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Mr. Calkins,
There are numerous questions in this thread to you. I would recommend starting with the 1st post, and replying 1 by 1. If anything is going to take some time to research (dates, locations, names), post a reply stating you're tracking down your info and will update shortly. This way, everyone knows you've seen the question and haven't missed it.

People, back off a couple days and let the man reply. I'd like the answers too, and my own research came up blank.

Thank you.
It's not about using Japanese terms, it is about missusing them. Soke doesn't mean founder as has been pointed out many many times.

You would look at a Japanese person that decided to claim the title "Knight", "Baron" or "Lord" funny, yet that is essentially what a westerner claiming Soke is doing. None of those asian masters you named claimed that title, why do you need to?

Now lets create a Japanese Organization to award these titles and watch the sillyness grow!
SokeCalkins said:
I would like to address the issue concerning the use of titles such as Soke, Shodai, Grandmaster and others, as well as some other issues. It seems that there are many traditionalists who are offended by Americans using these terms. They would rather see the use of the title Soke dropped, and Americans use the title of Founder. They don't understand why Americans insist on using an Asian term. They are also complaining about 40 year old Grandmasters.
At no point in this "address" is the real point addressed: that Soke has a specific meaning in the Japanese language that people int he western world are bastardising for their own personal gratification.
The last time I heard so much whining and crying was from children in a daycare center, and even they didn't cry as much as some of these people who call themselves martial artists.
And the last time I saw such a large group of people getting together claiming to be the "supreme grandmaster of this" and the "ultimate ninja fighter of that" was also in school...

In any case, "whining and crying" as they put it is not what it going on. People who know what they are talkign about attempt to correct misuse of a foreign language, and those misusing it constantly claim that actually they're right and the numerous linguists and members of the parent culture are in fact wrong.

I will begin with some facts that many may or may not know

First, I will address the issue of Americans using Japanese terms. This has been going on since the Japanese arts were brought to America. After all of these years, Americans still butcher the name Kara-Te. We pronounce it Ka Rotty.
i.e. they pronounce it wrong. that's hardly an excuse, and in fact it should also be corrected. You may as well at least try to pronounce Japanese terms as the Japanese would.

We also see it used in conjunction with the word "American". Schools call it American Karate. Is Karate American? Absolutely not, but people call it this anyway and it has been accepted as the norm.
It's also more honest than, for example, Fusho-Satori Ryu, whichh most people would THINK was Japanese, when in fact it's American. Something altered in America but with karate roots could probably be justified in calling itself America karate.

What about the Koreans? The Korean Yudo Association has changed its name to the Korean Judo Association. How dare those Koreans use a Japanese term (Judo). Isn't saying Korean Judo the same as saying American Karate?
If the KJA is part of the IJF (International Judo Federation) and follows it's grading and competition guidelines, then Yudo has every right to be referred to as Judo. The two arts seem to be almost identical anyway, so as long as they're similar enough, Judo and Yudo might as well be the same thing. In any case, I believe that Yudo still exists as its own art, with its own grading requirements, and the KJA now deals with Kodokan Judo.

How about American Kenpo?
Same thing

Many American martial artists use the term dojo or dojang, yet no one complains about that.
They use dojo/dojang CORRECTLY, which is what matters! Dojo = "place to practice the way", i.e. somewhere to train.

Many of the modern schools still teach Asian terminology, respect and discipline.
Also fine. The respect and discipline is even fine without any Asian roots, but introducing asian terminology into an art to make it seem more authentic is just misleading, especially when it's done badly.

So, this is okay, but once the word Soke comes into play, it's taboo. It was acceptable for Americans to use the term Sensei. Why is it okay for a 3rd dan to be called Sensei, or a higher ranking Grandmaster to go by the title of Shidoshi, but not okay for the founder of a system to have the title of Soke? This does not make sense.

Because Soke is the one used incorrectly. It DOES NOT mean founder. I asked a Japanese linguist friend of mine a while back to translater it for me, and he found that it essentially meant "The head of a Japanese family" with mention of a debt of honour to those who had gone before and those who will follow. It was used to identify the current head of a lineage, not necessarily of martial arts, but of anything where a monopoly was enforced.

