Fixing the training model

if it wasn't for the USA/Russia you would be typing in German right now. No historian would dispute this.

Ha, it's only been about 70 years.

No way would we have 'picked it up' in such a short space of time.

Edit: forgot the sarcasm smiley, um...


That one will do for now.
I think almost everyone does. The point contention is whether no tough bs taints everythjng else, or can the guy also teach some legit stuff. Imaginary or not, the point tez seems to be making is that the "BJJ guy" who teaches the no tough BS also teaches legit ma skills. This is a matter of opinion and i think both sides make good points. I personally wouldn't want to train there.
Well said, Steve.
You also said that Abernathy's self defense techniques were "excellent" as well, so that's not saying much.

In the end, it wouldn't be me anyway, since I'm currently injured. It would be the Bjj community as a whole.

Who is 'Abernathy'? So the whole of the BJJ community, apart from those that train with him and all those that don't actually care are going to come and get him. Mmm, mature.

Being nasty is your forte, I wouldn't expect anything less.

However Muslims aren't one of them. Perhaps though you'd care to remember that whenever I say something you didn't like you accused me of being anti American.
The comment I answered was specifically about country.
I'm trying to avoid anything of the sort. No good comes from stuff like this. Just gets everyone worked up
I'm trying to avoid anything of the sort. No good comes from stuff like this. Just gets everyone worked up

I'm not in the least worked up, I have a gin and tonic by my side, a grey cat purring on my lap and am blissfully aware that life is good.

Anytime people bring up the 'Muslim' issue as regards to the UK I then know their political views, their lack of grasp on history and their television watching habits and I laugh. We have had Muslims here since at least the 14th century, they are mentioned in Chaucer's writings, they have been in Good Queen Bess' court as well as Victoria's, there are about a million and a half people who say they are Muslim here about of a total population of 65million. 27% of Brits have university degrees and we have over 240,000 Jedi Knights according to census figures.

According to a survey the people who train BJJ in the UK is a minimum of 2,048 to a maximum of 3,206 practitioners.
The average was 2,571 and the median value (one closest to the middle of the range) was 2,627.
Grappling and BJJ tips by Liam The Part-Time Grappler Wandi: How many people train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) in the UK? Final Part
Who is 'Abernathy'? So the whole of the BJJ community, apart from those that train with him and all those that don't actually care are going to come and get him.

If what he's teaching is deemed to be bogus and he's sullying the art, then he's likely to get dojo stormed by a few "concerned" black belts.

Mmm, mature.

This isn't exactly a new thing. The Chinese and Japanese would do this all the time if a fraud tried to open up a school, or if the new instructor on the block was teaching questionable stuff.
I'm not in the least worked up, I have a gin and tonic by my side, a grey cat purring on my lap and am blissfully aware that life is good.

Anytime people bring up the 'Muslim' issue as regards to the UK I then know their political views, their lack of grasp on history and their television watching habits and I laugh. We have had Muslims here since at least the 14th century, they are mentioned in Chaucer's writings, they have been in Good Queen Bess' court as well as Victoria's, there are about a million and a half people who say they are Muslim here about of a total population of 65million. 27% of Brits have university degrees and we have over 240,000 Jedi Knights according to census figures.

According to a survey the people who train BJJ in the UK is a minimum of 2,048 to a maximum of 3,206 practitioners.
The average was 2,571 and the median value (one closest to the middle of the range) was 2,627.
Grappling and BJJ tips by Liam The Part-Time Grappler Wandi: How many people train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) in the UK? Final Part
Considering the shared history the USA has with the UK prior to colonization of America, couldn't it be said that Chaucer was, in addition to being British, also a proto-American?

And according to your latest figures, the Jedi numbers are dwindling significantly in the UK. I think you were googling too fast. According to the Guardian:
Census 2011: how many Jedi Knights are there in England & Wales?
Over 240,000 people highlighted an 'other religion' on their census form. How many spiritualists, Jedi Knights or wiccans are there? It turns out the number of Jedi has more than halved over the last decade, with 176,632 in the latest figures, down from 390,000 in 2001. Get the full breakdown by scrolling down the page
If what he's teaching is deemed to be bogus and he's sullying the art, then he's likely to get dojo stormed by a few "concerned" black belts.

Nope, if it hasn't happened in ten years it isn't going to happen now, we don't play lynch mobs here. We never did that 'dojo' invasion thing, we don't rush in and act like we are the martial arts police nor do we beat people up because we disagree with them.

I find your attitude quite reprehensible, childish even. Threatening people is not what we should be doing. We can disapprove all we like and try to spread the word but going into someone else's property with the intent of committing assault is actually criminal, which is worse than teaching bad martial arts.

This guy is teaching one, note one, technique that we all agree is pure fantasy, this doesn't deserve being beaten up for by a group of so called adults. That you advocate this is disappointing and actually disqualifies you from disapproving of others actions which are far less harmful than your proposed actions. If you think beating people up is the correct way to go about stopping people teaching certain 'techniques' then you are actually worse than someone who teaches 'no touch' KOs, you are a thug.
Considering the shared history the USA has with the UK prior to colonization of America, couldn't it be said that Chaucer was, in addition to being British, also a proto-American?

