Fasting and the Martial Arts Mindset

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I have my annual physical exam with the Doctor on 5/2.

Give me a list of readings you would like to know, cholestoral and all bmi and all those indexes that you all like to keep track of....blood pressure, etc......whatever measurements you would like to see...i'll have my Doctor write them all down for me and i'll post them here for your review...

my bet is that every single health measurement you can think of, i'll be spot on.

my bet is my Doctor will tell me it is totally freaking amazing that I have lost 130 lbs since i my last visit and give me big congrats! brothers, my health has improved CONSIDERABLY.

let me know what numbers you would like to see and that i should have my Doctor write down for me and i'll post them here.

cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, testosterone levels...anything else?

then i'll do the same next year.

i'll bet my numbers beat a lot of ya'lls numbers.

i'll bet that 99% of the time when the doctor tells somebody one of their numbers is going sour and the patient says oh dear doctor what shall i ever do, the doc will tell them that they need to lose some weight and everything should be just fine........
give me a list guys, how can i measure how healthy i am? I'll get the numbers from my Doctor and post them here. then i'll challenge you all to post your numbers here. let's see who wins.
In Chinese, the term kung fu (功夫) refers to any skill that is acquired through learning or practice.

I think fasting is a skill that is acquired through learning and practice.

Fasting has a long history in Religion and elsewhere.

It is a thing that I am interested in.

There are many reasons to fast. Spiritual, political, personal, weight loss, health benefits and many others. To me it seems to go hand in hand with Martial Arts.

Headhunter, you say You need some fat in your diet otherwise it's just not healthy.

I say if you have even 1 lb of excess fat on your body, then you will have some fat in your diet.

Even if you ate nothing for 48 hours you would still have had some fat in your diet because you would be eating your own body fat.

Can anybody refute what I say? I think that is a fact. If you have any fat on your body, and you fast for 48 hours, at the end of that 48 hours your body will have consumed some fat, your own body fat. you are eating yourself. this is a fact. can you refute this? i think not.

Martial D, so all bodybuilders have BDD? And they are all sick people. Ok. Have a nice day.

What are you talking about? What body builder alternates between eating badly and not eating at all?

You seem to have mental issues that are spilling over into your ability to hold a rational conversation. I hope you get the help you need.

Be well.
Smoking is bad for you. I like to smoke cigars. Drinking is bad for you. I like to drink. Are there any Martial Artists who like to do and do do unhealthy things? I think there are many. It is a matter of choosing your own lifestyle. I don't see that it is going to cause me any more problems than being 130 lbs overweight would cause me.

And just because Bruce Lee died at 32 does not mean he is not a good example to follow eh? Dying at 32 was not the only thing he did in life. Isn't it just a life choice? I think you are only saying it is not what you would choose to do, but you can't say what I should choose to do.

Look at some of these eating challenge guys on youtube. They eat enough to kill a horse. That is what they choose to do. I think it is a good discussion either way. Time will tell how it goes. Success for one may not be the same thing as success for another.

If I can work my plan successfully I will be happy. I disagree that fasting then feasting is such a terrible thing. I think I will be here next year still working the same plan and never having gone over 185 lbs. I'll bet 50 cents on it. Any takers?

I think nobody here likes to eat like I like to eat.

Hey if you want to do it then do it makes no difference to me but it's not smart
Martial D, so all bodybuilders have BDD? And they are all sick people. Ok. Have a nice day.

I'll cut the doctors some slack but like Willie Nelson says, there's more old drunks than there are old Doctors so I think I'll just have me another round.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Good little forum here. Just killing time while I fast. Don't need as much sleep when I'm fasting. Feeling great! Keep up the good work everybody! Much impressed with all of the Martial Arts working going on here. Enjoying the forum. Don't want to be the big dummy around here, just venting some thoughts off against the sounding board while I work on my human experiment of one.

You do realise bodybuilders don't fast right they eat huge amounts of calories so that they can sustain their training and put the bulk on
Headhunter, you say You need some fat in your diet otherwise it's just not healthy.

I say if you have even 1 lb of excess fat on your body, then you will have some fat in your diet.

Even if you ate nothing for 48 hours you would still have had some fat in your diet because you would be eating your own body fat.

Can anybody refute what I say? I think that is a fact. If you have any fat on your body, and you fast for 48 hours, at the end of that 48 hours your body will have consumed some fat, your own body fat. you are eating yourself. this is a fact. can you refute this? i think not.
hehehe, this is "interesting" misconception.

The mechanism of burning own body fat is "tiny" bit more complicated than that.

If your body is well trained and in state of ketosis, then there is a chance that your body will start burning fat within couple of hours of fasting. But to achieve state of ketosis might also take some time.

Otherwise it can take couple of days before body uses all circulating glucose and stored glycogen before the fat burning kicks in.

IMO you should research a bit more on the subject of fasting, understand what is actually happening in your body and plan the fast properly before attempting it. (and I mean available recent studies, not a booklet from about a 100 years ago ;) )
You do realise bodybuilders don't fast right they eat huge amounts of calories so that they can sustain their training and put the bulk on

right, that's what i do during my feast cycles.....i go in to full dive bodybuilding mode eating huge amounts of calories so i can sustain my tranining and put the bulk on......

there you go headhunter.......glad i didn't listen to you when i weighed 286 lbs.....i would probably still be a fat slob.......
What body builder alternates between eating badly and not eating at all?

probably all of them.....have you seen jay cutler and ronnie coleman in the offseason? fatter than hell..........and fasting does not mean eating nothing at all.......try to read more closely...........did i go from 286 lbs to 158 lbs by not eating nothing at all for almost a year? get a clue well. i hope you seek out professional help for your issues. good luck.
time for kung fu workout with push ups, kicking, jumping jacks and squats. is there anybody here who does any fasting besides me and guicia?

i read books that are written far more than 100 years ago that are still true today.
probably all of them.....have you seen jay cutler and ronnie coleman in the offseason? fatter than hell..........and fasting does not mean eating nothing at all.......try to read more closely...........did i go from 286 lbs to 158 lbs by not eating nothing at all for almost a year? get a clue well. i hope you seek out professional help for your issues. good luck.
You're a piece of work aren't come here asking for advice then start insulting people when you get it
thank you for all of the negative comments guys.....i'll be working out harder and able to fast longer because of them......thank you......

and than you all for your positive comments, i'll be working out harder and able fast longer because of them......thank you...

and thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments....i'll be working out harder and fasting longer because of them.....

and to anybody who has not put in their two cents worth, please post your thoughts on fasting........i'll look for some examples of fasting in the martial arts community and post anything i find here........investigating further at this time......

i am not the only person in the world who fasts, and not everybody in the world who fasts is mentally sick and needs to seek out professional help...................i would say probably everybody who has commented here so far has never been etremely overweight and probably has never had to cut 130 lbs........before i turned 45 years old i was that same way and may well have said the same things.......................i realize i'm getting a very narrow scope of opinions here on this thread but just trying it out to see if i can learn anything......

i'm not insulting anybody....i came here to have a conversation and try to learn something, i write out a long and thoughtful article and the first guy comes at me with two words, "you're sick."
i'm not insulting anybody. where did i insult anybody? time to go guys! have a great day and thanks for the feedback. Yea Buddy!!!!!
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