Akashiro Tamaya
Green Belt
SokeCalkins said:I am sorry if the title Soke offends some of you. Or if my poor typing skills do as well. I never claimed to be an executive assistant so I do not type the best and my spelling is a mess.
As for my title. I truly feel I have earned it and the respect that every instructor I have "Met" in person has offered me once they have seen that I am not making up what I do. I do not condem any titles or ranks of anyone on this site so I just hope that we can get past this. I will not be changing my title and i do not expect any of you to.
I have answered your questions from many different post and if you like the answer or not they are the truth. I listed my most of my instructors on my site and have listed them here. Many of you speek of your instructors or are instructors your selves. Just because I have not hear of them does not make them less valued.
My First Instructor (To whom I returned to through out the years not just the time listed.) Lei Tai Soong... Yes it is a Korean Name.. (He Was Korean) But he grew up in China & Tibet and studied in the temples there. He trained my in the styles of Shaolin Kung-Fu and the Animal Styles. He also trained me (Or should I say started me on my training in Iron Shirt Qi-Kung. I know my web site calls it Toad Style and talks about making the body like steel... But that is advertising. I do the style justice and have constantly trained in this disipline. (I may look Big in Pics But My Abs are rock hard..) I know it doesn't look that way but unless we meet I can't prove this. Sorry.
Other Instructors I have been with... Tamio Kamura and others... I have spoke about ... I am sorry if you don't know them but they were execllent Instructors and I am proud of training with every one.
My history knowledge has been handed down to me by my instructors and I have read several titles on this.. I found many different interpratations and chose the one I felt was the truth. The Story of the Indian Monk that came to the temples and trained the monks and them the monks spreading the art... was the widest and from the temples of tibet so I follow this history. I am sure the Japanese and Koreans and everyone else has their own history that has been proven through out all history.
As for the "Black Star Ninja Academy." I trained in this far before and movie. I have never even see the movie in question so I never new the connection. Maybe the guys from the movie heard of David Frost's Academy... It was in Garland TX and It was a Live in Academt 24/7/365
As for Sifu David Moore... Sifu is listed in Record books and has spoken to ... "The Amazing Randy" He has proven his abilities and there is even an afidavid from a top Martial Arts celeb on his site. I have witnessed his abilities and have studied with him for years and in just the last 3 years have gotted the ability to make a set of wooden chop sticks move. I could put it on Video but with all the ability to fake video it would be a waste. Sifu and I only do demonstrations in person. If you would like to see Sifu in person he does demonstrations and Seminars all over the country. Just get in touch with him and he will let you know his rates. I'm sure he would do either the Arrow Catch or the Lu Ling Sao. At our demonstration he did both and impressed all of the instructors there.
Then put up a video ! All these are simply unverifiable claims. Your typing is NOT an issue ! It your CREDIBILTY !