Karate Kata's

My favorite is Sanchin Kata follow closely by Kanshu. Both are from my style, Uechi-ryu. I like Sanchin because it seems like it is simple...yet I find that to do it right (and I am not sure if I ever have) is very difficult and very exhausting. As far as Kanshu, I just enjoy doing it. I feel as though I am still learning each kata that has been presented thus far. So for me it is a matter of progression...not perfection.

- Jeff -
My favourite kata has to be Shodan aswell... Pinan Shodan... I am unfamiliar with the difference between Pinan and Heian

I am studying Bassai atm and love the kata it is incredible... I enjoy Unsu, Nijushiho and Saifa aswell... and I think the kata I think it is spelt Kintori I am unsure is amazing I cannot wait to study it
SAnchin has always been one of my favorites
I like Heian Shodan, Bassai, and a few others from the "karate" forms, and Outter Tiger from Pai Lum
Naihanchi Shodan, Matsumora branch Seisan & Okinawan Goju Ryu Seipai. All three give you fits with structure, alignment and maintainence of structure during transition. Plus there is enough bunkai within thos three to keep you busy for some time.

Dan Anderson
As a couple others have said, I like the Pinans (SKK *brand* is what I learned, tho now have seen all the major versions thanks to You Tube).

But I have at least as much time training in San Soo Kung Fu, and there are several of its many forms that I'm very partial to, although probably few posters here would be familiar with them. The theme is fighting in all directions without moving much from the point of origin (the empty hand forms leave the ball of either the left or right foot on the same pivot point through the whole form).
I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis kung fu and my favorite form is Bung Bu (Crushing step). It is fun to perform, it is the founders form, and has great fighting techniques.

When I was studying Shaolin Kenpo my favorite form was Shaolin Crane. This was very drastically altered version of Statue of the Crane. It was short artistic and had good fighting techniques.
I've always like and competed with Nijushiho. I also like Aoyagi (the version I learned) as it is such a great combination of both hard and soft movements wrapped up in one :)
aoyagi was created by Mabuni. It is also called Seiryu in Ryobukai(shindo jinen ryu) Konishi's style. Konishi adopted the kata. He was a student of Mabuni's, as well as Funakoshi and Motobu.
The kata nijushiho's original name on Okinawa is Niseishi. Niseishi is practiced in Shito ryu, wado ryu, and several other styles, including ryukyu Kempo and ryuei ryu. In each version you can see the obvious similarities. The are only slightly different.
When I did Kyokushin I loved Tensho.

Now that I am Enshin I love all 7 katas! They are very interesting and useful.
I'm fond of Tekki Shodan, I also really like Meikyo.


P.S. Althought to be fair my favorite kata is actualy from American Kenpo, Long Form 4.
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Kurotora, Nipaipo, Anan are some of my favorites.... very complex, bunkai oyo is understandbly complex, beautiful, artistic, easy to see the "chinese connection" henka waza are also excellent...

Kata are still the secrets...... because most instructors know a fixed number and don't want to teach everything they know....

remember: "Sensei teaches you everything you know, NOT everything he knows..."

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