Hello. First of all I really want to thank all of you, who take time to read and help those of us who are not so knowledgeable or experienced within MA's. It mean alot to me(and others I'm sure) and is a great way of promoting body/mind control, in many aspects.
I am trying to find an art that suits my style of living, and my philosophy, which is a rather calm and patient one.
I live in Oslo, Norway and am 16 years old. I have always loved sports, and have stepped into many varieties of them. Cross-country and alpine skiing, biathlon, football, handball and tennis. The problem I find, is that all of these are very aimed at competitive ability. The thing with improving your skills, with the purpose of beating your opponent/s.
I have never been of the type who will do anything, at least alot to win. I'd rather have fun and enjoy what I am doing. Basically, the need to feel superior is not something I get attracted to.
I fancy the calm life style. Staying out of trouble, not doing harm to oneself by the means of smoking, drinking, drugs etc.. I like to excercise, and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Not with the intentions of becoming stronger, but because I simply feel good afterwards. I have a bunch of very friendly friends, although I'm not so fond by some of them. I like to think that I am not the stereotype teenager, but neither the outstanding one. I just want to live happy and feel great about myself.
I have, cause of time to spare, been opening my eyes towards martial arts. Three in my class practice three different styles/arts(any differenece?). Boxing, kick-boxing and some type of kung fu(cant remember which one). I have been searching a bit around the net, but because of the variety and diversity of MA's I'm having a real hard time plowing through and eliminating the ones I feel are too much of this or that.
The art I am looking for, is the one where calmness and mind control is centrated. And because of my passifist mind I'd really not preffer one where excessive damage to others is needed to defend oneself. Of course, I want to be able to defend myself against others(people here tend to think that if a person distances himself from violence he is an easy "prey"), but only to the extent of being sure the "opponent" will keep his hands off.
I have seen several documentaries on the TV, and it amazes me, how these guys appear so calm and controlled, and when they enter combat state they become so concentrated and seemingly determined to defeat the opponent. Which leaves me amazed, when they thereafter "enter" their calm modus. It's just crippling inside my body!
Any advice?
I don't require alot of information or such. Maybe you could just tell me any disciplines or styles, and then I could do some research of my own. Example; I have eliminated grapple and some of the more contact orientated styles. Stuff like that is helpfull!
I pardon if I have taken some points to far, I'd blame my lack of experience
I am also pretty sure I have said some irrelevant stuff, but I hope you get the main idea/point and that way can direct me.
Again, thank you for taking time and I will recieve every answer with equal ammounts of gratitude
I am trying to find an art that suits my style of living, and my philosophy, which is a rather calm and patient one.
I live in Oslo, Norway and am 16 years old. I have always loved sports, and have stepped into many varieties of them. Cross-country and alpine skiing, biathlon, football, handball and tennis. The problem I find, is that all of these are very aimed at competitive ability. The thing with improving your skills, with the purpose of beating your opponent/s.
I have never been of the type who will do anything, at least alot to win. I'd rather have fun and enjoy what I am doing. Basically, the need to feel superior is not something I get attracted to.
I fancy the calm life style. Staying out of trouble, not doing harm to oneself by the means of smoking, drinking, drugs etc.. I like to excercise, and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Not with the intentions of becoming stronger, but because I simply feel good afterwards. I have a bunch of very friendly friends, although I'm not so fond by some of them. I like to think that I am not the stereotype teenager, but neither the outstanding one. I just want to live happy and feel great about myself.
I have, cause of time to spare, been opening my eyes towards martial arts. Three in my class practice three different styles/arts(any differenece?). Boxing, kick-boxing and some type of kung fu(cant remember which one). I have been searching a bit around the net, but because of the variety and diversity of MA's I'm having a real hard time plowing through and eliminating the ones I feel are too much of this or that.
The art I am looking for, is the one where calmness and mind control is centrated. And because of my passifist mind I'd really not preffer one where excessive damage to others is needed to defend oneself. Of course, I want to be able to defend myself against others(people here tend to think that if a person distances himself from violence he is an easy "prey"), but only to the extent of being sure the "opponent" will keep his hands off.
I have seen several documentaries on the TV, and it amazes me, how these guys appear so calm and controlled, and when they enter combat state they become so concentrated and seemingly determined to defeat the opponent. Which leaves me amazed, when they thereafter "enter" their calm modus. It's just crippling inside my body!
Any advice?

I pardon if I have taken some points to far, I'd blame my lack of experience

Again, thank you for taking time and I will recieve every answer with equal ammounts of gratitude