Testing was yesterday.
The little kids actually did well. I was surprised (in a good way) how they actually all remembered their stuff. I was actually asking my instructor about some of the kids testing before the test and he told me that you’d be surprised what kids remember when under pressure from a test. I didn’t completely believe him but boy was I proven wrong. Even the fidgeting was at a minimum. It was pretty cool to see. My son even broke his board on his first try (and there was no practice for it unless you count the tournament last month). He was beaming!
After the test our instructor told me that my oldest is of the age and showing the maturing to move up into the youth class. That’s great for her but that means my two will be going to classes on different nights. That suddenly doubles the travel time and just time away from the rest of life. We will have to work it out but I asked if she can stay in the little kids class until after Easter at least. He was fine with that.
My test was somewhat disappointing. I did well enough to pass, but it wasn’t up to my personally standards. I got winded *so* easily. I guess when I decided to continue through pregnancy I didn’t picture it being any harder. At almost five months pregnant I thought I’d still be light on my feet and all that since I’ve been doing this from before pregnancy. It’s so much more work and so discouraging. My mind actually blanked out when it was time to do my pattern and that has never happened before. Usually that’s the easiest thing for me. I did get my mind back and on my second try (you know, where I actually did the pattern instead of looking blankly) I did it very well. But still. I *really* hoping part of the issue is from having been sick in bed for the three days prior to the test and still not being back up (I was maybe at 75%). But still, I would’ve expected adrenaline to cover for that. My drills were fine except that I got *so* wiped out and winded by them. My break was especially difficult but that is somewhat due to the fact that they couldn’t decide what alternate break they wanted me to do ahead of time and I had nothing to prepare. I did manage to do it but it took more than one attempt this time. Just for my sake, I hope after the baby comes I can attempt the original break. I really wanted to try it but since it usually involves landing on your back and rolling, they wouldn’t let me. My midwife wouldn’t want me to either so I guess they are probably right.
On another note, I guess I’m grateful that I can continue to train during pregnancy in my late-30’s. It is certainly a different kind of challenge but it is still a challenge. I like to persevere through challenges. I’ve got this weird desire to train right up until the day I give birth. Like how cool would it be to get home after training and just start labor then? I’m hoping I can make it. I tend to wimp out in the summer heat, especially while pregnant.
Anyhow, thanks for reading. Sometimes I wish I had my younger body. It might handle pregnancy and training a bit more smoothly.
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