I'm not in the least worked up, I have a gin and tonic by my side, a grey cat purring on my lap and am blissfully aware that life is good.
Anytime people bring up the 'Muslim' issue as regards to the UK I then know their political views, their lack of grasp on history and their television watching habits and I laugh. We have had Muslims here since at least the 14th century, they are mentioned in Chaucer's writings, they have been in Good Queen Bess' court as well as Victoria's, there are about a million and a half people who say they are Muslim here about of a total population of 65million. 27% of Brits have university degrees and we have over 240,000 Jedi Knights according to census figures.
According to a survey the people who train BJJ in the UK is a minimum of 2,048 to a maximum of 3,206 practitioners.
The average was 2,571 and the median value (one closest to the middle of the range) was 2,627.
Grappling and BJJ tips by Liam The Part-Time Grappler Wandi: How many people train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) in the UK? Final Part