Woman shows burglar in house who's boss


MT Mentor
Here is an interesting story for you to read.

This is my favorite part of the article:
But once Hogan saw the teen try to run up the stairs past her, the unassuming-looking Hogan said her instincts took over.

"This is my house, this is my property. You have to fight for what you believe in," she said.

The spunky Hogan said she comes from a small town and has observed ongoing "social decline" in communities. She said it's time for residents to make a stand and take back their neighborhoods from burglars and other thugs.

Thoughts on this? We are often told by those in authority or "safety advocates" to always call the police first... :rolleyes: There is a time and place for doing things and sometimes the police cannot be there quickly enough.

She apparently got sense of her situation from observing and her level of safety to be able to do what she did. I applaud her and I agree with her.

- Ceicei
My opinion - good move. She obviously had control and awareness of the situation and took action. If the guy had a gun, different story...but if he tried to run past her and not attack her, probably a robbery without intention to harm.
Good for her. Doesn't it seem like there are a lot of burglars who are getting in and then hanging out? I've seen stories where the owners found someone sleeping on their couch, taking a shower, making an omelet, etc. Why wouldn't you get in and out as fast as possible?

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