And according to your latest figures, the Jedi numbers are dwindling significantly in the UK. I think you were googling too fast. According to the Guardian:

LOL figures from the Guardian, yeah right.
Nope, if it hasn't happened in ten years it isn't going to happen now, we don't play lynch mobs here.
Come on, Tez. I'm sure you don't realize that the term "lynch mob" is very charged language in the States. Even disregarding that this is the second time you've equated Hanzou's posts to ending someone's life (which is alarming), "lynch mobs' implies violent, racist motivations. I completely get why you are offended by references to Nazism. In the same vein, please stop escalating and understand that you are going down a similar path.
This guy is teaching one, note one, technique that we all agree is pure fantasy, this doesn't deserve being beaten up for by a group of so called adults. That you advocate this is disappointing and actually disqualifies you from disapproving of others actions which are far less harmful than your proposed actions. If you think beating people up is the correct way to go about stopping people teaching certain 'techniques' then you are actually worse than someone who teaches 'no touch' KOs, you are a thug.
Who is this guy again? Can you post a link to his website?
LOL figures from the Guardian, yeah right.
Well, they seem to conflict with the figure you posted. If you'd care to post a link to the source for your figure....

But I take your lack of response to my comment regarding Chaucer that you are willing to share him (and by extension anyone I happen to like from British history prior to American colonization). You can keep the creeps, though. ;)
we have over 240,000 Jedi Knights according to census figures.
There's the group you need to worry about. The Jedi have a long history of terrorist attacks on government military bases killing over a million people. You can find documentaries on Netflix with footage of the whole thing.
If what he's teaching is deemed to be bogus and he's sullying the art, then he's likely to get dojo stormed by a few "concerned" black belts.

This isn't exactly a new thing. The Chinese and Japanese would do this all the time if a fraud tried to open up a school, or if the new instructor on the block was teaching questionable stuff.

Are you suggesting Dojo storming ? hmmmmmmm

Right we better all start a shaking over here and retreat to our castles lol
Well, they seem to conflict with the figure you posted. If you'd care to post a link to the source for your figure....

But I take your lack of response to my comment regarding Chaucer that you are willing to share him (and by extension anyone I happen to like from British history prior to American colonization). You can keep the creeps, though. ;)

Steve my friend lol..................One maybe needs to have a small word with you regarding who went to colonize the states the kinda edited version that is in your history books (as they do tend to be somewhat missing large chunks ...which don't quite fit the "party line", and yes I have seen first hand what kids are taught in school regarding history, my Kids were subject to it and they did get quite a shock when they came back here and got a full account lol ....they still to this day get stick when they say ummmm no not true about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (yes that is the proper title lol)
Come on, Tez. I'm sure you don't realize that the term "lynch mob" is very charged language in the States. Even disregarding that this is the second time you've equated Hanzou's posts to ending someone's life (which is alarming), "lynch mobs' implies violent, racist motivations. I completely get why you are offended by references to Nazism. In the same vein, please stop escalating and understand that you are going down a similar path.
Who is this guy again? Can you post a link to his website?

No, I'm sorry Steve but you aren't going to make this into something it's not. That you have problems with my wording is your problem not mine, that you are trying to shitstir is not my problem. You consistently try to make my words mean something they don't, you have done it for years and continue to do so. In the guise of being a so called 'peace maker' you actually pour oil on the fire.

You have actually no idea what I'm talking about, again and seek to turn it into a confrontation. I will not have it. I had you on ignore for a long time because of your comments about my posts, always putting me down and making out I meant something I didn't as you are here. I thought you had stopped doing that, I was wrong obviously so off you pop to ignoreland again. I get that you want to patronise me, that you like to make out that I'm 'unself aware' wasn't that your words on the mentor's site? Oh and all the other comments, none flattering about me. I don't carry a grudge I just don't forget.
Steve my friend lol..................One maybe needs to have a small word with you regarding who went to colonize the states the kinda edited version that is in your history books (as they do tend to be somewhat missing large chunks ...which don't quite fit the "party line", and yes I have seen first hand what kids are taught in school regarding history, my Kids were subject to it and they did get quite a shock when they came back here and got a full account lol ....they still to this day get stick when they say ummmm no not true about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (yes that is the proper title lol)
What parts of that time period are missing from our history books?
I didn't say time periods were missing ...what I said was the version given is at times very far from the way it really was
I think my question, or my understanding of your post, was unclear. From what your saying, the history books in the USA leave out key aspects of the events surrounding our secession in the late 18th century. In that time period, what events were omitted or twisted to give a false impression of what happened?

Also, since tone is difficult to tell, this is not me being contradictory or trying to play devil's advocate. I am legitimately curious what the 'other side of the sea' says, as I've never read a UK history book to compare the two.
I think my question, or my understanding of your post, was unclear. From what your saying, the history books in the USA leave out key aspects of the events surrounding our secession in the late 18th century. In that time period, what events were omitted or twisted to give a false impression of what happened?

Also, since tone is difficult to tell, this is not me being contradictory or trying to play devil's advocate. I am legitimately curious what the 'other side of the sea' says, as I've never read a UK history book to compare the two.

It not period of your Independence I am only referring to the vast majority of folks that made the journey over did not do so really out of first choice they did so either because they were running away ...had to run or were given the options starve or go , and even at times go or face the last drop

The govt over here was very good at doing that and not only to the Americas either lol

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