I got a nice surprise today


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
So I'm on my 4th hour of Jow ga training (2 hours afternoon with 1 hour rest then 2 hours again) today and I was working on my staff techniques with a new combo I pieced together using the techniques from the form. And this guy drives to the entrance /exit of the neighborhood and was about leave, but backs ups and stop in front of my house and asks, "What type of fighting are you doing? What is it called?" I told him Jow Ga Kung Fu. His reply was. "That was the coolest thing I've ever seen."

To me it's just Jow Ga, but I live in an area with TKD tricks and Extreme Karate, so to me Jow Ga is far from the "The coolest thing." His second question was. "Can you really use it to fight with." (shaking my fist in my best old man voice.. "Dammit Covid-19".) But any way, he was interested in learning Jow Ga Kung Fu. It's been a while that I've seen someone that excited about learning martial arts.

I've forgotten what it feels like for someone think that what you do is cool. I thought that I would share this as a good news thing in a world of bad news. For those who miss teaching. Keep your skills fresh. There are people who are still interested.

Personally I think it was my Covid-19 Beard that made it look cool.. Trying to get my mini Guan Yu beard going lol. Wife hates lol. Any way. don't get too down if you think students aren't there. Covid-19 is just getting in the way. Prepare for the bounce back.
That's pretty awesome man. And for what it's worth I've always thought what you did was darn cool!

Thanks for sharing :)