Fixing the training model

I've been mostly staying out of this, but you're not seriously suggesting that you have good grammar are you? I have to read your posts multiple times just to understand it. I never brought it up because it's not an issue, but I assumed you knew you made grammatical errors a bunch...

Regarding the tough guy debate, you realize that by saying "go to bed little boy" and "guys like you are usually the first to go running crying to their mummy", is basically you saying that you are a tough guy compared to Martial D?

I don't use the keyboard well as I only got two fingers on each hand that work. I am sorry that you have to re read so many times due to that

And those saying may mean that over where you are from, Here they mean some thing different, it not a togh guy speech at all believe me I seen many tougher guys than me. In fact 5 small crosses on my arm are guys that are way way tougher than I am. 3 of whom lie in St Martins church yard, one was cremated and the other we could not find enough left of him so his grave in his home village is sadly empty less a few bits.

So no I am no tough guy at all but yes as to Martial D lol he is a silly little boy that needs to resort to calling names but unfortunately like not to be "got" "at" or he gets upset. Then wonders why will open up back ........sorry but if you give you take, Resorting to slandering a person then that will make me go hard back, esp at a person who thinks he so combat orientated etc and has never seen that, sorry if you are offended
K, let's see direct quotes where @Hanzou says

-all karate is garbage(or some variation)

-if it's not bjj it's garbage.(or some variation)

Those are two examples off the top of my head from this thread.

If you have a look around (not just in this thread) you'll find a few references to this - if not word for word then very much directly implied.

Unless you're saying that nobody should read context into anybody's posts and should instead take them purely as written and in isolation?
If you have a look around (not just in this thread) you'll find a few references to this - if not word for word then very much directly implied.

Unless you're saying that nobody should read context into anybody's posts and should instead take them purely as written and in isolation?

Bro ignore it he has issues with me alone so let him have a go here and we shall see what other things he calls me lol..... little boys who are bullies do tend to do that. Just ignore it he has issues with me alone
For you info Martial D i joined on the 21rst Nov 1986 and served 15 years when I was medically discharged I wa the rank of colour/staff sgt depending if I was serving with infantry or with a corp (yes there is a difference) after discharge I went on to teach at the RMAS for two years and there after went back over seas so no I was never combat trained and am uneducated etc etc etc etc . The one thing I can say is that I severed and that is fact, I lost my wife when I was in one place and she was in another. My final units Tat has five crosses under the Trojans head and I will be the only one with the full set of six. If you wish to test me on Knowledge etc then please come right ahead. I'm sure I can translate it into simple language that you will understand, being that your are no more than an arm chair warrior as we established (oh and saying that your armed services are treated badly ...that you really have no clue about at all just what you will read on the internet or oops you tube forgot you need vids ) so bring on what you wish to ask about anything combat related.

Oh and for the record I don't act tough and I merely offered your buddy Hanzou the chance of mat time, No more than that no challenges at all and I never said more than I'd love to and that even beat up I think I could cope with him.
I care about litterally 0 of those things.
Bro ignore it he has issues with me alone so let him have a go here and we shall see what other things he calls me lol..... little boys who are bullies do tend to do that. Just ignore it he has issues with me alone
Really though this is a prime example. I have never once, on this board, called anyone a "name", yet here you are talking as if I do it every post. This kind of conduct is disingenuous and childish(not to mention hipocritical considering you have done just that on this page of this thread)

There should be a rule against intentionally lying about what other users have said. This sort of crap has killed a lot of perfectly good threads.
If you have a look around (not just in this thread) you'll find a few references to this - if not word for word then very much directly implied.

Unless you're saying that nobody should read context into anybody's posts and should instead take them purely as written and in isolation?
I feel you may be reading your own context into what was written. If not, since there are so many examples, producing one should be easy. Otherwise it seems like sour grapes.
I feel you may be reading your own context into what was written. If not, since there are so many examples, producing one should be easy. Otherwise it seems like sour grapes.

I should think you're capable of looking yourself, because a quote out of context will only get a "that's not what he meant" response.

And if you say you think I'm putting my own context into it, then I fear you may very well be misrepresenting my words.
I should think you're capable of looking yourself, because a quote out of context will only get a "that's not what he meant" response.

And if you say you think I'm putting my own context into it, then I fear you may very well be misrepresenting my words.
Well, no. I don't need to be hunting down proof of claims you made. That's totally backwards.

People, if you insist on going the he said, she said route, use the quote function. It's not hard. I know it's a lot more limiting to work with what people actually say than what you'd have them say, but it's also a lot more honest and a lot less childish.
Really though this is a prime example. I have never once, on this board, called anyone a "name", yet here you are talking as if I do it every post. This kind of conduct is disingenuous and childish(not to mention hipocritical considering you have done just that on this page of this thread)

There should be a rule against intentionally lying about what other users have said. This sort of crap has killed a lot of perfectly good threads.

Umm so calling a person attention disabled is ok .....................
I care about litterally 0 of those things.

yet you said words to the effect you think it was highly unlikely I was combat trained .....I merely answered if your not interested then why pray tel say that in the first place?

Oh and that is not how you point out my lack of grammar (which I admit to but you kinda stole that from another member ) yet it seems you are unable to spell literally that not something lol

Are is it ok for you to make remarks but not have them responded to ?
The biggest take away from this thread is that there's people who actually think that no touch martial arts are real.

There's literally nothing more hilarious than that.
The biggest take away from this thread is that there's people who actually think that no touch martial arts are real.

There's literally nothing more hilarious than that.

I do not think anyone thinks they are real are all ................where was that said or is that another one of your made up things ....AGAIN
Umm so calling a person attention disabled is ok .....................
Lol THATS your one example?

What I ACTUALLY said was that based on your conduct, I was beginning to wonder if your disabilities extend to your attention span. That is purely a critique of your posting, not of you personally. This is something I still wonder about, as the evidence continues to mount.

What it isn't is 'name calling'. Name calling would be if I say, called you a ''little boy" in the middle of an e-tough guy rant. ;)
I don't use the keyboard well as I only got two fingers on each hand that work. I am sorry that you have to re read so many times due to that
Just to clarify, my post wasn't meant as a complaint. Just observing that objectively your posts do need rereading. Not commenting on whether or not that matters, or if Martial D was polite in how he brought it up, but that what he stated is true in that regard.

And those saying may mean that over where you are from, Here they mean some thing different, it not a togh guy speech at all believe me I seen many tougher guys than me. In fact 5 small crosses on my arm are guys that are way way tougher than I am. 3 of whom lie in St Martins church yard, one was cremated and the other we could not find enough left of him so his grave in his home village is sadly empty less a few bits.
It may be a difference in where we live, or a generational difference, or a difference in experience, but to me it comes off as you saying you are tougher than him.
Oh really?

so where is that saying I I believe it real ? have the opinion it is not and loudly shout that to any one and everyone. Adding that any person that teaches that should not teach MA ........but that opinion is ok, because it your opinion ?
Just to clarify, my post wasn't meant as a complaint. Just observing that objectively your posts do need rereading. Not commenting on whether or not that matters, or if Martial D was polite in how he brought it up, but that what he stated is true in that regard.

It may be a difference in where we live, or a generational difference, or a difference in experience, but to me it comes off as you saying you are tougher than him.

I take your point fully.

As for toughness ok again if tat how you read same, I only know is what I have done and been through. Yes he does make me mad as hell as he thinks it ok to make and resort to telling people they are attention disabled and make reference to basically not been educated and that is fine....but if he cannot take the hits then do not give them it as easy as that.

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