As far as the title of Soke, Shodai or any other Asian term, why do Americans use it? Well, I am sure there are several reasons. Probably one reason is just because it sounds better than Founder. It is related more to the martial arts. I, myself, prefer the title Founder, but regardless, what difference does it make as long as the person has trained hard and earned the title.
Founder is at least correct usage. Using the title "soke" is like using the title "Knight of the Round Table" or "Duke of Kidderminster" to identify yourself as a founder.

I cannot speak for everyone who carries the title of Soke, but I can honestly say that those I have met do not require anyone to call them by this title.
But of course, most of the Western ones plaster it all over their websites and any other form of advertisement for them and their system.

Of course there are those who use the title of Soke to impress people which is not a good practice.
I think I'd struggle to find ANY who didn't do this...

Anyone who founds their own system is a Soke or Shodai, however, that does not mean they should go around calling themselves Soke. Maybe some of the old Masters such as Ueshiba, Kano, Shimabuku, Oyama and others never used the title of Soke, but nonetheless, all of these men were.
Wrong. The Japanese don't consider these men to be "soke", so how exactly are westerners qualified to disagree?

Grandmaster stuff...
I imagine most of the grandmasters you named who founded their own systems at young ages probably put in as many hours as most people would do ina lifetime by that point...

And lastly, how dare a 22 year old with only a few years of study in Jiu-Jitsu found his own art and call it Judo. Jigoro Kano was born in 1860, received instruction in Jiu-Jitsu for the first time in 1877, and by 1882, he founded Judo. By the time Kano was 40, Judo had come to enjoy great popularity.
See my next post.

Regarding martial artists who found their own systems, they are not doing anything that the Grandmasters and Masters of the past didn't do.
I beg to differ. Most of them are putting in MUCH less effort than the other founders you have mentioned, who probably had trained more by age 30-40 than almost any westerner would in a lifetime. In addition, most of their arts were tested in one way or another, and survived. Judo, for example, beat almost all jujutsu schools who accepted their challenge (the sole exception being a school with a lot of groundfighting, which was then incorporated into Judo)

If you look into the history of what people consider traditional martial arts, every art was founded by someone who trained in different arts before developing their own. Look at the art of Hankido. This combines Korean Hapkido with Japanese Aikido. Mas Oyama trained in Chabi (a combination of Kempo and JuJitsu), Shotokan and Goju-Ryu before developing his Kyokushinkai. This is true tradition. I laugh when so-called traditionalists make comments about newly founded systems. They don't seem to realize that at one time the art they are studying was also considered a new martial art.
And I laugh when people create a new art and believe themselves the equals of masters like Kano and Ueshiba, both of whom earned their respect through their actions, not their titles.

Not the greatest of articles, and as I said, it NEVER addresses the issue that soke does not mean founder.
Kano-sensei's history:

Dr. Jigoro Kano, founder of modern Judo, was born in the town of Mikage in the Hyogo Prefecture, on October 28, 1860. Shihan Kano never viewed the martial arts as a means to display physical prowess or superiority. As a pacifist, he studied them to find a way to live in peace with other human beings. In his youth Kano studied Jujutsu under a number of different masters. Sensei Teinosuke Yagi was his first teacher, but at the age of 18 he entered the dojo of Tenshin-Shinyo Sensei Hachinosuke Fukuda. Upon graduation from Tokyo University, he studied the Kito tradition under Sensei Iikubo. By his mid-twenties, Shihan Kano had been initiated into the secret teachings of both ryus.

Kano's search for a unifying principle for the techniques he learned led him to the first principle of Judo--Seiryoku Zenyo (maximum efficiency in mental and physical energy). To him, only techniques that kept practitioners from spending much physical and mental energy should be incorporated into the system. One should use the energy of one's opponent to defeat his or her aggression. He called the resulting body of knowledge Judo. To propagate his art Kano founded the Kodokan (the "school to learn the way") at the Eishoji Temple in 1882.
Kano reached the okuden levels of 2 schools of jujutsu before founding Judo, which was and still is quite an exceptional achievement for anyone so young.

(Reference: "The History of Kodokan Judo" by Keo Cavalcanti, found here)
I am still waiting for a little more info on the Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. Although I suspect it consisted mostly of watching American Ninja movies.
Mr. Calkins thank you for your response. It is good to see that you are still willing to communicate with the group. Let me say that while you and I are on opposite sides of the fence I do not approve of the pesonnal attacks on you. To debate with someone is one thing but to attack them personally is another.

Now on tho the subject at hand.

