And, is Alex really a troll or a martial artist with a seriously inflated sense of his own ability?
In this case, it seems to be a distinction without a difference.
Did he think that by telling us he trained in multiple arts and is BB in many of those, we would accept him as a peer. :asian:
Maybe. I suspect that's part of it, but I also suspect that it's also to create instant credibility to anyone reading.
Most folks don't know jack about martial arts and so, to them, any "black belt" means credibility and expert status. To the same folks,
multiple "black belts" equates to ever more expert status. It's the same for folks with more than one PhD or even a Double-Major in college. It equates to more status.
But for folks like you and me, most of the people who are on this board, most folks who have been in martial arts for more than a few years, well, we just don't accept "rank" as necessarily meaning anything at all. We've all seen way too many "4th Stripe, decided, second level green belts" and "masters" who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag and don't know the difference between a katana and a shinken (don't say it, I know, I know...). We've also seen guys who have crap-tons of skill but no specific rank to back it up. Our BS detectors are cranked on to "max" and the selector is busted off. Rank doesn't mean as much to us. We remember when we got our first black belt and we remember that there was no sudden insight, mystic glow that covered us, or angels singing. We didn't change from one instant to the next just because a different color obi was tied around our waist. Most of us, in fact, suddenly felt how little we knew. We knew that we didn't have any mystic transformation but now we were being looked to as experts (or at least "more experienced") by the new guys and were expected to lead and teach. It's humbling and a little frightening.
So, yeah, when somebody new trips into the forums or our life and starts making claims of high rank and/or multiple rankings, we're all kinda, "yeah, whatever. Show me the money."
Peace favor your sword,