The thing don't. You read into my words what you think I mean and then go off on one. You ascribe meanings to my sentences that aren't there and you post up how awful what I said was. For example I didn't say 'lynch mob', I didn't mention killing anyone previously, you assumed that by misreading and not reading the context. You totally screwed up my post and turned into something else, something that was verging on hysteria.
My view is quite simple, teaching a 'no touch' KO, is pointless, it doesn't work. A lot of techniques taught as self defence techniques don't work including some BJJ ones. We can't fool ourselves that a seven stone girl is going to be able to use BJJ to successfully fight off a 14 stone man intent on sexual assault. Consider it before giving all the ways it will work, it doesn't.
Police: UFC's Andrea Lee allegedly assaulted by husband, a convicted killer with Nazi ties
The education needed in this day and age is teaching boys and men not to assault and rape women. Children need to be taught that boys sexually assaulting girls is not a way of showing 'they like them'. That touching women without their consent is not right, that 'pussy grabbing' is wrong, that people who do this should not be in positions of trust and power. Compared to all that demonstrating a 'no touch' KO is a miniscule problem. I consider ganging up and going to someone dojo with the intent of beating them up to be a criminal act. It 'teaches' nothing, it's what thugs do. People who resort to violence to make the point that the martial arts they do are better than anyone else's are truly missing the point and are perpetuating the thug culture.
I don't want you to like me, I want you to leave me alone.