My style

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You asked how innovative you were with your ideas. People replied saying you weren't innovative at all.

Not sure why you're upset now.
Karushi, please if you stood there with your hand in your pockets dancing a jig I would just knock you out for the simple reason of you acting like a fool in front of me or I would throw nickels at your feet thinking you where a street bum. I will not call you a child just your mentality in this post of yours.

Terry Lee Stoker
Well, he is a child. At least a "young adult". And he has as much to learn about conversation between adults as he does about martial arts.
Karushi said:
*sigh* once again I am insulted but you guys just don't seem to understand. It is not like all I am doing is being a retard. It's about being fluid and in this way you are able to move away from the attacks of the opponent. There is a guiding principle (for lack of a better word/s) to it. Be calm when others are in rage. Create their rage. I have also trained against someone using this and it worked really well I just wanted to know what people thought. To the guy who said it probably doesn't work on multiple opponents, you are probably right. I have only fought multiple opponents once, but that was before martial arts and there was like 7 of them.
No, we DO understand. It is you, who does not.

Most of the people here are serious traditional martial artists.
Not kids who watch too much tv or read a few books the wrong way and think they know something about the arts.

One can be a decent fighter without training. Many street thugs are. But one cannot be a decent martial artist without training under someone who has walked before you.
That is direct, in person, one on one, serious training over a period of time.
Not a seminar.
Not being 1 of a class of a hundred.
Not reading a book or watching a video.
Not beating up a dummy in your back yard.

Training with a qualified, legit instructor.

Not some fat hack who lies about his history, drops names, and is an internet joke.
Not a wanna-be power ranger who can't even spell the names of what he rips off.
Not some jackass who makes films about his supposed history and deathmatches and is later shown to be a fraud.

Real instructors.

That guy from Police Academy who makes all the funny sounds is NOT teaching you martial arts. Bruce Lee mentioned focusing through sounds, but there is much more behind it that you will miss. Lee had legit instruction before he went on his own.

Basically, if you want a pat on the back, an "atta boy you so good", go find a board populated by stupid kids and old wanna-bees who think PowerRangers, Last Dragon and Kenshin are great learning tools.

Here, it's real martial artists, with real training, who in many cases have been at it longer than you've been outta your mommy. There is a low tolerance for BS artists.
We are all more than happy to point people in the right direction.

We can't however make them understand.

Martial Arts isn't funny noises, slapstick or even just 'beating people up'.
It's deep. Very deep.
And the person who finds that without a guide is very rare indeed.

Am I blunt? Yes. I am.
But life is too short, and the dangers too great to pussyfoot around such things. People get hurt, crippled, and killed going off on their own or training under morons.
If my words save -1- person, it is worth all the hostility I get back.

Take my advice kid.
Find a real teacher, learn a real art, and once you have a solid background, then, and only then, see where your ideas take you. You may have something, you may not. Without the basics behind you though, you'll never see a complete development of your ideas.
terryl965 said:
Karushi, please if you stood there with your hand in your pockets dancing a jig I would just knock you out for the simple reason of you acting like a fool in front of me or I would throw nickels at your feet thinking you where a street bum. I will not call you a child just your mentality in this post of yours.

Terry Lee Stoker
That's the point. I know you are going to attack me first for being such a dumbass. Therefore I know your moves which gives me more time to react and a better reaction!
Bester said:
... Am I blunt? Yes. I am.
But life is too short, and the dangers too great to pussyfoot around such things. People get hurt, crippled, and killed going off on their own or training under morons.
If my words save -1- person, it is worth all the hostility I get back.

Take my advice kid.
Find a real teacher, learn a real art, and once you have a solid background, then, and only then, see where your ideas take you. You may have something, you may not. Without the basics behind you though, you'll never see a complete development of your ideas.
Ok that is more my kin of language. I will take your advice and I will find a good trainer. I suppose I am going to get a bevy of insults now for not listening sooner but this guy speaks my language, not just calls me a stupid kid and ends it there. Thank you. *bows head* But all of this to save one person (especially one like me) isn't worth the effort. J/k sorta.
Karushi said:
That's the point. I know you are going to attack me first for being such a dumbass. Therefore I know your moves which gives me more time to react and a better reaction!
.... and you think you know how he'd knock you out for being such a dumbass so that gives you a better reaction time?? :whip:

Maybe through the magic of the internet we're travel back in time to talk to the Calkin's being as a young man
It is just a theory I never said I was a master or anything. I just said this works for me. I mean of course your fighting has no flaws right? You could never have thought "Hey maybe this'll work" and it doesn't. Right? I mean because I am so horrible and under trained that must make you better right? Well we have/will never fight and I will never combat any of you so no matter how much I try to explain you will never see me do it so you calling me an oaf without ever laying eyes on me is rather amusing I think.
Karushi said:
*sigh* once again I am insulted but you guys just don't seem to understand. It is not like all I am doing is being a retard. It's about being fluid and in this way you are able to move away from the attacks of the opponent. There is a guiding principle (for lack of a better word/s) to it. Be calm when others are in rage. Create their rage. I have also trained against someone using this and it worked really well I just wanted to know what people thought. To the guy who said it probably doesn't work on multiple opponents, you are probably right. I have only fought multiple opponents once, but that was before martial arts and there was like 7 of them.

