First Dillman Seminar

I train in a Ryu Kyu Kempo/small circle jujitsu mix. I will be the judge of any pressure points when they are done on me or others. Too many people leaving their opinions here when they dont hold any belts in the system.

And I am not easily persuaded, I have a long history of kickboxing and mixed arts.

And I will share any info since its more reliable to get it from a student then from some video or from a seminar. My sensei trained under Master Kline, who recieved his black belt in ryu kyu kempo under Dillman. We dont do no touch stuff tho, only pressure point attacks. And I dont pay a dime for training, so im not under pressure, and I train in another style so I dont have any blind allegiance to one art.
The best of luck to you. A man who knows his own mind is a thing to treasure. Not too many would share the same view but if you're enjoying yourself and are not misleading others that it is anything other than that then who is to gainsay you?

One thing to note, this thread was creakingly antiquated and it would have been better to let it's moukdering corpse lie than reanimate it :D.