My style

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Like he said (very well) test those theories. I use stuff like this in boxing all the time. If the guy looks tired but guarded I step back and drop my shoulders and face like I'm taking a breather and then lunge in with a stiff jab followed by a combo whe nthe opponent relaxes. It works sometimes, but this involves practice - and the jab and combo to back it up with, which also takes practice with lots of different people.

For the record I have actually used the play crazy technique once or twice. I once saw four lads in classic mugger fomration walking up the street about a hundred yards away. I just knew what was about to take place and rather than fight started to twitch a little and mumble. I got to the middle of a road I had to cross and stared after the tail lights of a car just as they saw me and turned to come back towards me. I had been right. Then I ambled forward again but they stopped and turned around again.

I had planned to look at the leader's bandana and say 'Snake!' point at it with my left hand and hit him as hard as I could with my right hand as soon as they came too close and then take to my heels. Fortunately that wasn't necessary. Notice that fighting and running were a large part of the plan.

It won't work all the time though, and is not suitable for many situations - especially if you are to meet the opponent again - a trick will only work once. Psychological stuff must be combined with solid defensive and offensive basics.
Bod said:
It won't work all the time though, and is not suitable for many situations - especially if you are to meet the opponent again - a trick will only work once. Psychological stuff must be combined with solid defensive and offensive basics.
Nicely said!
sounds like Karushi has discovered Drunken Style. Find a school, get some good training, and maybe 10 years fro now you'll realize that part of what you're saying is covered in many styles!
Karushi said:
It is just a theory I never said I was a master or anything. I just said this works for me. I mean of course your fighting has no flaws right? You could never have thought "Hey maybe this'll work" and it doesn't. Right? I mean because I am so horrible and under trained that must make you better right? Well we have/will never fight and I will never combat any of you so no matter how much I try to explain you will never see me do it so you calling me an oaf without ever laying eyes on me is rather amusing I think.
Ever heard of the prince naseem hamed? Also, what your saying reminds me of that movie army of dakness.
I'll stick to stuff that works.
You know, a finger in the eye, a kick in the sack, pointing out that the gal at table 3 had a wardrobe malfunction, oh, and begging for mercy.

Hello, Lots of replies on this one. Is it possible to compare this thought "my style" to Dancing. Someone teaches you his way of dancing and you make some changes to fit you....can you call it "my style" of dancing? and claim you invented a new style? Everyone is different in mind and body, it is expected for you to do it a little different (fit you).

If this is true than everyone has his own style? Um? .......just a thought...Aloha
Some folks, no matter how much you work with them, will never have style. :)

I look at it this way.
You have an art. Karate, TKD, etc.
Under that you have a style - Shotokan, WTF, etc
Under that you would have the specific school/instructor
Under that, you have you own individual interpretation and application of the above.
A short fat guy is going to move differently than a tall thin guy. The core and the principles are the same, but the application will be different, sometimes greatly, sometimes minimally.

If I may ask, what is your martial arts background? Perhaps if I knew more about your background, I could give a more lucid response.

There's nothing wrong with creating one's own martial arts style, provided that the creator has solid foundation upon which to build.
Distraction has its place. Frankly, people don't use it enough. But you have to have something to back it up when the bluff is called, or it just plain fails.
In answer to alot of people who asked what I have to back it up:
Being able to think and move quickly has always been a strong point of mine and I jump out of the way of just about anything (except bullets maybe j/k) I do know some real martial arts things (throws, where to hit, what to hit with, etc) but I guess you guys really got me on the formal training thing... That would be a good idea wouldn't it? Hah... j/k But thank you to any one who protected me in my thoughts. It is really helpful...
To those who asked about my formal training:
I've never really wanted to get involved in one of those calsses for the simple fact that I cannot find anything I want to learn in my area; mainly they just teach Karate, TKD, and Judo. Judo is a throwing art and that's just not my cup o' tea so to speak, I have never had an intreset in TKD for the simple fact that it is a little redundant. Half the population of the U.S. has been in a little TKD calss at some point or another. Karate the same... I'm more interested in real JKD training, but I can't find any trainers. Also, Nijitsu would be nice but once again I cannot find any one who will teach in my area. Kendo would be cool too but I am stuck a 5 hour drive away from the nearest dojo... so I stick to practicing with my friends who never seem to be able to hit me... I think I have been hit once in sword play and aboout twice in sparring... So umm yeah...
Karushi said:
In answer to alot of people who asked what I have to back it up:
Being able to think and move quickly has always been a strong point of mine and I jump out of the way of just about anything (except bullets maybe j/k) I do know some real martial arts things (throws, where to hit, what to hit with, etc) but I guess you guys really got me on the formal training thing... That would be a good idea wouldn't it? Hah... j/k But thank you to any one who protected me in my thoughts. It is really helpful...
To those who asked about my formal training:
I've never really wanted to get involved in one of those calsses for the simple fact that I cannot find anything I want to learn in my area; mainly they just teach Karate, TKD, and Judo. Judo is a throwing art and that's just not my cup o' tea so to speak, I have never had an intreset in TKD for the simple fact that it is a little redundant. Half the population of the U.S. has been in a little TKD calss at some point or another. Karate the same... I'm more interested in real JKD training, but I can't find any trainers. Also, Nijitsu would be nice but once again I cannot find any one who will teach in my area. Kendo would be cool too but I am stuck a 5 hour drive away from the nearest dojo... so I stick to practicing with my friends who never seem to be able to hit me... I think I have been hit once in sword play and aboout twice in sparring... So umm yeah...