One thing that may help you in getting replies of a more serious nature, and to avoid being insulted, as you say, would be to attempt to phrase your questions for advice a little better. You appear to be asking questions about self defense, but then post things like keeping your hands in your pockets, dancing and singing. People are reading this and obviously are not taking your very serious.

IMO, keeping your hands up in a non-threatening manner and verbally attempting to defuse the situation is much better than the hands in the pockets and singing/dancing.

Do you have any MA training? If not, I suggest that rather than trying to invent something that may not work, to research some schools in your area, and get some quality training.


I'll cut you some slack because a lot of people are giving you a hard time.

So...your concept of "visible vulnerability" is not necessarily revolutionary or unique...but it is quite useful and adopted by a number of martial artists and styles.

For instance, the same concept gave birth to the "feint", the "taunt", and the "draw".

The "feint" is a fake technique designed to elicit a response that will open a target for attack.

The "taunt" is a skillful mocking of your opponent for the purpose of drawing out their temper and causing reckless action for your benefit.

The "draw" is feigning a vulnerability for the purpose of getting your opponent to attack that location, thereby giving you foresight into their next strike.

Any modern, more complex concept simply draws upon these core ideas.

For an example of these types of tactical techniques, I recommend renting boxing videos of Muhamad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Prince Nazeem Hamed. While not Eastern Martial Artists, these men are combatants of great skill who make frequent use of "Visible Vulnerability" to enhance their techniques.

However...before anyone can make solid use of these deceptive techniques, YOU MUST HAVE A SOLID UNDERSTANDING OF BASIC TECHNIQUES! This you can only achieve through instruction and practice.

It doesn't do you any good to feint and follow up with a weak technique, draw then be unable to defend against the attack, or taunt and get your butt handed to you.

Hope that helps.

May you achieve
Karushi said:
It is just a theory I never said I was a master or anything. I just said this works for me. I mean of course your fighting has no flaws right? You could never have thought "Hey maybe this'll work" and it doesn't. Right? I mean because I am so horrible and under trained that must make you better right? Well we have/will never fight and I will never combat any of you so no matter how much I try to explain you will never see me do it so you calling me an oaf without ever laying eyes on me is rather amusing I think.

Dispel our illusions, post a vidclip of you in action, let us know when your clip is posted.

Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-MT Moderator-
Karushi said:
I wanted to know if you thought it was stupid or lame or unpractical or whatever!
It's certainly not practical, nor is it complete. I hope you do indeed find a good instructor! It sounds like you're ready to learn.
Karushi said:
That's the point. I know you are going to attack me first for being such a dumbass. Therefore I know your moves which gives me more time to react and a better reaction!
Uh, no.

I'm sorry to see you getting so jumped on for asking a question, but it is the case that your reasoning seems flawed.
haha i just read this and couldnt stop laughing.. doing a little dance huh? i dont know whats wrong with people nowadays :P i'd like to know the same thing someone else had asked.. have you ever practiced any type of martial arts? :O
Jesus, guys. Give the kid a break. You know the difference between him and us at that age? The internet. I guarantee that most of us said things along these lines at one time or another. We just didn't have a worldwide audience when we did. And if we had, we'd have used it. And then some of us would have been drawing this kind of flack. So how about we all climb off the "we're so clever" party bus.

Karushi, first of all, can the "I'm a loser" nonsense. Saying things like that only ever serve one purpose. Helping you to believe them more. And that's not the sort of thing you need to believe. You don't need to be cocky. But find a happy medium, because this "loser" crap isn't helping anyone.

Second, be careful with relying on manipulating people's emotions. How confident are you really that you can directly cause someone to lose their cool? You've tried this against one bloke. What if the next one laughs? What if he doesn't get wound up at all? What if he sees right through this ruse?

Finally, one constant with "self trained" people is that they generally don't have the opportunity (or inclination) to test their theories out on sparring partners. One test doesn't prove anything. You need to try things out repeatedly with different people. That's the benefit of a school.

Now, I'll grant you that manipulating someone's emotions probably won't work in sparring. They know it's practice. But that's the thing. If you can't use it in sparring, then the first time you really test it is going to be the real thing. A fight. And frankly, I don't think that's the time to be experimenting with sticking your hands in your pockets.

By all means, develop your own theories. But any good researcher will tell you that developing theories is just the first step. Testing them. That's what makes it actual progress.


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