it built into the system. You show me one place where I claim to be a member of any Koryo Budo. I state where my training came from and I teack a Basicly Japanese style with hints of American Kenpo, Chinese Kung-Fu, Thai Fighting and Ideas and groups of movements from Korean karate as well. That is why it is called a Blended Mixed Martial Arts system.

Akashiro Tamaya said:
Not all martial arts are valid, since Martial arts is unregulated by the goverment, there are far more fakes and bad instructors out there than you can imagine.
Unfortunatly this has some basis in truth. There are fakes out there and Bad Instructors. To tell you the truth I have found More Bad Instructors with Credentials than with out. I know of a guy with a 7th degree Black in Isshin Ryu with Instructor liniage back to Grand Master Tatsuo Shimabuku and I wouldn't send my worst enemy to train with him. He has very poor attitude and only cares about the money he makes in his dojo.

I just hope that the time I take out of my day to answers these constant doubts is not a waist of my time. I would enjoy to trade knowledge instead of batting back poor attitude and doubters.
chinto01 said:
Mr.Calkins has been asked in a previous post to verify who granted him 10th dan. He has yet to answer that question nor do I believe it will be answered.
I have answered this question several times it is just that people in thes forum don't want to admit the answer so they continue to doubt it. I have spend way more time answering questions. I came into this site to share not be judged.
The Kai said:
Boy I have no idea what you are trying to say, but if what you are trying to get at is that Jujitsu is a hard form of Aikido. You are a little of in your history and practice of both these arts.
Never when I say Jitsu I mean the Combat aspect. Such as Aikido is the traditional and Aiki-Jitsu takes Akik training and makes it more combat ready. The same basic moves but now you pin the had instead of having the uke hold on.
SokeCalkins said:
Such as Aikido is the traditional and Aiki-Jitsu takes Akik training and makes it more combat ready.

Not quite sure what you're saying here. Are saying that Aikijutsu comes from Aikido ? Or in other words, aikijutsu uses the techniques of aikido ?
Mr.Calkins thank you again for your reply. At least you answered one of the questions that has been haunting me and that is to see upon creating your own system you promoted yourself to 10th dan and then sought out an organization to validate your rank and system. I hope you can see the point that I am trying to make that you have taken it upon yourself to group yourself with some of the greatest masters in kara-te. Miyagi, Chibanna, Motobu, Itosu, Matsumura, The Shimabukuros, Kyan, and any of the other founders. Having read numerous publications on all of these men I would like to know how you come to the conclusion that you are of the same caliber as them? I have posted numerous time on this subject and if you would be so kind I would appreciate some answers to my questions.

SokeCalkins said:
Never when I say Jitsu I mean the Combat aspect. Such as Aikido is the traditional and Aiki-Jitsu takes Akik training and makes it more combat ready. The same basic moves but now you pin the had instead of having the uke hold on.
Actually Aki-Jitsu is the older art, or more traditional art. Aikido or Aki-Jitsu the jhand pins should be there either way
My students find it built into the system. You show me one place where I claim to be a member of any Koryo Budo. I state where my training came from and I teack a Basicly Japanese style with hints of American Kenpo, Chinese Kung-Fu, Thai Fighting and Ideas and groups of movements from Korean karate as well. That is why it is called a Blended Mixed Martial Arts system.

First of how old are you exactly??
I can speak of the Muay Thai, you really need it understand the arts more before you claim to teach them!!

just goes to prove that you don't want to see someone elses opinion. These Magazines are run by top Martial Artist and the editors have been in contact wth me for several articles. As for my typing... Thats what Spell Checker is for But they dont have that in here that I know of....

The editorial that you wrote for the NAPMA mag, is basically an opinion piece, As far as your history page on your website. I don't think I would tell and okinwan or a japanese that "Okinwa is Japanese"
Also Shorin ryu is a product of Shuri Te(not Suri te), Nha Te and Tomari Te
The Kai said:
Also Shorin ryu is a product of Shuri Te(not Suri te), Nha Te and Tomari Te

Actually a blend of Shuri te and Tomari te. Naha te didn't have much to do with Shorin traditions in general (except for Isshin ryu)
The Kai said:

Well, no harm and besides, as I've understood it, back in those days the masters interacted with each other quite a lot, so there must have been some cross pollination. What I meant that Shorin traditions are mostly based on teachings of Shuri and Tomari area traditions
Don Roley said:
Speaking of which- I see that you claim to have trained under Black Star ninjitsu. Based on your writings here, I can see that you know less than a student of six months in my dojo and so I have my doubts about the integrity of your instructor. You have my sympathy for spending so much time under a person who taught you what you wrote about ninjutsu on martialtalk- which was totally wrong. I have an interest in the various frauds claiming to teach ninjutsu and hold out the hope of actually finding a legitimate teacher outside of the school I train in here in Japan. Because the student is a mirror of his teacher- and I have seen wha tyou have written, I fear that this is definately not a case of a school that can actually be traced to Japan. If you could give us some information about running down your old instructor or anything else that could help I would appreciate it.

Mr. Calkins,

You seem to have missed the above in between all the other questions. I really would like to know about the person who taught you what he claimed was Black Star Ninjitsu. I am sure that if they had people live in as students like in your story, then there much be loads of information and people to talk to availible even now. If you would be so kind as to post some of the relevant information on the person who is the cause for all your mistaken knowledge about ninjitsu I would really appreciate it.
TimoS said:
Not quite sure what you're saying here. Are saying that Aikijutsu comes from Aikido ? Or in other words, aikijutsu uses the techniques of aikido ?
Aiki Jutsu uses the techniques and makes them more street affective.
elder999 said:
Soke Calkins, (Calkins Soke?) I see on your webpage that you studied Lo Meng style gung fu. Could you tell us a little about this rare style?
In case you missed this, I'd really like to know more about Toad style gung fu.

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