Originally posted by 7starmantis
Not neccesarily a different situation, but different strategy and techniques. Someone once said that the person holding the weapon, whatever it may be, is the one at the disadvantage, does no one believe that way ?
No, I do not believe the person holding the weapon is at a disadvantage, as long as that person knows about the weapon.
If the person is holding the barrel of a gun or the blade of a knife and it is not a being readied to be thrown, then you might say the person holding the weapon is at a disadvantage.
On average the drunk jock wanna be with the aluminum softball bat, may not be the most dangerous person you run across. They could be, yet on average they most likely are not.
You asked about the box cutter in the alley between you and your significant other. For me this would be hard to imagine, as a whole bunch of mistake would ahve to have been made to get the bad guy between me and the person I am trying to protect. Yes, the mistakes couls have been made by one or both. So, ok the mistakes were made. I would respect the box cutter for its capabilities and try to see what the guy wanted. Money NP, here is my wallet. Keys, here they are, no big deal. My life or that of someone I care about, then things are different.
As some people wish to have a tactics forum, this tactic could be discussed there also. Have you ever been in the point position, knowing it was not your job to survive, but to cause as much chaos and havoc in the ranks of the opponents to let the others have the best chance to get to cover or survive the encounter? Not may can do this in a cold and calculating way. Most who get there are just trying to save someone and are not thinking about their ownself.
So, if I had to get him to let go of the one I cared about, I would approach and tell him that anyone could kill a helpless person. A real man would take that blade and take me on, and in the end breath in my last breath. Are willing to try that? I have tried this before and it worked since I am still here. I have tried it when the person had a gun and I was trying to make a point that any fool could pull a trigger, yet a real man would do it with his bare hands or a blade. I played a psych game with them. Knowing I had no chance of retreat and was responsible for the safety of people around me. Yet, I respect the weapon for its attributes. Firearms, easy to fire and range. Blade, more range then empty hands and cutting and stabbing damage. And if empty hands, I assume he has or is trying for a weapon, because I am. I rock on the ground, somethign I pcik up, My belt, etc, ..., . It all depends upon the situation and the time involved.
Yet, I never fell like the guy with the weapon is at a disadvantage. Unless it is just so outrageous it does not make sense like I mentioned grasping the blade or trying to life an eight foot telephone poll, etc, ..., . Yet these are not the weapons I usually had seen.
Just my opinion though, you can act and beleive as you think best and have your own opinion. I am not always right, nor do I pretend to be.
Enjoy the Holidays and be safe