I have an ambitious and competitive mentality, I want to compete one day at a high level. Today I showed up to my first class and learned some basics using pads with a partner but that’s not the problem. The problem is that I have plenty of time on my hands and don’t want to sit around on a couch until the next class. 1 hour of class is not enough, I hardly broke a sweat, I didn’t go through any pain. I want to put in hours to train my *** off outside of class and I don’t know how to do it or what to do training-wise. I don’t see the point in only learning technique if I don’t develop the physical part for it like the coordination, power, and speed.
I went to class to learn, but where’s the training and conditioning? How does all of this work if you want to get really good?
Hi. I completely understand your issues, as I too want to compete at a high level. However, I do BJJ and I get to do classes twice a day morning and evening, so I get my fill. Before BJJ, I used to do boxing and taekwondo and there were not enough training classes to satiate me. I wanted to be a high level fighter too, but I suffered too many concussions before I even got to have my first fight. In order to train outside of the gym, no equipment is required, but a heavy bag is ideal.
Repetition. Isolate all the techniques you have been taught, repeat each technique on both sides and stances 100 times each. Record yourself and compare your footage to the footage of professional instructors online. If you're brave enough you can do what I used to do. Post yourself on here and allow people to criticise your technique. If you scroll through my profile you will see my improvement over years and months of repetitions and the criticism I received which made me correct my technique for future repetitions and practice. I am surprised no one has tagged me as they used to before when these posts are made.
Once you are comfortable moving, start applying in shadowboxing. I am not sure how combinations would look like in Muay Thai, but I am sure you can figure it out. For my boxing shadowboxing, I would:
1 strike, 1 defensive block or movement against that same strike, reposition
2 strike combo, 1 defensive block or movement against the last strike, reposition
3 strike combo, 1 defensive block or movement against the last strike, reposition
4 strike combo, 1 defensive block or movement against the last strike, reposition
Rinse and repeat for minutes and hours on end.