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SokeCalkins said:
I am sorry if the title Soke offends some of you. Or if my poor typing skills do as well. I never claimed to be an executive assistant so I do not type the best and my spelling is a mess.
As for my title. I truly feel I have earned it and the respect that every instructor I have "Met" in person has offered me once they have seen that I am not making up what I do. I do not condem any titles or ranks of anyone on this site so I just hope that we can get past this. I will not be changing my title and i do not expect any of you to. :-)
I have answered your questions from many different post and if you like the answer or not they are the truth. I listed my most of my instructors on my site and have listed them here. Many of you speek of your instructors or are instructors your selves. Just because I have not hear of them does not make them less valued.
My First Instructor (To whom I returned to through out the years not just the time listed.) Lei Tai Soong... Yes it is a Korean Name.. (He Was Korean) But he grew up in China & Tibet and studied in the temples there. He trained my in the styles of Shaolin Kung-Fu and the Animal Styles. He also trained me (Or should I say started me on my training in Iron Shirt Qi-Kung. I know my web site calls it Toad Style and talks about making the body like steel... But that is advertising. I do the style justice and have constantly trained in this disipline. (I may look Big in Pics But My Abs are rock hard..:-) ) I know it doesn't look that way but unless we meet I can't prove this. Sorry.
Other Instructors I have been with... Tamio Kamura and others... I have spoke about ... I am sorry if you don't know them but they were execllent Instructors and I am proud of training with every one.
My history knowledge has been handed down to me by my instructors and I have read several titles on this.. I found many different interpratations and chose the one I felt was the truth. The Story of the Indian Monk that came to the temples and trained the monks and them the monks spreading the art... was the widest and from the temples of tibet so I follow this history. I am sure the Japanese and Koreans and everyone else has their own history that has been proven through out all history.
As for the "Black Star Ninja Academy." I trained in this far before and movie. I have never even see the movie in question so I never new the connection. Maybe the guys from the movie heard of David Frost's Academy... It was in Garland TX and It was a Live in Academt 24/7/365
As for Sifu David Moore... Sifu is listed in Record books and has spoken to ... "The Amazing Randy" He has proven his abilities and there is even an afidavid from a top Martial Arts celeb on his site. I have witnessed his abilities and have studied with him for years and in just the last 3 years have gotted the ability to make a set of wooden chop sticks move. I could put it on Video but with all the ability to fake video it would be a waste. Sifu and I only do demonstrations in person. If you would like to see Sifu in person he does demonstrations and Seminars all over the country. Just get in touch with him and he will let you know his rates. I'm sure he would do either the Arrow Catch or the Lu Ling Sao. At our demonstration he did both and impressed all of the instructors there.

Then put up a video ! All these are simply unverifiable claims. Your typing is NOT an issue ! It your CREDIBILTY !
Aegis said:
Would you mind explaining where the force for this movement comes from? I'm sure you're probably aware of Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Could you please explain what action leads tot he reaction of the chopsticks. In addition, could you possibly give some insight as to where the kinetic energy for such an action comes from, and the transfer process by which this energy reaches the chopsticks? Scientifically speaking, moving something with your mind is impossible unless you have some new way to transmit force, in which case you really should document this properly, under scientific conditions, and win the Nobel prize for discovering a new branch of science. If you can't perform this act under scientific conditions, you might want to ask yourself why...
The Human Body conducts Eletric energy just like the electric Eel. It is tapped into to push and pull the item or effect the item.
The Kai said:
Mr. Calkins
1.) How old are you at the present time /QUOTE


The Kai said:
2.) the use of the title does urk me because of the lack of experience, the lack od a credible organization in your background, your lack of knowledge of history and the repeated attempts to impress use with "Chi" tricks/QUOTE

Sifu Moore and I do Seminars...

The Kai said:
3.) if youthink you can move chopsticks that is fine-what does that have to do with the martial arts?/QUOTE

Control of the Human Mind and Energy is just a different art.

The Kai said:
4.) what celeb martial artist vouched for david moore?/QUOTE

Paul Viele "President, World Martial Arts Ltd. : David Caradine (Who is working with Sifu Moore and Sifu Ming of NYC to build a Tibetian Style Temple here in WNY. For people to visit and train. It will be run By Sifu Moore, Sifu Ming and some of Sifu Ming's Students. It will be a Live in Temple and have housing available for others and Appartments available for visitors.

