Feels impossible

Now after 9 and half months i feel even more frustration and disappointment. I feel like i got stuck and there is no progress at all.
This is completely normal when learning any complex task like martial arts. Being anxious about it won’t help. Accept that achieving expertise takes time and consistency of practise.

63kg bench press 4-6 times with 3 sets.
Assuming you’re working at 80-90% of your one rep maximum weight, three sets is only OK but your progress will be slow. You need to work up to between 8-12 sets! of 6-10 reps. The last two reps of each set should be hard.
Flexibility is now that i can slightly very short touch hand palms to ground and with 1 leg stretch and the other also i can place at on an steel barbel which is 135 high.
Very good! You are improving!
I know reactions like plateau and keep going and it will take years. But, why i have this **** feeling that i even can't punch/kick properly??
I think your issue is in your head. You sound like an anxious person who may have unrealistic expectations of progress. You need to sort out your ‘head game’.
Going consistent 4 days a week. Session is here maximum 45-50 minutes and that is in every single kickboxing gym.
I assume you’re a young person so this is a reasonable amount of exercise. Just carry on and you will get there even if it doesn’t feel like it!
But, why i have this **** feeling that i even can't punch/kick properly??
You can't punch and kick properly after 9 months??

I have done kyokushin for now 3 years, and I also still feel I can't punch and kick properly, but I am an order of magnitude better as compared to when I started and my improper kicks and punches will still do enough damage.

If I asked our shihan, if he thinks he can push and kick properly I am absolutely confident that he would say No!!
Hi, i am back.

Now after 9 and half months i feel even more frustration and disappointment. I feel like i got stuck and there is no progress at all.

From 11 april i am going to change the change where i can take dutch technique drills from 1 to 3 times a week and from 10 minutes tot 35 minutes sparring a week. And i will cut down heavy bag from 4 to 3 sessions. So, going to train from 5 to 7 sessions a week.

Doing 30 push ups till failure and 63kg bench press 4-6 times with 3 sets.

Flexibility is now that i can slightly very short touch hand palms to ground and with 1 leg stretch and the other also i can place at on an steel barbel which is 135 high.

I know reactions like plateau and keep going and it will take years. But, why i have this **** feeling that i even can't punch/kick properly??


Going consistent 4 days a week. Session is here maximum 45-50 minutes and that is in every single kickboxing gym.
What is your schedule/life outside of workouts? When I add up the total time you mention, it is not really that much time per week. Are you augmenting your workouts outside of training?
So, because of Ramadan now i have slowed a little because i feel less energy.

Otherwise it is consistent 4 days a week and 6 sessions each week. Twice a week double session and the other 2 days single session

Besides that i do 3-4 times a week bench press 3 sets and try to slightly improve.
3-4 times a week push ups till failure.
10 minutes Stretching 5-6 days a week.
When i have time few minutes of shadow boxing.

I am going to new gym from 13 april.

Schedule will be the same but then 4 times a week double session. Heavy bag then technique drills and 15 minutes sparring. Total of 105 minutes each day with warming up and cooling down.
This is completely normal when learning any complex task like martial arts. Being anxious about it won’t help. Accept that achieving expertise takes time and consistency of practise.

Assuming you’re working at 80-90% of your one rep maximum weight, three sets is only OK but your progress will be slow. You need to work up to between 8-12 sets! of 6-10 reps. The last two reps of each set should be hard.

Very good! You are improving!

I think your issue is in your head. You sound like an anxious person who may have unrealistic expectations of progress. You need to sort out your ‘head game’.

I assume you’re a young person so this is a reasonable amount of exercise. Just carry on and you will get there even if it doesn’t feel like it!
Hi, i think i am anxious person. But i am not sure.
So, because of Ramadan now i have slowed a little because i feel less energy.

Otherwise it is consistent 4 days a week and 6 sessions each week. Twice a week double session and the other 2 days single session

Besides that i do 3-4 times a week bench press 3 sets and try to slightly improve.
3-4 times a week push ups till failure.
10 minutes Stretching 5-6 days a week.
When i have time few minutes of shadow boxing.

I am going to new gym from 13 april.

Schedule will be the same but then 4 times a week double session. Heavy bag then technique drills and 15 minutes sparring. Total of 105 minutes each day with warming up and cooling down.
It looks like you have a modest strength schedule included that will help, but it too could be improved upon. And your class time is dense, assuming you have a work, school, or family life.
I can only surmise the class time is lacking somewhere. This could be purely from you not committing/working hard enough on your own to poor instruction.
The new class will hopefully flesh this out.
Are you having fun there! Progressing a bit? How is your two man drills coming along? Have you started slow sparring yet?
Many people here have been on the MAs for 3,4 or even 5 decades. I’ll be 70 in august and started when I was in my mid 20’s. When you say you anxious, what does that mean? Do you have anxiety attacks? Or do you mean impatient? Nothing wrong with striving to get better. Ramadan is over in a couple weeks and you’ll get back on track. Eat healthy in the evenings and get decent sleep. My advice is just have fun with it everything else will fall in place over time.
It feels like very exhausting and it feels like i learned a tiny little and there is 99% ahead. It feels like an depression. Can someone relate or had this and why is this so?
You need to have a plan in your MA development. You should concentrate on developing single technique A first.

1st step - try to master a single technique A.
2nd step - try to use that single technique to set up other techniques B, C, and D.

Now you have a general A and 3 soldiers B, C, D.

For example, your general A can be a front kick to the belly. Your soldiers B, C, D can be a

- jab to the face,
- hook to the head,
- uppercut to the chin.

You have just built up a tree with root A that has 1st level branches. Now you can build the 2nd level branches, 3rd level branches, and ...

After you have built up tree with root A you can start to build other trees.

Example of a tree with root A with branch B:

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