Feeling really good today.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I just saw a video of a Jow Ga head instructor from Australia use one of the techniques I used in one of my videos that I used to share. I totally feel honored about that. I'm not sure if honored is the right word, but it feels good to see someone who has more experience than me use the same approach that I was able to show in sparring.

By the way this instructor nailed the technique. It still look like he was still new to the application of it, but he used it against an MMA fighter (non professional but not weak either). The technique landed clean and everything worked the way the techniques were designed to work It's one thing to know that I can do it, but it feels really good to see that someone else can do the same thing and have it work.
Are you able and would you be allowed to share the video? Would be interesting to see how people outside your dojo utilize jow ga
Are you able and would you be allowed to share the video? Would be interesting to see how people outside your dojo utilize jow ga
Unfortunately I can't do that. I made a promise that I wouldn't post anymore of my videos in public. It caused too much drama.
Unfortunately I can't do that. I made a promise that I wouldn't post anymore of my videos in public. It caused too much drama.

I'm sorry to hear that, I enjoyed them.

Drama. Ain't that a pain in the ...?
Unfortunately I can't do that. I made a promise that I wouldn't post anymore of my videos in public. It caused too much drama.
I do dislike stuff like that. There's really nothing but benefit in sharing information, as long as we learn to ignore the criticism of those with different objectives than us. I'll miss seeing those videos.
To be honest. Eventually I will have to answer these questions: Who am I helping by not showing the video? Is it for my sake or for the sake of others and how they want to appear? Is knowledge lost if I don't show the videos? Is there a way to share the knowledge without causing drama?

The first question I already know the answer to. But the others I will need to find an answer for. The project I'm working on may provide or open some options that didn't exist before. To be honest my problem may be as simple as, I can't show videos under the name of one organization but I can show videos under another organization. Either way I'll explore all of my options carefully before I make a final decision. When the time comes I want to burn as few bridges as possible. It's possible that an organization can like what you do, so long as it's not done within the organization. I can live with that, if that reality exists.
Is knowledge lost if I don't show the videos?
When a

- geese flies over the sky, the song will remain in the air.
- tiger dies, the skin will be hung on the wall.
- person dies, his name will be remembered.

Do you want to come to this world and then leave without any trace?

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