I'm looking for advice on best practices for hanging flags, both in my home dojo and in my future commercial school. I have the way I've seen flags in class, the way I want to post the flags, and then there's the rules I've read on flag etiquette.
This is also with the understanding that the flag etiquette rules don't really seem to be enforceable (especially considering that in my experience, they are not followed).
Commercial Taekwondo school:
Home Dojo:
For my home dojo, I would like to include flags of the places I've studied martial arts, and from the countries where the arts originated. This means that for TKD/HKD, BJJ, and Muay Thai, I would have the flags of South Korea, Brazil, and Thailand; and for my training I would have the US flag, WA state flag, and TX state flag.
My original plan, in part due to the space I have, is to do two rows:
The two alternate solutions I can come up with would require either selecting a different wall for the flags (which is going to put them in a weird spot) and/or using smaller flags so they can fit.
This is also with the understanding that the flag etiquette rules don't really seem to be enforceable (especially considering that in my experience, they are not followed).
Commercial Taekwondo school:
- My original plan - American Flag - Korean Flag - Texan Flag. This puts the Korean flag in the center, which makes it
- My experience - In both my current and most recent dojang, it went Korean Flag - American Flag, with no state flag.
- My research - As far as I can tell, there was no advice given on including US, International, and State flags. There was only for US and International (US on the left, all flags same height in times of peace) or for US and State (on the same flagpole, US flag is on top; on separate poles, US flag is centered).
Home Dojo:
For my home dojo, I would like to include flags of the places I've studied martial arts, and from the countries where the arts originated. This means that for TKD/HKD, BJJ, and Muay Thai, I would have the flags of South Korea, Brazil, and Thailand; and for my training I would have the US flag, WA state flag, and TX state flag.
My original plan, in part due to the space I have, is to do two rows:
- Top row - US, WA, TX
- Bottom row - South Korea, Brazil, Thailand
The two alternate solutions I can come up with would require either selecting a different wall for the flags (which is going to put them in a weird spot) and/or using smaller flags so they can fit.
- Option 1: All 6 flags in one row - US - South Korea - Brazil - Thailand - TX - WA
- Option 2: Country flags on top row - US - Brazil - Thailand - South Korea; state flags on bottom row: WA and TX under Brazil and Thailand (for the same reason as above)