The Kai said:
5.) Most people here can identify the style, and the teachers of your fellow posters. Obscurity doesnt neccassarilly mean inferior, but there is a myrid of styles represented here it is odd when no boby can id your background./QUOTE


The Kai said:
6.) Iron body Kung Fu is a crock-read up on the short lives Boxers rebellion/QUOTE

My abilities are not a Crock. I do seminars of the subject and have done many demos. I am alwas willing to demonstrate this art. I have also seen Many artist better than I at this training. Sifu Ming of NYC is one of them.

The Kai said:
7.) the myth of buddha, and the dirty belt have been around for years-here's a heads up-there are people hear that know the history(like they lived it)/QUOTE

I do think the Monks of Gingasa Temple (I may have spelled this wrong) or The Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim, near the Bhutan border Have more than Lived it.. They Still do Live it and this is the history they teach.

The Kai said:
8.) IMHO-your background and style are made up-posting facts based off your expertise is gonna fan the flames/QUOTE

Sorry My training, Style and abilities are fact not fiction.. I would welcome any visitors to our school or I do seminars on my training and style.
SokeCalkins said:
The Human Body conducts Eletric energy just like the electric Eel. It is tapped into to push and pull the item or effect the item.
Well, until The Amazing Randi certifies it, I'll remain skeptical.
SokeCalkins said:
As for the "Black Star Ninja Academy." I trained in this far before and movie. I have never even see the movie in question so I never new the connection. Maybe the guys from the movie heard of David Frost's Academy... It was in Garland TX and It was a Live in Academt 24/7/365

Yes Mr Calkins. That is information you had already stated. What I wanted was some sort of proof and source other than yourself on this fraud.

I can tell by your level of knowledge shown in the post made in the traditional ninja forum that you have never studied under a legitimate ninjutsu teacher. I have never run into a fraud teaching as early as you say. So it of great interest to me to learn more about this. I have numerous friends in Texas who would be willing to make phone calls, or pay visits to records offices and the like. Since you claim to have lived full time in the dojo, it would have good records and a high profile. It should be easy to track down, if you give the addresses, etc to make it possible.


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SokeCalkins said:
The Human Body conducts Eletric energy just like the electric Eel. It is tapped into to push and pull the item or effect the item.
The force between 2 charged objects is given by:


Where epsilon(0) is the permittivity of free space (8.85419x10^-12)), q1 and q2 are the respective charges, r is the separation distance, and r(hat) is the direction vector.

Now, the important thing to realise here is that the body you are trying to affect is charge neutral overall (i.e. q2 = 0, therefore F = 0), unless you are talking about an ionised material, which I would doubt (chopsticks not being the most highly charged of objects), so even if you could generate an electric charge that would have an effect on a mass a certain distance away from you (which would require you becoming HUGELY charged, itself requiring an immensely large capacitance value for yourself, which is not the case) then you would have no effect on the chopsticks due to electric effects.

A similar problem would be found if you were attempting to use a magnetic field to generate the force.

Would you like to try again, as I think I've debunked the electrical field theory?
SokeCalkins said:
Sorry My training, Style and abilities are fact not fiction..
Maybe not fiction per say, but it's to what level you practiced any of them that many find questionable.

It's been mentioned that after looking at your pictures on your website, a few, the one with you holding the Katana in particular, drew ridicule that was beneath the dignity of a true martial artist, as nit-picking. My concern however, was teaching a form of self defense is one thing, but teaching a sword art can be particularly dangerous. Even a wall hanger can be quite deadly in untrained hands and in itself is an art that takes years to master. It was mentioned that maybe it wasn't a particularly good picture. I contest that any swordsman would not be caught dead posting a picture like that on his own website for the entire world to see, unless he himself didn't see anything wrong with it. Would you be so kind as to explain why you, with self-proclaimed masterful skill with such a weapon, would display such an amateurish picture?

Lastly, just to change direction for a moment if I may. You had mentioned that you happened to relocate to Texas because your stepfather was a professional baseball player. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you be so kind as to say who he was and what years he played for which team. (I'm a big baseball fan.)

Thank you for your time.
Aegis said:
The force between 2 charged objects is given by:


Where epsilon(0) is the permittivity of free space (8.85419x10^-12)), q1 and q2 are the respective charges, r is the separation distance, and r(hat) is the direction vector.

Now, the important thing to realise here is that the body you are trying to affect is charge neutral overall (i.e. q2 = 0, therefore F = 0), unless you are talking about an ionised material, which I would doubt (chopsticks not being the most highly charged of objects), so even if you could generate an electric charge that would have an effect on a mass a certain distance away from you (which would require you becoming HUGELY charged, itself requiring an immensely large capacitance value for yourself, which is not the case) then you would have no effect on the chopsticks due to electric effects.

