Fasting and the Martial Arts Mindset

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i'm not insulting anybody....i came here to have a conversation and try to learn something, i write out a long and thoughtful article and the first guy comes at me with two words, "you're sick."
tbh I can see his point to me that sounds like an eating disorder starve yourself to the extreme which is dangerous then binge like crazy which is also dangerous.
Last thing I'll say on this because I've got better things to do. There's no need to starve and there's no need to binge. A healthy lifestyle is eating sensibly that means eating 3 balanced meals a day but that doesn't mean you can't eat any bad food there's nothing wrong with eating a pizza once a week or having 1 bar of chocolate or packet of crisps a day or eating some cake every now and then. That's not bad at all as long as you don't eat a whole cake every day of the week. I guarantee any doctor will give you the same advice, but tbh you won't listen so good luck with it I'm done
First: from what you're describing you have an eating disorder. Could be bulimia, bdd, unspecified or something else (cant really say over a forum) but you've got something.

Second: this is not the place to ask for an appropriate amount of calories to eat, or how to fast in a healthy manner. Go to a nutritionist, discuss what you've been doing, and ask him/her for advice on what to do going forwards. Not (just) your PCP.

Last: Weight loss is not always healthy. It generally is, but you telling us you lost 130 pounds does not tell any of us if what you are doing is healthy.
It seems to me sometimes that my biggest enemy is fat.

I want to anihallate fat from my life.

I understand that for me this means reducing calories.

I have lost 130 lbs in the last year.

55 yo 6' 4" tall. Went from 286 to 158. 158 because my biggest motivation is to be able to eat again. Per my plan I hit 158 then went on 2 week feast cycle and weighed-in at 183 after two solid weeks of heavenly bliss.

Now I'm back on program per plan until next feast cycle. Then will repeat cycle until they bury me. Living out the remainder of my days just a shade underweight. And never being even anywhere close to slightly overweight again for as long as I live.

That is the plan.

And it is going to require a great amount of self discipline during my fasting cycles. Rewarded by all-you-can-eat no-menu-item-limit feast cycles. I think over the course of 365 days there will be more fasting days than feasting days. This is still an experiment and a work in progress.

But long story short, I think the Shaolin Monk mentality will play a large part in my success. Beat the fat. Kick the living stuff out of the fat. Ban the fat from my life totally and completely. Win the game ever day, weather feasting or fasting, by being either almost too skinny or just under my perfect weight or somewhere in between until the day they bury me.

Of course if I get hit with Parkinsons or Cancer or something then everything could go out the window in pretty quick order. Hopefully I've got a few good years ahead of me still. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise. I think exorcizing the fat from my life will help in that area too.

In the Shaolin Priest world, would a Grand Master tolerate any fat on his body? It seems to me that it is a badge of honor to be nowhere near overweight, preferably to be almost too skinny. Living proof that you have power over the weakness of overeating and having the layers of fat slowly overtake you as you weakly and lazily gorge on many hundreds and thousands of excess calories on any given day.

We all have seen the fat Budhist Priest statues. I think that being fat like that is not acceptable in my Martial Arts world.

I understand we all come in different shapes and sizes and we all face different challenges and that I am very lucky to have the health and abilities that I enjoy every day. But I am just throwing this out there to discuss these thoughts in my mind. Of how I want to be almost too skinny for the rest of my life. And still enjoy multiple week long periods of absolute King-Like feasting and gorging. Enjoying the longer fasting cycles as much or more than I enjoy the shorter feasting cycles. 365 days of Nirvana and being somewhere between almost too skinny on the bottom end and not even close to being even remotely overweight on the top end.

In a way it's kind of like the bodybuilding scene, where guys and gals get overly obsessed with their physiques, but on the other hand it's a matter of personal pride, to know that whenever you are facing another individual in life, you automatically have the upper hand because your are in extremely fit physical condition and they are far, far, from it. In the office and it business dealings etc.

And not just for those reasons, but for many, many reasons. Health benefits. Satisfaction of living in the zone every day. Can't put in to words but just thought I'd throw this out there and see if anybody has anything to say about my thoughts and my plan.

Experience the clarity of mind when fasting. Fasting while I study. Fasting while I'm working out. Fasting while I'm sleeping. Enjoying the feeling that only fasting can bring. The satisfaction that fasting is the obvious answer. And I have it. And I will never be fat again.

Others who are fat simply cannot endure the hunger that comes along with fasting. If they could simply endure the hunger, eventually the fat will give up and go away. It is simply a matter of mind over matter. Much like becoming a Grand Master in the Martial Arts. A Grand Master of Fasting. Just look at him and you can see the Extreme Self Discipline that you know it takes, but you know you do not have.

Bottom line. For me, I am convinced that Fasting is the Cure. And the Kung Fu/Martial Arts Mindset is the only thing that can endure the hunger that is required to be endured.