I would like to address the issue concerning the use of titles such as Soke, Shodai, Grandmaster and others, as well as some other issues. It seems that there are many traditionalists who are offended by Americans using these terms. They would rather see the use of the title Soke dropped, and Americans use the title of Founder.

This is a quote from your latest post. I for one am not offended by Americans using Japanese terms if they can produce a legitimate certificate from a Japanese or Okinawan organization or instructor and the persons lineage and training can be traced back to the people issuing the certificate. The problem with your certificates is that they are all issued by American Councils. You never trained with these councils nor did you test before them. It was all correspondence done by video tape and references. You would never be denied by them because you are paying for their services to certify your rank. Therfore your rank is an American Rank issued by an American Council and you should not carry a Japanese title. In this case the term founder, or instructor would be appropriate. But things being what they are nobody wants to train with a founder or instructor they want to train with a Sensei, Renshi, Kyoshi, Hanshi, Master or in your case Soke. This is because the average Joe somebody off of the street does not understand what all these titles mean they just sound good. So which would you rather train with Instructor Calkins, or "Soke" Calkins. Let's not fool ourselves we all know the answer. So why get these fancy titles in Japanese granted by American Councils. Come on "Soke" you know the answer say it with me. FOR THE MONEY! That is why you did it! You took whatever training you had which is spotty at best threw it all together and called it whatever-ryu and got it recognized. You sold it to your students with your fancy title and your phony rank certficates. They did not know any better because they are new to the martial arts and you sold them something you made up. You are nothing more than a snake oil salesman sir you should be ashamed.

I am still interested in your training lineage and when you trained in Japan. For someone who trained there you sure are uneducated about their culture and customs. Once again I look forward to your response.
Here's a link to Soke Ed Annebul website, so as you can see he has a vested interest in the Titles he sells(BTW he is from my state, never heard of him)

One issue is the use (or misuse) of the title, I think however the underlying problem is the deserving of the title. I think that you gotta to be prety dellusional to compare yourself with Mas Oyama (et al). Also when these broke off they were 1.) well trained in thier parent art (except for bruce lee)
2.) They did not jump from 1st degree to 10th degree
3.) They had for the most part unquestionable skills

Through competition and seminars
I have met many whom I consider to be masters, most of them introducted themselved by THIER FIRST NAME. First time I met Hanshi Juchnik (somewhat controvertial I know)-he said "Todd, I'm Bruce" GM deAlba and GM Timmermann(sometimes posters on MT) both introduce themselves bt thier first names. All three class acts, and great Martial Artists. Heck, look around MT we have some serious talent (Doc, Golden Dragon, Dan Anderson just to name a few) some very knowledgable unknows (RRouslet, Gemini et al)./ Hell I respected MTKD (did'nt agree with him much tho, but he was sincere).

How many pull the "Call me Maestro" routine (from Seinfeldt)??

BTW If I sunk to personal attacks I do apologize
and is'nt the title SHIDOSHI the same one used in bloodsport???
SokeCalkins said:
Why is it okay for a 3rd dan to be called Sensei, or a higher ranking Grandmaster to go by the title of Shidoshi

Mr. Calkins, you really should check some facts before speaking. Shidoshi is a teaching title and the only people who are legitimately using it are in Bujinkan (okay, not sure about Genbukan ja Jinenkan). NONE OF THEM ARE GRANDMASTERS! Show us even one shidoshi, A LEGITIMATE ONE that is, NOT some wannabe ninja, that is a grandmaster
Kaith Rustaz said:
People, back off a couple days and let the man reply.

Thank you.
Apparently, a few folks missed this, so I'm re-posting it.
I respect SokeCalkins for trying to make his points. Some are valid. I do think that the hereditary nature of a sokeship is the biggest problem in regard to the use of the title.
SokeCalkins said:
The Site keeps asking for facts and when it comes from my typing no one believes it. Like The Titles.... YES Sempai means Senoir.... In the Japanese Dict.. But it has been used for "Senoir Student" "Student Instructor" "Assit. Instructor"... for years.. why was I questioned and slamed as not knowing what I am talking about on this. Shodai Soke is also one of these used tearm...

Bruce, How much further down the hole you need to dig ? This Anibele dude is a korean stylist, what the heck is he doing awarding people Japanese Ranks ?

Sempai is NOT Student instructor or what ever BS you have been dispelling on this forum. Sempai is not a term used exlusively in Karate !