Please correct me if I am wrong but it appears you have no formal training at all. The friends that you work out with have they had any formal training? If not I would encourage yout o proceed with caution. You don't want anyone to get hurt experimenting on eachother. Hopefully one day you will have the benefit of going to a good dojo. Learning to kick and punch is one thing but there are other aspects to the arts that you may be missing by not having the benefit of an experienced Sensei.

In the spirit of Bushido!

chinto01 said:
Please correct me if I am wrong but it appears you have no formal training at all. The friends that you work out with have they had any formal training? Hopefully one day you will have the benefit of going to a good dojo. Learning to kick and punch is one thing but there are other aspects to the arts that you may be missing by not having the benefit of an experienced Sensei.Rob
nope no "formal" training for me but some of these people do... one of them is some kind of high belt in TKD (and he is the only one who can land anything on me) but most of these people are nobody special no real training. Yeah I wish I could have a good Sensei but options are limited...
I see your biggest mistake...

"I came here to learn, gain knowledge.."

this is the internet, not a dojo. :D
having no formal training in anything legitimate and seeking to create your own system of fighting? i wouldn't take that route, and certainly don't call it fighting.

think of it this way, toddlers can't teach others to walk, especially if they are unable to themselves.

besides, the idea of people with little or no training creating their own "thing" has already been done a million times. they're called McDojos, and i don't feel the MA community needs another one of them. and it certainly isn't accepted warmly by the fine folks here on the boards.

not trying to be a jerk or anything, just being honest.

Sounds to me like you are picking up a little here and a little there from your friends. You have also probably taken some techniques from a magazine and a few books possibly. just curious as to why ou list your primary style a JKD when you have never taken a formal training from anyone? What styles are you interested in taking? I see from one of your posts that you have ruled out karate, TKD, and judo I believe. That doesn't leave you a heck of alot more choices. What do you want from your training?
Karushi said:
nope no "formal" training for me but some of these people do... one of them is some kind of high belt in TKD (and he is the only one who can land anything on me) but most of these people are nobody special no real training. Yeah I wish I could have a good Sensei but options are limited...
Anyone can join a internet forum and say what your saying man, you are looking like a typical troll. Im not saying that you dont have good martial arts skills or anything because I dont know, but the way you present yourself just seems very trollish. You are not going to get anything positive out of this forum with the way you present yourself. Im not sure if you mean to do that or not but I would work on it a little.
Karushi said:
nope no "formal" training for me but some of these people do... one of them is some kind of high belt in TKD (and he is the only one who can land anything on me) but most of these people are nobody special no real training. Yeah I wish I could have a good Sensei but options are limited...
You know, in my opinion people went hard on you in the beginning of this discussion.

That said, I do not believe for one moment that you can create your own style without some genuine training. It needn't be "formal" training in an established dojo or kwoon. Plenty of genuine martial artists learned in garages, parks, or back alleys. But you have to test yourself against seasoned practitioners. Not this "a bunch of friends, one of whom has some experience in taekwondo."

Your skill as a martial artist is never going to be measured by your theories. Only by your actions. My advice is to get into a proper training environment and act with real martial artists.

Karushi said:
one of them is some kind of high belt in TKD (and he is the only one who can land anything on me)
Hmm. The one guy with training can hit you. Seems like there's a hint in there somewhere.

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