Great forum guys. Sorry if I'm out of place with my post. Just trying to learn and up my training game.


Here's the picture of my plan that is in my mind.......

People arnt being particularly kind to you, but really what your doing isn't a sensible way forward, fasting has some merit to it, but that's 2days of fasting in a week, followed by healthy eating,not months of fasting followed by weeks of binging,

If your happy that fine, but your trying to tell others its the way forward and it clearly isn't.

Loosing weight from 290 lbs sound good, congrates on that, but washing up at 160 at 6'4sounds a step to far, its impossible to tell how healthy you are with out meeting you or at least seeing a picture, but at that height , even with single figure body fat you should weigh far more than that, if you have even moderately developed muscles. .

So its a fair conclusion you don't, which is not surprising, as hard excersise whilst starving yourself will eat muscle not fat, you do of course loose weight, muscles are heavy, but eventually you won't be able to stand up.

You measure fat content with calipers or your eye, not with a scale.

Fat consumed doesn't generally turn to fat on your body, its carbs that are the major culprits for that, you need fat to power your body at low intensity, you NEED to eat fat in your diet and you need protein, of which animal fat is a good source.

The bruse Lee look is a good look if you have Bruce's muscles, a lot less so if you look like a half starved pencil
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Doug, I applaud your weight loss, I really do, I know how difficult the whole weight thing can be. But, you're six four. Maybe you should get a little shorter?
[humorous interlude] Was that a target weight you had? Or was it random?

I'm curious as to what your Kung Fu instructor thinks about your loss of weight.
What kind of hell does it cause to your cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, heart, circulatory system, organs of elimination, and testosterone levels being 130 lbs overweight and eating hundreds and thousands of excess calories every day?

What is the minimum amount of calories that can be consumed and still be a healthy diet?

give me a number. minimum amount of calories that can be consumed per day and still be healthy.

You are drawing a false dichotomy. There are choices other than your current plan or being 130 lbs. overweight.

The number of calories your body needs to function properly depends upon you, your metabolism, your health issues (genetics), your activity levels, etc. There's not a magic answer. There are good and bad sides to fasting (and a lot of different types of fasting, all of which seem to have different effects), and I know of no good side to bingeing.
You know, a picture, or better yet a video of you training while fasting would really drive home your point. Are you able to train at a high level on no food? Prove it. Res Ipsa Loquitur or in English, The thing speaks for itself.
You know, a picture, or better yet a video of you training while fasting would really drive home your point. Are you able to train at a high level on no food? Prove it. Res Ipsa Loquitur or in English, The thing speaks for itself.
Nowhere in this post did he mention training in anything or practicing martial arts. If what he is saying is true and he is really doing these starve binge cycles, I highly doubt he'd have the energy or strength. Nobody would.

What he did say is that he is taking the Shaolin Kung Fu mentality to do battle with hunger and fat. I think he does fat Fu.
Nowhere in this post did he mention training in anything or practicing martial arts. If what he is saying is true and he is really doing these starve binge cycles, I highly doubt he'd have the energy or strength. Nobody would.

What he did say is that he is taking the Shaolin Kung Fu mentality to do battle with hunger and fat. I think he does fat Fu.

Actually, he did.
time for kung fu workout with push ups, kicking, jumping jacks and squats. is there anybody here who does any fasting besides me and guicia?

i read books that are written far more than 100 years ago that are still true today.

Come to think of it, I think martial arts training would be hard to do well either on the feast or the famine phases of this plan. Who wants to do martial arts after eating a bunch of crap all day? The energy is all going towards digestion and, maybe, fat storage. In the short time I am back at MA, I have found I do much better eating a bit less food than I might normally eat.
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This seems like it's too extreme to be a healthy approach. Many diets will suggest that you eat healthy most of the time, and have a "cheat day" or "cheat meal" every so often where you can eat whatever you want and let off some steam. But that's very different from fasting for weeks until you're dramatically underweight and then binge-eating for weeks to put the weight back on. That seems like a form of bulimia.
It seems to me sometimes that my biggest enemy is fat.

I want to anihallate fat from my life.

I understand that for me this means reducing calories.

I have lost 130 lbs in the last year.

55 yo 6' 4" tall. Went from 286 to 158. 158 because my biggest motivation is to be able to eat again. Per my plan I hit 158 then went on 2 week feast cycle and weighed-in at 183 after two solid weeks of heavenly bliss.

Now I'm back on program per plan until next feast cycle. Then will repeat cycle until they bury me. Living out the remainder of my days just a shade underweight. And never being even anywhere close to slightly overweight again for as long as I live.

That is the plan.

And it is going to require a great amount of self discipline during my fasting cycles. Rewarded by all-you-can-eat no-menu-item-limit feast cycles. I think over the course of 365 days there will be more fasting days than feasting days. This is still an experiment and a work in progress.