A similar problem would be found if you were attempting to use a magnetic field to generate the force.

Would you like to try again, as I think I've debunked the electrical field theory?


Help I need a translator, I am so confused. I'm falling!
Gemini said:
Maybe not fiction per say, but it's to what level you practiced any of them that many find questionable.

It's been mentioned that after looking at your pictures on your website, a few, the one with you holding the Katana in particular, drew ridicule that was beneath the dignity of a true martial artist, .
That was a quick pictuer to display a gift. The School is called the Golden Dragon Dojo and One of my Students bought me a Gold Dragon katana for X-mas. That is that... But to judge a Mans ability from a snap shot is obsurd.

Gemini said:
Lastly, just to change direction for a moment if I may. You had mentioned that you happened to relocate to Texas because your stepfather was a professional baseball player. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you be so kind as to say who he was and what years he played for which team. (I'm a big baseball fan.).
His name is Emerito Lopez Jr. and he played major and Minor league ball in the Late 60s and during the 70s in 70 he played for The Mud Hens in Toledo Ohio and he also played for many others.
Aegis said:
Would you like to try again, as I think I've debunked the electrical field theory?
Take some time and look up telekinesis.. (This may be spelled wrong for you spelling coaches out there) And look up Human Aura... Also studies in Electric Energy transfer. Like when a fluoroscope is used... There is Energy in everything. and everything is made of Molecules of energy. Nothing is unchangeable

SokeCalkins said:
That was a quick pictuer to display a gift. The School is called the Golden Dragon Dojo and One of my Students bought me a Gold Dragon katana for X-mas. That is that... But to judge a Mans ability from a snap shot is obsurd.

Maybe so Bruce, but to claim a japanese rank with no japanese lineage is just sa dandy don't you think ?.... :idunno:
SokeCalkins said:
That was a quick pictuer to display a gift. The School is called the Golden Dragon Dojo and One of my Students bought me a Gold Dragon katana for X-mas. That is that... But to judge a Mans ability from a snap shot is obsurd.
Agreed. I find this a fair explanation.

Major league ball? That's great! Even a brief stint in the majors is a great accomplishment.
Don Roley said:
Yes Mr Calkins. That is information you had already stated. What I wanted was some sort of proof and source other than yourself on this fraud.

I can tell by your level of knowledge shown in the post made in the traditional ninja forum that you have never studied under a legitimate ninjutsu teacher. I have never run into a fraud teaching as early as you say. So it of great interest to me to learn more about this. I have numerous friends in Texas who would be willing to make phone calls, or pay visits to records offices and the like. Since you claim to have lived full time in the dojo, it would have good records and a high profile. It should be easy to track down, if you give the addresses, etc to make it possible.

Mr Calkins,
Did you miss the above?

Some people are probably thinking that your lack of knowledge about the martial arts is due to you being misled by frauds early in your experience. We look on you with pity that people who make claims they can't backup would lead someone like yourself so far astray.

But if you dodge questions and refuse to provide proof to your claims, I am afraid that there will be many on martialtalk who will jump on and treat you as a fraud. That gets nasty. And as a moderator, I do not like it when things get nasty. But there really is nothing to be done when you seem willing to only prove the most recent of your claims and nothing prior to about 1990 seems to exist outside of your word.

The easiest way to avoid you being treated by everyone as a fraud would be to back up your claims. After all, if you spent as long as you claim under the conditions you told us, there should be a mountain of evidence to show proof of Black Star Ninjutsu. A person who allows a young boy to stay at the dojo 24 hours a day instead of at home with his parents can't be doing things in secret. There should be records and such that can easily be shown to others. There is no reason for you to not be able to prove what you say and so I am dismayed at your reluctance to do so.

These claims of Black Star ninjutsu should be very easy to prove. If you make the effort to show how you did what you claim, then I am sure that the people now making jokes at your expense and laughing at you would be put in their place. But if you continue to dodge these questions, how can anyone else defend you from their accusations that you are just making it all up?

So please show some proof as I have asked and prove your honesty and willingness to work with us so that we can keep the wolf pack from looking at you as if you were smothered in Alpo.
SokeCalkins said:
Take some time and look up telekinesis.. (This may be spelled wrong for you spelling coaches out there) And look up Human Aura...

Why exactly should I be the one who has to look up the "evidence" for your claims?You made the claim, if you can't back it up with evidence yourself, then I don't buy it.

