failing a test



I remember one time about 10 or 11 years ago I was studying with this school that I now consider despicable and fake in many regards.
I was testing for a red belt, with a piece of black electrical tape on it (whats up with all this tape on belts anyway? LOL).
The test costed 80 dollars or so, it was infront of this "master" guy, besides my normal instructor.
Later I found out that I had failed the test, when I asked my instructor why he said that I didn't kiai loud enough when I broke some boards. So being the mindless fanatic that I was back then, I was like ok, when can I retest? He said that he could video tape me kiai-ing and send that to the master guy for another 80 dollars and then I could have the next rank. So of course I was gullible and took him up on it to get the next rank.
Wasn't yelling loud enough? :shrug: Oh man, I woulda failed big time. I just don't 'kia'. not even the little car. :D

As to the electical tape, I think some of the Kenpo guys have stock in 3M, and the rest of us just thought it was cool. :D
that was a total rip off... and yes electrical tape is awesome... i should get stock in 3M hell i go thru so much tape its not even funny lol no cheezy imbroidered belts like in tkd... anyone else find that really cheap and corny looking to have your name rank style and orginazation sewn on your belt in gold???
Yeah. Gold is so tacky.

I'll get mine done in silver. :) (may be a while..that eternal white belt thing ya know) ;)
Oh man, not that...

hey, where do I go to test for Camofloge belt rank? :D
lol i dont know maybe dux ryu???? lol but if i ever find a school in middle tennessee using a camo belt... there will be an old school *** whoppin going on lol

I saw a test once...Kids shoe went flying, nailed an instructor who had forgotten hit 'protection'. Shortly afterthat, the poor kid through a kick, and fell on hit ***. It went down hill from there.

He didn't pass.

Not even for the camo-belt. :D
lmao was it one of those little kung fu shoes that everyone sells? cause ive fired one of those things thru a mirror before lol that was not fun to clean up lol
lmao those things make much better projectiles than actuall foot wear lol
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan

that was a total rip off... and yes electrical tape is awesome... i should get stock in 3M hell i go thru so much tape its not even funny lol no cheezy imbroidered belts like in tkd... anyone else find that really cheap and corny looking to have your name rank style and orginazation sewn on your belt in gold???

They are pretty tacky when they do that aren't they? Supposed to be just a white roman numeral indicating your Dan according to the encyclopedia. That's the way our club does it and I like it that way. Draws more attention to that nice duce I finally got on my belt. :D
hummmm then the gold stitching must just be a WTF thing since they are the only ones i have seen around here the only ITF school i have been too in the area did nothing they just wore the belt no marking for Dan's at all...but the white roman numerals sounds alot better than the gold crap that covers almost a foot of each end of the belt lol
TLh nope there was a change ITF does use gold Roman Numerals for their rank.As for Camo belts I believe that ATA uses them.They look stupid.What type of rank is Camo belt it is a joke.
Well, okay....for kids, anyway.

Our school uses the camo belt as a "little dragons" belt--the "dragon belt" is just kinda fun, and only young kids are eligible for it--any adult wearing one would just look.....well...*stupid*.....

Little dragons progress using the camo/"dragon" belt as an intermediate step from white to yellow.....they have to learn fewer techniques to get the dragon belt, so they get a pretty quick advancement, and that boosts confidence. Works pretty well.

I have often joked that I would like to have one, though....I think it would go well with a camo ninja suit...LOL....(KIDDING!! KIDDING!!)

And I *do* have gold lettering on my Black Belt....the school name on one side, in small letters, and my name on the other (first initial, last name)--also in small letters. Only takes up a few inches, looks tasteful, and is, in my opinion, well done. Dan rank is just indicated with red stripes.

TLh nope there was a change ITF does use gold Roman Numerals for their rank.QUOTE]

Read the book. Like I said, the encyclopedia of TaeKwon-Do states that Dan rank should be indicated by a white roman numeral on the left side with nothing else on the belt. There has never been any change to that. I didn't say that 95% of the ITF schools out there use gold anyway.
When I get my second degree brown, I'm getting two black stripes embroidered on my brown belt. That's it. no letters, nothing fancy, just two plain old black stripes. I just think the electrical tape looks tacky, plus, its sticky enough to stick to everything except what its supposed to stick to.
Our black belts have a gold stripe on the end for each extra dan they've got and also their name embroidered on - at least if you're new you know what to call them!

And yeah, we used to have the ubiquitous electrical tape for half-ranks (e.g. white belt yellow tag). I always said I could pinch my Dad's (he's an electrician) green and yellow striped "earth" tape. I thought that'd look cool!
But now we've got these posh belts where the stripe goes horizontally all the way round and its actually on the belt, they're much better. Not so cheap n tacky! :)
We used to use the tacky looking electrical tape..In our organization we use cloth strips. Now I split the side seam of a students belt for advanced belt promotions.. and use the next belt color cloth strips (Bias tape) and following the stitches of the belt.. sew the strips on. Looks much better and no sticky tape.