I am holding back in exposing as something that you're not, you are already doing a great job making a fool of yourself. Stop this insanity and stop posting things that does not make any utter sense. Why don't you response what others have asked you so far ?
arnisador said:
I respect SokeCalkins for trying to make his points. Some are valid. I do think that the hereditary nature of a sokeship is the biggest problem in regard to the use of the title.

The only problem is that he is "using" others peoples analogy instead of his own explainations. The Soke thingies that he just posted came from Ed Anibele website !
arnisador said:
I respect SokeCalkins for trying to make his points. Some are valid. I do think that the hereditary nature of a sokeship is the biggest problem in regard to the use of the title.

Well, why use Soke then ? There are other titles and they're not hereditary. When our karate style split away from Renshinkan karate, our sensei took a title (and no, I'm not going to say which. Sorry, but I don't want it to be misused also) which he explained to us that it is not hereditary, so therefore he can give it to someone else when the time comes. And before somebody jumps on the fact that "aha! here's another guy who has created his own style, why don't you jump on him ?" let me just point out that Matsuoi sensei was already a high-ranking instructor in three legitimate arts: karate, iaido and the family style of bujutsu of his own sensei.
Guys, some of you have been jumping on Mr Calkins case because he posts so much information that is wrong.

Granted, he is not very knowledgable about the martial arts. But the purpose of this thread is not to trash him, but rather to have him answer questions about claims he has made here.

Some of you are convinced that he is a fake. But if you make it too rough an experience, then outside observers would say that he is as likely to respond to the valid questions stated here as most of us would be to rub ourselves in Alpo and run through a wolf pack.

If you truely think that Bruce Calkin is a fake, then you need to give him to oppurtunity to respond without being torn apart beforehand. If he does not respond to very vaild questions, then the logical observer would say that he is trying to avoid the issue. But if it looks like a meat grinder, then potential students might conclude that he was correct in remaining silent and closing his account.

So, if you think that he is a fraud, you should give him the chance to respond and not give him the excuse to back out. If he does not deal with the questions laid out in the first post, a single post stating the fact that he is in avoiding the matter of proof to his claims is enough. There is no need for the feeding frenzy we see here.

So if you think he is a fraud, you owe it to the truth to be silent and either let him take more rope to hang himself with or let the silence damn him in the eyes of all that view this thread over the years.
Don Roley said:
So if you think he is a fraud, you owe it to the truth to be silent and either let him take more rope to hang himself with or let the silence damn him in the eyes of all that view this thread over the years.

Very well, I can wait for answers. Mr. Calkins, you can start from anywhere you like. There are several questions in this thread alone just waiting for your replies
I've always gotten a lot out of these kinds of threads, just by sitting by and watching the folks involved go. Usually a ton of great info emerges every time. The one thing I've always wondered though...

Wouldn't a true, 100% total fraud merely take notes and amend their story from there to better mesh with the facts? At least try to make theselves float under the radar a bit more smoothly?
Marginal said:
I've always gotten a lot out of these kinds of threads, just by sitting by and watching the folks involved go. Usually a ton of great info emerges every time. The one thing I've always wondered though...

Wouldn't a true, 100% total fraud merely take notes and amend their story from there to better mesh with the facts? At least try to make theselves float under the radar a bit more smoothly?

True however with this day and age of the internet it is very hard to track all the things you have posted on websites and forums without tripping over yourself even when you are just stretching the truth.