I tell you what, you point me in the direction of a single scientific peer-reviewed article that confirms either telekinesis or human auras. If no such experiments exist, I'm not interested, becuase if it's performed by a biased source, the results will be biased. If it's been studied ina truly scientific way, there will be no bias, the testing wuill be carried out with numerous spectators and instruments to ensure fair play, and there will be no opportunity to tamper with any of the "props" before you try your psychic abilities on them.

I really think that you should give Randi a call yourself. Moving chopsticks with the power of your mind would eb more than enough to win you the prize, and he'll happily help you set up a scientific test to prove your ability. If, on the other hand, you feel that you are unable to do this, then I will once again call your abilities faked, even if you believe they exist. Either you have been tricked or you are using trickery yourself, what you are doing is NOT real unless you can demonstrate it under the sterile conditions I have described above.

Also studies in Electric Energy transfer.
I've probably studied more on electrical energy transfer than you, and I can assure you that what you are claiming is impossible, the human body couldn't generate enough of an electric field to move a charged object, let alone a charge-neutral body such as pretty much everything in existance.

Like when a fluoroscope is used...
Fluoroscope; said:
instrument consisting of an X-ray machine (see X ray) and a fluorescent screen that may be used by physicians to view the internal organs of the body. During medical diagnosis the patient stands between the X-ray machine, or other radiation source, and the fluorescent screen. Radiation passes through the body, producing varying degrees of light and shadow on the screen.

This is an X-ray machine. The X-rays are part of the EM (electromagnetic) spectrum, and the reason this bit of equipment works is due to the fact that the X-rays are selectively absorbed by various tissues and structures within the human body, so that a coherant stream of X-rays will have patches of high and low intensity. When an EM wave hits a fluorescing screen, it stimulates the emission of photons through the lowering of an electrong from one molecular orbital to another, thus creating light and dark regions where you would otherwise have X-rays (invisible to the human eye.

Now, I didn't know what a fluoroscope was before you mentioned it, and after 5 minutes of research, I still have no idea how exactly you think this relates to the sudden remote development of kinetic energy in a set of chopsticks.

There is Energy in everything. and everything is made of Molecules of energy. Nothing is unchangeable
Matter is made of atoms, ions or molecules. These are different to energy though, even though they are related by Einsteins's equation "DE = Dm x c^2". They aren't the same thing.

Even then, would you care to explain where this fits in with the rest of your argument?
SokeCalkins said:
That was a quick pictuer to display a gift. The School is called the Golden Dragon Dojo and One of my Students bought me a Gold Dragon katana for X-mas. That is that... But to judge a Mans ability from a snap shot is obsurd.
Perhaps you should move it out of the "See soke calkins in action" section then, if it's not intended to be an action picture. Failing that, a caption stating that you were only holding the sword for the camera to see. Otherwise, in an "action" section of the site, people would expect to see actual techniques and stances, hence the comments you've recieved about the picture so far.
Firstly Iron body is a crock. There are sports out there that any body conditioning drills that could make the human body a juggernaunt would be jumped on (like boxing or a football lineman)-with millions of dollars at stake how widely used is iron body. It is merely an attempt to get out of the boring work of stomch conditionoing

Moving **** with your mind nothing to do with the martial arts. Knitting and Kenpo both require concetration, they are not a synertgistic effect.

The sword pose never should have happened, it is a affront to anyone that sincerely studies weapons,
I tell you what I also do seminars
arnisador said:
Agreed. I find this a fair explanation.

Sorry, but I don't, for precisely the same reasons Gemini laid out:

Gemini said:
It's been mentioned that after looking at your pictures on your website, a few, the one with you holding the Katana in particular, drew ridicule that was beneath the dignity of a true martial artist, as nit-picking. My concern however, was teaching a form of self defense is one thing, but teaching a sword art can be particularly dangerous. Even a wall hanger can be quite deadly in untrained hands and in itself is an art that takes years to master. It was mentioned that maybe it wasn't a particularly good picture. I contest that any swordsman would not be caught dead posting a picture like that on his own website for the entire world to see, unless he himself didn't see anything wrong with it. Would you be so kind as to explain why you, with self-proclaimed masterful skill with such a weapon, would display such an amateurish picture?

Please excuse the interruption to this thread.

As "The Great Debate" forum is new this thread has been locked for review by the admin team, for compliance with the forum rules. If it is found that the thread is compliant, it will be re-opened.

Thank you for your understanding and patience, while the admins get a chance to review this thread.

Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
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