
Hehehehehehe I do that, too :D After I do a shin block, I throw a kick right after, so the TKD teachers/judges can't tell that I blocked the kick with my shin first :D Fellow students also get confused and can't figure out what I did or what happened hehehehehe
As far as TKD forms go, its a tie for me between Kumkang and Koryo.

My fav kicking techinque is probably the sliding round kick. I like to mix it up by doubling up on the kick with another round kick, or a side kick.

My favorite kick remains either the front leg side kick, or a skip hook kick. You'd be amazed how much it discourages someone when you can tap dance on their face with hook to the jaw, and of course the front-leg side kick is one of the most useful and devastating kicks out there.

Form... Koryo. Hands down. Just looks amazing, all precision and technique.

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