Rick :CTF:
I am sorry if the title Soke offends some of you. Or if my poor typing skills do as well. I never claimed to be an executive assistant so I do not type the best and my spelling is a mess.
As for my title. I truly feel I have earned it and the respect that every instructor I have "Met" in person has offered me once they have seen that I am not making up what I do. I do not condem any titles or ranks of anyone on this site so I just hope that we can get past this. I will not be changing my title and i do not expect any of you to. :-)
I have answered your questions from many different post and if you like the answer or not they are the truth. I listed my most of my instructors on my site and have listed them here. Many of you speek of your instructors or are instructors your selves. Just because I have not hear of them does not make them less valued.
My First Instructor (To whom I returned to through out the years not just the time listed.) Lei Tai Soong... Yes it is a Korean Name.. (He Was Korean) But he grew up in China & Tibet and studied in the temples there. He trained my in the styles of Shaolin Kung-Fu and the Animal Styles. He also trained me (Or should I say started me on my training in Iron Shirt Qi-Kung. I know my web site calls it Toad Style and talks about making the body like steel... But that is advertising. I do the style justice and have constantly trained in this disipline. (I may look Big in Pics But My Abs are rock hard..:-) ) I know it doesn't look that way but unless we meet I can't prove this. Sorry.
Other Instructors I have been with... Tamio Kamura and others... I have spoke about ... I am sorry if you don't know them but they were execllent Instructors and I am proud of training with every one.
My history knowledge has been handed down to me by my instructors and I have read several titles on this.. I found many different interpratations and chose the one I felt was the truth. The Story of the Indian Monk that came to the temples and trained the monks and them the monks spreading the art... was the widest and from the temples of tibet so I follow this history. I am sure the Japanese and Koreans and everyone else has their own history that has been proven through out all history.
As for the "Black Star Ninja Academy." I trained in this far before and movie. I have never even see the movie in question so I never new the connection. Maybe the guys from the movie heard of David Frost's Academy... It was in Garland TX and It was a Live in Academt 24/7/365
As for Sifu David Moore... Sifu is listed in Record books and has spoken to ... "The Amazing Randy" He has proven his abilities and there is even an afidavid from a top Martial Arts celeb on his site. I have witnessed his abilities and have studied with him for years and in just the last 3 years have gotted the ability to make a set of wooden chop sticks move. I could put it on Video but with all the ability to fake video it would be a waste. Sifu and I only do demonstrations in person. If you would like to see Sifu in person he does demonstrations and Seminars all over the country. Just get in touch with him and he will let you know his rates. I'm sure he would do either the Arrow Catch or the Lu Ling Sao. At our demonstration he did both and impressed all of the instructors there.
SokeCalkins said:
As for my title. I truly feel I have earned it and the respect that every instructor I have "Met" in person has offered me once they have seen that I am not making up what I do. I do not condem any titles or ranks of anyone on this site so I just hope that we can get past this. I will not be changing my title and i do not expect any of you to. :-)
Could you please explain in a little more detail how you believe that a couple of shodan grades is equivalent to a 10th Dan? As this appears yo be the extent of your experience at some time (see this post and this post for my reasoning). Irregardless of whether or not "Soke" is even remotely applicable to you, the level of 10th dan is something achieved by few people in an entire lifetime of studying an art almost exclusively. Your experience at the time of posting yours details to the first site I found was listed as a shodan in aikido and a shodan in kempo, hardly enough experience in most peoples' eyes for the awarding of a judan grade.

As for Sifu David Moore... Sifu is listed in Record books and has spoken to ... "The Amazing Randy" He has proven his abilities and there is even an afidavid from a top Martial Arts celeb on his site.
If he's proved it, presumably there's a link to the test on Randi's site. Since proof would lead to $1M if it existed, he would presumably have submitted this proof to Randi's organisation. If he hasn't, then could you explain why not?

I have witnessed his abilities and have studied with him for years and in just the last 3 years have gotted the ability to make a set of wooden chop sticks move.
Would you mind explaining where the force for this movement comes from? I'm sure you're probably aware of Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Could you please explain what action leads tot he reaction of the chopsticks. In addition, could you possibly give some insight as to where the kinetic energy for such an action comes from, and the transfer process by which this energy reaches the chopsticks? Scientifically speaking, moving something with your mind is impossible unless you have some new way to transmit force, in which case you really should document this properly, under scientific conditions, and win the Nobel prize for discovering a new branch of science. If you can't perform this act under scientific conditions, you might want to ask yourself why...
Mr. Calkins
1.) How old are you at the present time
2.) the use of the title does urk me because of the lack of experience, the lack od a credible organization in your background, your lack of knowledge of history and the repeated attempts to impress use with "Chi" tricks
3.) if youthink you can move chopsticks that is fine-what does that have to do with the martial arts?
4.) what celeb martial artist vouched for david moore?
5.) Most people here can identify the style, and the teachers of your fellow posters. Obscurity doesnt neccassarilly mean inferior, but there is a myrid of styles represented here it is odd when no boby can id your background.
6.) Iron body Kung Fu is a crock-read up on the short lives Boxers rebellion
7.) the myth of buddha, and the dirty belt have been around for years-here's a heads up-there are people hear that know the history(like they lived it)
8.) IMHO-your background and style are made up-posting facts based off your expertise is gonna fan the flames

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