But long story short, I think the Shaolin Monk mentality will play a large part in my success. Beat the fat. Kick the living stuff out of the fat. Ban the fat from my life totally and completely. Win the game ever day, weather feasting or fasting, by being either almost too skinny or just under my perfect weight or somewhere in between until the day they bury me.

Of course if I get hit with Parkinsons or Cancer or something then everything could go out the window in pretty quick order. Hopefully I've got a few good years ahead of me still. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise. I think exorcizing the fat from my life will help in that area too.

In the Shaolin Priest world, would a Grand Master tolerate any fat on his body? It seems to me that it is a badge of honor to be nowhere near overweight, preferably to be almost too skinny. Living proof that you have power over the weakness of overeating and having the layers of fat slowly overtake you as you weakly and lazily gorge on many hundreds and thousands of excess calories on any given day.

We all have seen the fat Budhist Priest statues. I think that being fat like that is not acceptable in my Martial Arts world.

I understand we all come in different shapes and sizes and we all face different challenges and that I am very lucky to have the health and abilities that I enjoy every day. But I am just throwing this out there to discuss these thoughts in my mind. Of how I want to be almost too skinny for the rest of my life. And still enjoy multiple week long periods of absolute King-Like feasting and gorging. Enjoying the longer fasting cycles as much or more than I enjoy the shorter feasting cycles. 365 days of Nirvana and being somewhere between almost too skinny on the bottom end and not even close to being even remotely overweight on the top end.

In a way it's kind of like the bodybuilding scene, where guys and gals get overly obsessed with their physiques, but on the other hand it's a matter of personal pride, to know that whenever you are facing another individual in life, you automatically have the upper hand because your are in extremely fit physical condition and they are far, far, from it. In the office and it business dealings etc.

And not just for those reasons, but for many, many reasons. Health benefits. Satisfaction of living in the zone every day. Can't put in to words but just thought I'd throw this out there and see if anybody has anything to say about my thoughts and my plan.

Experience the clarity of mind when fasting. Fasting while I study. Fasting while I'm working out. Fasting while I'm sleeping. Enjoying the feeling that only fasting can bring. The satisfaction that fasting is the obvious answer. And I have it. And I will never be fat again.

Others who are fat simply cannot endure the hunger that comes along with fasting. If they could simply endure the hunger, eventually the fat will give up and go away. It is simply a matter of mind over matter. Much like becoming a Grand Master in the Martial Arts. A Grand Master of Fasting. Just look at him and you can see the Extreme Self Discipline that you know it takes, but you know you do not have.

Bottom line. For me, I am convinced that Fasting is the Cure. And the Kung Fu/Martial Arts Mindset is the only thing that can endure the hunger that is required to be endured.

Great forum guys. Sorry if I'm out of place with my post. Just trying to learn and up my training game.


Here's the picture of my plan that is in my mind.......


"I want to annihilate fat." or in another post from this thread, you said, you found "The final solution."

Pretty frightening stuff, given that fat as essential a part of our bodies as muscle, or water, or blood. Question. Who came up with the expression "The Final Solution?"
Actually, he did.

Come to think of it, I think martial arts training would be hard to do well either on the feast or the famine phases of this plan. Who wants to do martial arts after eating a bunch of crap all day? The energy is all going towards digestion and, maybe, fat storage. In the short time I am back at MA, I have found I do much better eating a bit less food than I might normally eat.
Yes he used the words Kung Fu a lot. I'm not sure he uses it in the same way as say, someone that actually does a style of Chinese 'kung fu' if he did, he probably wouldn't be using the words Kung Fu, but instead the name of the actual style.
Yes he used the words Kung Fu a lot. I'm not sure he uses it in the same way as say, someone that actually does a style of Chinese 'kung fu' if he did, he probably wouldn't be using the words Kung Fu, but instead the name of the actual style.
I hadn't noticed that because, frankly, I am not all that familiar with Chinese Martial Arts beyond watching old Bruce Lee movies.

I propose putting the question directly to OP. What style of kung fu to you train in? Do you have a teacher? What does he, or she think of your extreme eating regime?
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"Question. Who came up with the expression "The Final Solution?"
Well certainly NOT the Germans, their phrase was " endlosung " which was roughly translated in to English as the far more dramatic sounding " final solution" so probably some news paper ?
Thanks for the feedback! I'm reading them as I can and will respond ASAP! Keep up the good work guys! Yea buddy!!
Doug, I applaud your weight loss, I really do, I know how difficult the whole weight thing can be. But, you're six four. Maybe you should get a little shorter?
[humorous interlude] Was that a target weight you had? Or was it random?

I'm curious as to what your Kung Fu instructor thinks about your loss of weight.

Thanks Barn! LOL funny! i haven't asked them....i follow a few guys on youtube.....
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