Face the Flag?


White Belt
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum but I've been reading it for a few months now and finally decided to make an account, as I have a question for all of you.

At your dojang, how do you say "face the flag" in Korean (if you say it at all)?

I've been doing taekwondo for almost three years now, and recently earned my red belt. I've also been studying Korean seriously for just over a year. For my next belt testing, one of the things I have to know how to say is the command for "face the flag", which my instructor says is, "geuggi daharyeo (극기 다하려)," I think. That's what it sounds like, at least. I know that flag is "geuggi (극기)" and the verb to face is "daehada (대하다)" but I don't understand where this "ryeo (려)" sound is coming from. Does anyone understand? Am I mishearing?
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Welcome to MartialTalk, Suseonwa. :)

There's a lot of knowledgeable folks here, I'm sure they'll chime in. In the meantime, maybe ask one of the black belts at your dojo?
From my (very) limited knowledge...

The "hada" (하다) part of the verb means "do" (as in "to do something"), but this is the base or dictionary form. It needs to be conjugated (in an irregular fashion) if you're going to use it in context. So in present tense it's changed to "haeyo" (해요).

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