Former criminals run Taekwondo headquarters?

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So he didn't actually hit anyone, he was the godfather?

It was politicians versus politicians? The hoodlums were backed by the government (KCIA)? Usually, like history, that means the story of the victors is that which is told. It also usually means the fall guys are small potatoes.....

The kwans did not form the WTF. It was formed by representatives from various countries. The kwans gave their promotional authority to the Kukkiwon which was the "national gym" so to speak.
That thought went through my mind just before reading your response. The winners write the histories.
Hi guys,

This thread is like being in Alice in Wonderland (or maybe "Alex in Wonderland"). I originally posting about the Kukkiwon and criminals and, now, we're discussing whether or not I was on #1 or #2. Bizarre. And you're insulting me by saying my book was "ITF propaganda." I have a tough skin, but this is ridiculous. Miguksaram, have you actually checked out the index and references in my book? If I had included more documented proof of KCIA activity, then the references would have been longer than the KCIA sections. Propaganda usually doesn't include footnotes from academics and U.S. Congressional documents.

If it's any consolation to you fellows, a former American CIA agent wrote to me to say that I'd gotten the facts right but that he was going to hunt me down anyway.


Anyway, I'm headed to other threads. There are only so many Chesire grins I can take in one week. I suspect your hearts are in the right places. Keep on training, guys. It's all we've got.

Alex Gillis

As he already pointed out, Alex has never posted on, though I feel that if he wants to help bring some more legitamcy to his book he should. The people over there are very well versed in TKD history and can offer a great deal of insight themselves.

Alex, your book comes off as pretty much ITF propoganda, and being that you are former ITF, people will most likey think as such. You mentioned you spoke with KCIA and other anonymous people. Could you provide a list of these peope to a private email along with their contact information? Perhaps to give others a chance to dig into this information fro themselves and get a clear view of what is going on.
Hi guys,

This thread is like being in Alice in Wonderland (or maybe "Alex in Wonderland"). I originally posting about the Kukkiwon and criminals and, now, we're discussing whether or not I was on #1 or #2. Bizarre. And you're insulting me by saying my book was "ITF propaganda." I have a tough skin, but this is ridiculous. Miguksaram, have you actually checked out the index and references in my book? If I had included more documented proof of KCIA activity, then the references would have been longer than the KCIA sections. Propaganda usually doesn't include footnotes from academics and U.S. Congressional documents.

If it's any consolation to you fellows, a former American CIA agent wrote to me to say that I'd gotten the facts right but that he was going to hunt me down anyway.


Anyway, I'm headed to other threads. There are only so many Chesire grins I can take in one week. I suspect your hearts are in the right places. Keep on training, guys. It's all we've got.

Alex Gillis

Alex remember we can all dis-agree and still post and remain perfectly polite while doing it. I hope you can still post and give your inside here for us to read and learn a few things.
Hi guys,

This thread is like being in Alice in Wonderland (or maybe "Alex in Wonderland"). I originally posting about the Kukkiwon and criminals and, now, we're discussing whether or not I was on #1 or #2. Bizarre. And you're insulting me by saying my book was "ITF propaganda." I have a tough skin, but this is ridiculous.

Alex: Alex: The day I saw the header on your original post something told me the thread was going to careen and disintegrate into bitterness and acrimony.

MT Taekwondoists often engage in serious and sober debate, but the subject of Kukkiwon leadership – the elephant in the room so to speak – is another matter. Who really wants a candid discussion?

I sometime wonder what kind of debate we would have if a “reformed” former associate of the Chicago chapter of La Cosa Nostra or the LA Crips where to suddenly become the head of USA Taekwondo. Better yet, how about a supporter of the Continuity Irish Republican Army, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, or the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso). The latter are more bona fide liberation movements, aren’t they?

I still love and respect the Kukkiwon and it's great teachers, but ..... Maybe, here's where I should exercise my constitutional rights to plead the fifth.

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